Letter to Yumei.

When entering class, some students checked their lockers in search of a notebook, book, or whatever they needed before the first class.

Yumei and Yurisa had their lockers a meter apart, so they always talked. Juro's was in front of Kazumi's, I always saw her put down her books and take out her notebooks for class. He knew that she adorned the notebooks with several green hearts, which curiously was Juro's favorite since he was a child.

Yurisa had her locker adorned with several photos of her family, as well as a rosary that hung on the door. She had taken a picture with Teacher Aimi, and where did that picture end? In the locker, of course.

When Yumei looked at her locker, it was noticeable that there was something like a leaf, a very thick one peeking out from outside.

At first, she thought that someone had stolen her sacred sepulcher of school belongings, so he quickened his pace, leaving Yurisa behind.

-Yumei, why so fast? –Yurisa asked, trotting to try to catch up with her friend.

-Someone opened my locker. -When he saw the padlock, she did not feel cheated, it was not broken or anything that could be proof that someone had opened the locker.

Immediately, she put the master combination, being the date of birth of his favorite singer: Stevie Wonder.

Opening it, she realized that what was sticking out was not a piece of paper… it was a half-wrinkled envelope, with a round and well-made hand, although very ornate since whoever had written it had undoubtedly taken pains to write it well.

-A letter? –Yurisa questioned, closing her umbrella. The rainy weather had not yet passed.

-Yes… -The sender was a boy from the classroom, named Eiji.

Eiji was a very skilled boy for sports, always competing with Juro, being a competition never declared by both, but they always strived to be better than the other.

If one made three baskets the other had to score six, or at least four. If one ran ten laps without getting tired, the other had to run fifteen. In short, a war of manhood not declared, but that was satisfactory for both.

The letter was clear and concise. Nothing more than a single written line. "Please come behind the gym at recess time." All written in darkened blue ink, with the same bold, round handwriting on the other side of the paper.

Yumei already knew Eiji from the first semester. The first time they had contact was one day when she brought her guitar to school, they were both musicians.

From there on out, some casual greetings when they bumped into each other, some quick chat in line at the cafeteria. Eiji always, every day without fail, asked Yumei for a pencil, a dark blue one. In fact, he had used his own pen to write that letter, that invitation.

However, during those last few days, Eiji had been closer than normal. The two had played in a downtown cafeteria at the boy's request, so they were now very good acquaintances.

Yurisa asked Yumei please not to go, because otherwise she would be alone. After little thought, she simply refused her friend's request.

-It's rude that they mention a place and you don't go. –She said, very sure of herself.

-Traitor. -Yurisa looked ugly at Yumei, but didn't insist any more.

-Come on, there it is! -Ringo exclaimed.

-Shh, don't talk so damn loud! –Juro muttered.

Ringo pushed Juro toward the locker next to Kazumi, hitting himself on the shoulder. Then he finished it off by stamping it several more in the same box, Kazumi took a few steps to the opposite side.

-Idiot, you scare her! -Juro yelled.

-Sorry Kazumi, I think I spent a bit with him ... well I left them chatting. –Ringo ran faster than a thief being chased by two police dogs.

-H-hello ... nice day, huh? -He smiled.

-More or less. Today it has not rained as much as yesterday. –Kazumi finished putting what was needed in her backpack.

-And tell me, do you by any chance like the movies?

-Yes, why do you ask, Juro?

-Ah, it's not for nothing! ... -Juro took out a brochure from his pocket, throwing it on the ground. -Oh my, what do we have here? A brochure thrown to the side of us, how curious, don't you think?

-I hadn't seen it when I came here. –Kazumi did not realize the trap, she looked the boy in the eye.

-Oh, what a coincidence, the brochure is a 2x1 promotion at the cinema, with popcorn and soda included, do you like popcorn?

-Yes, I also like them. -She smiled.

-Great. It's not like I'm asking or anything like that but, I don't know, what if, by chance, in the event of ... Why don't we go to the movies on Saturday? I mean, it's too good a promotion to waste.

-I like horror movies, I hope you're not afraid.

-I? Pff, nor did my hands shake and I was sweating cold for asking you this. -Juro was sweating cold and his hands were shaking… coincidentally.

-Well, will you come by me at three to see the four o'clock show?

-I-I don't know where you live.

-I give you my address at the exit, will you?

-Well. –Kazumi closed her locker and left with her deer walk.

Juro waited a few seconds and started celebrating with a soccer player after scoring a goal. He had, at most, an extra forty minutes to be able to chat with Kazumi and get to know her more.

As for Yumei, she ran into Eiji at the door when they both wanted to enter. She smiled warmly at him, to which the boy gave way. The two of them sat in places quite apart from their classroom, but they did not stop seeing each other during the classes.

They were the same distance, which is why they always turned to look on purpose. They had something like a little game: each time they saw each other, one smiled politely and the other waved, interspersed at every opportunity.

Eiji already knew that Yumei was going to be in the mentioned place without her telling him, all because of that apparently useless little game.

Yumei wouldn't mess around with "little games" and when it was her turn to smile, she winked extremely flirtatiously at Eiji. The boy almost lost his heart to see her make such a small gesture.

When he looked at her again, Yumei was smiling, no longer out of courtesy, but out of purely genuine amusement. Eiji didn't know how to react, so he waved, trying to follow the previous game.

Yurisa noticed everything during the two classes that the lovebirds had been playing. So, very irritated, she lightly pinched Yumei's arm, as if she was trying to calm her down.

Without getting excited, she turned around and blew Yurisa a kiss, then winked at Eiji again. Yurisa got quite angry, taking her friend by the shoulder.

-Hey, what do you think you're doing? -She questioned him, irritated and annoyed.

-I flirt with Eiji, isn't it obvious? -Yumei replied, giggling.

-And you don't think you're going a bit out of line? You give him false hope.

-For me, Eiji was always quite attractive ... he already has my attention, if he captivates me enough, I may ask him to be my boyfriend.

-What?! –Yurisa couldn't help but scream, which everyone stared at, watching her face blush from top to bottom. -Did I yell or think about it?

-You yelled it. –They all answered him.

-Oh God, what a shame. -Yurisa crouched down on her bench, fuming from her head.

It was Friday, so teacher Aimi was not coming, much to Ringo's regret, especially him. Although for Yumei… it could be an opportunity for something new.

You could tell that she felt more than admiration for a very attractive teacher. Only in this case, that was another matter entirely.

Already at the time of recess, Yurisa grabbed Yumei's legs, being dragged by it. She didn't want to let her go to meet Eiji.

-I will not allow it, you are my only friend and therefore you will spend the break with me! –Yurisa said, while anchoring her feet to the ground to avoid the inevitable.

-We never signed a contract that I have to spend all the breaks with you! –Yumei defended herself.

-It is a contract of word, so you cannot refuse no matter how much you want!

-Sigh. Okay, I'll stay with you.

-Yes!!! –When Yurisa let go of Yumei's legs, she ran away as if she were Usain Bolt. -No!!!

As Yumei ran, she accidentally collided with Ringo, knocking him to the ground. She was going so fast that the boy had not realized what happened.

-Merde ...

Eiji was waiting, just behind the cafeteria, he had a little gardenia flower on his jacket, it was hazel like Yumei's eyes, which were looking at him with intrigue.

-Hi Eiji. –She greeted, in the most natural way.

-H-hi. –He answered seriously. –I brought you this, I don't know if you like it.

Yumei took the little flower in her hands, sniffing it. The scent was just faint, but enough to tell that the gardenia had a very cute smell that survived the rains.

Everything was cloudy. For the first time that day the rain gave a truce, but not for long. It was already starting to sparkle.

-Hell, I wanted to ... no, forget it, we better go inside. –Eiji took Yumei's arm, leading her to the cafeteria.

-What if it started to rain five minutes ago? -She asked.

-I would have waited for you anyway, and even if the break was over, I would follow you.

-How cute. –Yumei caressed Eiji's face with the back of her hand. He could notice his beard shaved from that same day.

Yurisa was sitting with Ringo and Juro, sipping her apple juice very hard, which had already been gone for minutes.

-You're good? –Juro asked, putting his hand on Yurisa's arm, who hit her immediately. -Au ...

Yurisa growled like a mad dog, Juro hugged Ringo like he was a small child.

-Yurisa ... by any chance a dog bit you with foam in its mouth? –Juro questioned.

-Not me ... but Yumei must have been bitten by a very unpleasant insect ... -Yurisa narrowed her eyes, looking expressly at Yumei and Eiji, who were talking in a corner of the cafeteria.

-Eiji and Yumei are dating? –Juro asked, to which Yurisa grabbed him by the collar of his jacket.

-Don't even think about it! ... the two of them can't be boyfriends, first on my corpse!

-Good heavens, the jealous friend syndrome. -Ringo sighed.

The two lovebirds had started with the basics: musical tastes and movies.

Eiji asked what were Yumei's hobbies. She responded that music, especially playing instruments.

He would ask her what her favorite instrument was, although it was well known by everyone, including him, that Yumei's favorite instrument was the acoustic guitar.

He feigned surprise when she told him. Another hobby Yumei liked very much was watching movies. In that sense, Eiji wasn't very knowledgeable about Yumei's tastes, although when he mentioned "superhero and police movies" it was like hitting the mark.

Eiji knew from head to toe every superhero movie that might exist. It was a very fashionable topic among young people around his age. Although of course, he did not have to add all the meat to the grill if he did not want to end that topic of conversation.

The break was over, but the two of them didn't stop talking until they got to the class. Even there, before the professor entered, Eiji squatted on the side of Yumei's bench to continue talking to her.

Of what exactly? From the first thing that occurred to them. They did not have everything in common, but what little they shared were their great passions, what was necessary to keep them wanting to talk a little more.

Yurisa looked jealously at Yumei ... as if she wanted to tie her from head to toe, even her mouth, to carry her home, away from Eiji.

Throughout the recess she spent her time watching the two lovebirds. She felt very jealous, Ringo made fun of her for it while Juro was more or less understanding, but she shouldn't exaggerate the matter so much.

Argument that made Yurisa much more angry, wanting to take Juro by the neck, squeeze him so much and with such force that his eyes pop out of their sockets ... although when he thought about it he realized that that was very disgusting.

It only remained for her to see how her best friend was robbed, until ...

At the time of departure, Eiji and Yumei were still talking, they were going to walk around the city, seeing this and that.

Yurisa asked the help of Juro and Ringo to sabotage the "date" of those two, since Yumei told him otherwise.

-It's not so much like a date… we'll just walk around. Don't be jealous, friend. –Yumei said, laughing a little.

-This is a merde. –Ringo complained, who was sitting on a public bench.

-Shut up, what would you do if Juro left with Kazumi leaving you alone? –Yurisa asked him.

-Probably give you a hotel room key so you can be very busy with her.

-Hey, don't talk about her like that, Kazumi is the purest and best girl I've ever met! –Juro warned.

-Come on colleague, with how many women have you had contact? -Juro raised all five fingers of his hand. -Don't count your mother. -Juro he had to take one down.

Yurisa's plan was supposedly "infallible": Juro and Ringo would take Eiji and take him away as a prize winner, Yumei would be left alone and Yurisa would come to comfort her, thus being a total success.

But the detail is that the two boys were not very willing to that plan, even Juro ate a ice lolly very calmly, next to Yurisa.

-It's lemon, do you want one? –Juro asked, Yurisa took the paddle and threw it as far as she could, landing on the windshield of a car. -What's your problem, woman?!

-Eiji, that guy is my problem!

Ringo was still sprawled on the public bench listening to music. –You should let Yumei socialize with someone else, she is cute, she is interesting and also you can see that she also likes Eiji.

-Say that again. –Yurisa ordered.

-Also it is seen that she also likes Eiji.

Yurisa now took an ice cream that Juro had bought and threw it at Ringo's face to leave extremely angry with both morons.

-Why now my ice cream?! –Juro questioned.

-Shut up, I'll pay you later! ... idiots.

Juro curiously saw Ringo, who had the ice cream smeared all over his face ... he was bringing his finger closer, passing it over one of his cheeks, thus tasting the ice cream.

-What if we patent the Ringo flavored ice cream?

-Sigh, asshole.

Yumei and Eiji kept walking, they intended to hold hands. But no, it was still too early.

They had arranged to go to the movies the next day, and on Sunday they would meet in a city park to continue talking about their own tastes.

Although they would go, unknowingly, to the same cinema as Juro and Kazumi.

Eiji had arrived ten minutes earlier, "just in case,". He looked at his cell phone, browsing his social networks. He had taken a photo with Yumei when they both went to eat at a small outdoor venue. She ate noodles, her mouth was so full that her cheeks looked like those of a rather chubby hamster, although in the end they ended up laughing.

Without realizing it, Kazumi and Juro arrived, who were climbing the stairs to go to the movies. Immediately, he recognized them, making Juro nervous, he preferred that no one knew about that appointment so that certain "gossip" did not exist.

-I also came with Yumei, how about we have a double date? -Eiji asked.

-Me and Kazumi don't have a date! ... we just came to the movies ... and that's because I found a promotion by chance. –Juro apologized.

-For real? I also thought it was a date. –Kazumi said.

-W-well, if you want to see it as a date you can do it, although I would not take it as such, you know, we only come to the movies as partners!

-Yumei and I came in the same way as "partners", although I think that in the end we both like each other.

-Ah yes, Yurisa wants to kill you for that. –Juro said, without thinking.

-Hey? But why?

-Yumei told her that if you "captivated" her enough, she would ask you as a boyfriend.

-Hum, what a surprise.

Juro he was surprised that Eiji didn't blush or get nervous. It was still quite natural, as if he hadn't said anything to her. Although of course, there are men to men: there are the painful ones like Juro, and those who take things normally like Eiji.

Yumei arrived with a straw hat, she wore it for the afternoon sun. Naturally, she was going to take it off.

Yurisa, who had not given in to Eiji, was reading a magazine at the other end of the cinema, watching the two couples carefully, seeing what movie they were going to get into.

She was at the entrance to hear the function they were going to enter, and once there, she would execute her "master plan." Practically, would say that Eiji was trying to take advantage of Yumei, so they would throw him out of the cinema and, to her friend's dismay, Yurisa would save the day.

-You don't want popcorn or anything like that? –Asked Juro, in candy store.

-Yes, what about the promotion you said? –Kazumi remembered

-Ah, I forgot. Forgive me, it is the custom.

Eiji and Yumei had bought almost the entire candy store, both were very cloying when they put sweets on the table, they ate and they ate, especially Eiji.

The two couples bought tickets next to each other. Juro would go in the middle, next to her companion Kazumi and her friend Yumei.

The movie was Brightburn, recommended by Kazumi. Juro was on his guard since he did not sit very well with horror movies, Yumei felt slightly nervous, just like Eiji.

As they passed the entrance where they received the tickets, Yurisa paid close attention to the room number.

-Hi Yurisa, did you also come to see Brightburn? –Yumei asked, who appeared behind Yurisa.

-But how?! –Yurisa was exalted, both from surprise and fright.

-I saw you when I entered the cinema, I was going to talk to you but then I saw Juro and his girlfriend Kazumi.

-She is not my girlfriend! -Juro say.

-But what do you want, don't be a prince.

-Yumei, hurry up. –Eiji said calmly.

-I'm coming, give me a second, are you coming with us or are you going to see another movie? –Yurisa took advantage of the distraction to leave. -Hey, Yurisa?

Already on the street, Yurisa walked extremely upset at her failure.

-Someday you will pay them to me , Eiji… and you will pay them with interest.