
As had been planned for a few weeks, the theater play would be performed by members of the coalition committee (named for having Conservative and Red members), to promote a cultural event at the academy, which has never been held before. had carried out.

It would be the first play to be shown at the academy, so it was extremely important and everyone was dying to participate.

Those in charge of the work were Professors Aimi and Tadashi, who already had experience organizing the student masses.

It was to be expected that being the first work in the history of the academy ... there would be many problems.

Everyone in the direction was running around, bumping into each other or hitting each other to try to fix a problem.

Once again, a printer was burning as were several file cabinets, so Aimi had to get to impose order, putting out the printer and the file cabinets with a fire extinguisher.

The amount of disorder that happened was impressive.

They were going to vote for which play would be performed, many asked for the classic Romeo and Juliet, others wanted something fresher and purer of Japanese dramaturgy. There were works from all the countries of the globe: Spain, Mexico, Russia, Japan, England and Greece.

-What if we do a Chinese play? –The one who proposed that idea was thrown a ball of paper.

-Let's put it to the vote, it must be a democratic and organized process!

-First dead before that, the work that should be imposed will be imposed, we do not trust those of class A because they will surely put a black hand in the voting!

Juro hung with a student from another classroom while they stamped themselves against the filing cabinets.

Eiji argued with Yumei, and Ringo and Yurisa watched from a neutral corner.

-Hum, the spirits are very high. -He said.

-Don't tell me. –Yurisa sighed.

-Order here! -Aimi hit the table with her fist to make everyone shut up. -We will hold elections and of the first three most voted we will do another vote! Is it clear or not?!

-Yes teacher!

-Note your works on this ballot so that they can be considered, do it only today and period!

-That's what I call having character. –Eiji mentioned.

-That's why I like her. –Yumei intervened, to which Eiji looked ugly.

Of the more than fifteen works selected, the first three were: Hiroshi and pride, a samurai story. Romeo and Juliet. And...the assassination of Leon Trotsky?

-Who registered this play? -Aimi asked.

Those present didn't really know who it was ... until they heard a hiss from the rear. They all stared at Professor Tadashi.

-What? I presented it in high school and it was a total success, I was the director of it.

-Well then whatever…

The work was not as typical as that of Romeo and Juliet, plus it was not one that several of the room already knew, which is why they wanted to present it.

After passing the "censorship" filters, to put it in some way, it was approved and put into pre-production, mainly counting on the budget for the expenses of the work.

They only remained to do auditions.

The characters were not many, they were necessary. Among them were Leon Trotsky (evidently), his wife Natalia. Ramón Mercader, or Jacques Mornard. David Alfaro Siqueiros. Frida Kahlo. Diego Rivera, and Silvia Ageloff, as well as the odd extra like a policeman or a friend of Siqueiros.

Being few characters, they maintained an extremely important role in the plot of the work, making it impossible for any of these to be suppressed.

The positions for the characters were extremely full, with at least five people onwards waiting to be able to play a role.

So Yumei and Yurisa made their way stealthily, signing up as Director and producer of the play, respectively.

Ringo was sitting waiting for the commotion to pass so he could get into the cafeteria and buy himself something to eat.

-I hate my life. -He sighed, as a hand rested on his shoulder.

-You should participate, it shows that you are good at acting. -Aimi advised, who smiled at him.

-I could take that the wrong way, but I won't because it is good advice.

The directors of the student committee were to be judges of the auditions that were going to be presented. Juro was not very interested in being part of the play either ... until the moment he found out that Kazumi was going for the role of Natalia, Trotsky's wife.

Without thinking twice, Juro signed up to audition for the play ... being instantly rejected.

-Discarded. Sorry son, you don't meet the requirements of the role.

-Why not?!

-Look at this picture. –The manager gave a photo of Trotsky to Juro… they were both like water and oil.

The Soviet revolutionary had wavy hair and black eyes… Juro was albino, straight and green eyes.

-Damn ... can't there be an exception?

-No, now you can do some other audition. –That's when Juro's focus went on.

-Yes, but by the end of his life the man had silver hair, I can curl my hair and put on my glasses so that I don't notice that I have colored eyes!

-Well, you have passion, I can't find flaws in your logic, so you're registered!

-Yes! ... but I have a question.


-And now what? ... -There was only the most difficult thing left: the audition itself.

Yurisa, in addition to being a producer, had ventured into the role of Frida Kahlo. Although he did not know much about said personality, it could be said that he had studied it in advance in the paintings.

She was struck by the fact that Frida was in the habit of portraying herself as she was, without any European or American retouching, as people of the time or some deceased painters used to do.

The only difficult thing about the work was to portray the environment and the three Mexican characters, most of all adapting their vocabulary and language to Japanese, a task that was not going to be easy at all.

Siqueiros was known to be a person with a highly Mexican lexicon: rude and uncensored.

Nobody was sure who would play the Mexican characters ... but whoever had that courage would have a difficult time, the same was for the character of Ramón or Jacques.

Yumei was completely cut off from any role that could lead to interpretation.

The moment those in charge saw Ringo to sign up for the role of Trotsky, they immediately moved him to that of Ramón.

-Hey hey. What you are looking for is here. –The manager pointed to a photograph of Ramón where he was arrested.

Black eyes and hair, a face that life has not treated him well, without many friends and moderately thick lips, in addition to the identical eyebrows in the aspect of how full they were.

Without a doubt… he was the One Chosen for the position.

Ever since Kazumi settled on the role of Natalia, she was gladly accepted. Natalia Sedova was blonde just like her, with the exception of her blue eyes. Her performance in the form of the final scene, was simply impeccable, where she even shed (with effort), a tear of pain to see the death of her husband ... although she saw the auditions in charge.

-What do you think about?

-Hired. –Kazumi smiled, thanked and when he left, he saw that Juro was sitting.

-Are you also going to participate? -She asked.

-Yes. Like Trotsky, precisely.

-Then do your best. Yes, I kept the role of Natalia, his wife! –Kazumi raised her arms and wrapped them around Juro's body, hugging him.

-Co-congratulations. I will try to do my best!

-I hope so, good luck with this. -She broke the hug, slapping him on the cheek. -Do your best, don't forget.

-I won't forget… I assure you.

Juro's audition was much more complicated, he had to act out a little discussion with Diego Rivera related to some political differences.

The Russian accent was not exactly the boy's strong suit, but he did his best. In the end, he did manage to convince those in charge of the auditions, although with considerable doubt whether they had chosen well the one who was "finalist" in the draw.

-What will be the part that I play? -Asked Ringo, who was sitting with Aimi.

- Right at the moment of the murder, we will give you a piece of cardboard so that you can hit the head of whoever is going to play Trotsky with it. –She answered.

-You know something, why don't you participate in the play? More than anything for the role of Silvia.

-Do you want you and me to be a couple in the play?

-I just hope that the work does not contain a kiss or we will have a lot of problems with it, don't you think?

-Haha. Surely we will have enough problems… okay I will.


-Yes. I am a teacher and this is supposed to be the property of the students, they will not accept me in the least.

Not a single second after her audition, the managers placed the stamp of "accepted" on the script that Aimi was going to give her ... indeed, she was like Silvia.

Not that his performance was precisely the best or the most credible ... but it was the one that got the least bit of dialogue and the one that acted more naturally.

-I think yours is a natural gift. -Ringo observed, in a mocking tone.

-Damn, this only gives me more trouble over time!

-I can help you with whatever is necessary, the truth is that I hardly need to study for the exams. I am something of a genius by nature.

-Show off ... unless you have four hours a day to help me with homework and tests, it'll be perfect.

-I will, I will help you.

Juro had already finished rehearsing for the audition, he considered that it was fine, so he went to give everything he had of himself.

He did not stop thinking for a single second about Kazumi and the dialogues he would share with her if he was left with the role.

Although he did not like the idea that at the end of the play he would have to die. However, that part of the script could not be changed for any reason.

-Your turn, son.

-Thank you. –Juro looked back and saw Kazumi, smiling at him and waving at him… however, in the end it was all a mere illusion to give himself encouragement that what he did should not go wrong.

-Oh Natalia ... only God knows how much I loved you. –It was the final line of the audition.

The managers looked at each other, wondering what to do and wondering if he was the one.

-What do the others say?


-I don't know ... it doesn't quite convince me. -Everything was relegated to the last judge, who did not stop looking at Juro, eating him with his eyes.

He stared blankly on his face, not showing the slightest hint of nervousness or pity on his face. He only asked that things be fast.

-He stays, he convinced me a lot as the last sentence said.

The Final Bell began to ring in Juro's head, as he lowered his arms, raised his chest and face to celebrate his successful achievement, which no one else could match.

-But ... there is still one last trial by fire.

-Pro-proof by fire? ...

Ringo had a cardboard in his hands, a hat on his head and a face of disagreement. Juro was sitting with glasses without glasses on as he watched behind him.

They were going to interpret the final scene: in which the assassination of the Soviet revolutionary was perpetrated.

-Very good, Ringo? You have to be insecure in one part, then you are going to hit this part of the head. –The manager hit his head a little above his ears. –And Juro, you are going to take your hands where they hit you, then you get up from your seat and take Ramón's neck, in this case.

-Take one! –A bell rang.

Ringo made as if he had a sack on from where he took the cardboard and then lifted it. On his face you could actually see that insecurity, putting compassionate eyes.

Juro just looked forward impatiently as his friend hardened his expression and then hit Juro's head with the cardboard paper.

Juro jumped out of the chair a bit, taking a second to gasp and scream as if his head had actually been broken, scaring Ringo, who made a shocked face as he took a few steps back.

The boy got up and took him by the neck without squeezing almost anything. Ringo, out of inertia, tried to get Juro off of him by taking him by the hands.

Thinking the performance was going on, Juro tried to knock Ringo down, unsuccessfully.

-Let you fall! –The manager yelled, to which he agreed. -You act like you hit him! –Juro began to hit the ground, giving the effect that he was effectively hitting Ringo.

-Well, it was perfect!

- Without a doubt, it was very good.

-Son of a bitch, you almost scared me to death, I thought you were really dying!

-How will it hurt if you hit me with cardboard? I think I act too good, hehehe.

-Well, Juro, you stay, Ringo you must do one more test to see if you stay or go.

Eiji was reading a dictionary of Mexican insults in class. He was quite surprised by the great knowledge of the language that they had on that side of the world.

-What problems do they have with their mothers? ... And who is "La chingada"?

-The chingada is a lady called "La Malinche", and she and the Spanish conqueror, Hernán Cortés, were the parents of the Mexican race. According to the Mexican Nobel Prize winner Octavio Paz, Mexicans are children of La Chingada because they are children of La Malinche. –Yurisa explained, wearing glasses.

-Ah… what an explanation so well given, how do you know that?

-I have had to read several things from that country to play Frida Kahlo, besides the fact that Latin culture is quite rich in many aspects. In high school I did an essay on Colombia, it was very nice.

-Rays… you do know how to take advantage of your time, Yurisa.

The papers were already distributed as God intended: Ringo would be Ramón. Aimi, Silvia. Alfaro Siqueiros would be played by Eiji. Yurisa, Frida Kahlo. A partner named Ryuu would act as Diego Rivera. Juro, Leon Trotsky and Kazumi would be Natalia.

Now the most important thing remained ... to start the first rehearsal. It was going to be the next day after class and for an hour and a half to give the first readings of the script, where Yumei was going to say how to give the intonation, then how the gestures, body movements, etc. were going to be.

When giving a previous review of the script as a director, Yumei realized something that she had not liked in the least, not a single sign of grace appeared on her face when reading the parts where Jacques and Silvia shared "intimate" moments .

On one occasion, and although it was not shown, it was implied that the couple had made love. In the script it appeared "He caresses her back and gives her a kiss on the cheek" or what caused her the most anger: "He takes off the straps of her dress."

That simple word angered him, causing him to pick up a fire ax and start looking for Ringo under all circumstances.

You could see the fire in his brown eyes, which, upon landing on Ringo, caught fire much more.

-Your! -She sputtered.

-Me? -He asked, pointing to himself.

-Now the play is going to be "The murder of Jacques Mornard"! –Yumei threw the ax that cut some of Ringo's hair.

-OMG! What are you Thor or what the hell?!

Aimi walked calmly through the parking lot to wait for Ringo and for both of them to leave. She would force him to keep his promise to help her with jobs that would take some of the pressure off her work.

The stress had not allowed her to sleep well, the cigarette took away her hunger, which is why she did not eat, and if she did eat it was the same way Napoleon Bonaparte slept: fast and bad.

She lost about two kilos in one week, which was pretty crazy for a woman who wasn't concentrating on losing weight. What could cause this weight loss was not eating and dancing in the afternoon, being a good exercise.

Aimi watched Yumei with the ax as she chased after Ringo. They were both smiling, almost as if they were playing games.

-Please. –She asked.

-Nop. –He sentenced.



Aimi grabbed Ringo by the collar of his jacket and stopped Yumei's ax with her other hand, glaring at her quite angrily.

-That's enough, you two, why do you keep fighting?

-You wouldn't believe me if I told you. –Ringo mentioned.

-This time you were lucky, but you won't be next time… see you later, teacher Aimi. –Yumei said goodbye to her with a kiss on the cheek, but one well given, making her blush.

-What was that?...

-I have no idea.

In Aimi's house there was hardly any air flow, but it was a bit cold, so she had a blanket on her legs, protecting herself from the cold.

Ringo's jacket helped him a lot in that regard, they had already put on their winter uniforms despite the fact that it was still two months before the real cold began.

Surely this year it was going to snow like never before, although it was a mere guess.

She went into the upstairs bathroom to smoke, shutting the windows tightly and doing it quickly so as not to arouse suspicion. When finished, he flushed it down the toilet, flushing the chain.

She felt slightly sad for breaking the oath, but she never took it seriously, so she decided to ignore that sadness that could rescue her from a very deep abyss.

-So these were the correct answers? -Ringo whispered, grading some jobs.

-You had some errors in the homework two days ago, although you did well, as usual.

-Would you like to help me for the letters test? To be honest with you, I have no idea what I'm going to do.

-I already gave you the agenda and I already explained the morphology, what more do you want?

-All the love you can give me. -Thought. Well, some advice, anything that can help me with the exam.

-Better concentrate on the script, go over it a bit while I finished qualifying this. You easily saved me an hour of work.

-I like to help. Why don't I do it with my favorite teacher?

-Don't try to make nice comments to me, I'm not going to raise your rating.


A few minutes passed, about twenty when Ringo had finished reading the script twice in a hurry enough to continue helping Aimi ... when, to his surprise, he found her asleep on the dining room table, pen in hand and a sheet of paper. pressed against his face.

Ringo carefully took the pen out of her hand, then graded the rest of the assignments and assignments to take that weight off Aimi.

She herself was slightly aware of the workload of teaching almost every group in the academy. It was like total madness, working from seven in the morning until two in the afternoon.

There were some teachers, like Tadashi, who would arrive at 10:15 to start teaching at 10:30.

Aimi was not sleepy nor did she feel like falling asleep, it was a much more serious problem: her pressure was lowered by the lack of rest and food, although it was well hidden.

Ringo touched her cheek to wake her up, tapping his index finger twice, until she began to open her eyes.

-You fell asleep. -He mentioned, to which Aimi jumped up, getting dizzy.

-It can't be, I have to qualify…!

-I already did it for you ... I said it would help, didn't I?

-You didn't have to do everything, I don't want you to do everything.

-You were tired, that's the most normal thing in the world. Now we are going to take you to bed.

-I feel like a ten-year-old girl talking to her father.

-And so it will be. –Ringo helped Aimi up from the chair, her legs were so weak that he preferred to carry her, although she refused.

-Put me down now, I don't want you to bother!… For me- Aimi muttered as she fell asleep again.

-Shh, rest. You will see that tomorrow you will wake up with a lot of energy.

-I missed my dance class… Why didn't you wake me up earlier?

-I wasn't going to let you go anyway.

-You remind me of my father ... don't be like him, don't leave me just as he dared.

-That is our common denominator… our parents turned their backs on us. Only it happened to me slightly younger.

Aimi barely appeared to be alive, she gave the impression of being very drunk. But no, he felt very weak in general, it was almost difficult for him to articulate a word.

Her arms were wrapped around Ringo's neck just to keep from falling, she was still reluctant to need help, much less to be carried to her bed.

When they got to her room, Ringo placed Aimi gently on her bed, seeing her with her blouse disarmed, her skirt slightly higher, showing her legs and her sleeping angel face that invited him to make her into an imp.

Although no: that was not in their plans. He put the blanket over her body and covered her feet with a sheet. He went and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

-Take care of yourself, I'll leave you my number so you can call me if something is offered to you. I know that we are a teacher and a student and, very surely, we should not have these trusts ... however, we are friends outside the academy, so the rest does not matter.

And so it was, Ringo wrote down his cell phone number, arranged the works in alphabetical order and by group, something that took him about ten minutes.

He withdrew taking a small bunch of grapes that he put in his mouth and then closed the door.

When he was outside the house, he simply said to the wind: "Hopefully with this you know what my true intentions are ...".

Aimi lay on her bed, crying. She did not do it out of sadness or the melancholy of high school ... if not because of the fact that she felt like never before that someone cared for her and would always protect her from anything that could hurt her. However, she did not feel loved, that was going too far, too far… only for her, of course.