Chapter 6.-First impressions.

Classes were over, so the crew was already assembled and waiting for Aimi to arrive. According to her, she had to do "one last thing" before vacating.

This was smoking two cigars at the same time so as not to delay a single second, of course. A reluctant addiction entered her head, unable to make her better.

The first scene was when Trotsky arrived at Rivera and Kahlo's house, received in a very pleasant way.

Kazumi and Juro were in uniform. They walked arm in arm, walking on stage while chatting with Yurisa and Ryuu.

-In truth, my wife and I are deeply grateful to you for everything you had to do to be able to give us asylum. I hope I can pay them off. –Eugeo started after the role of Trotsky.

-Don't worry, Mr. Trotsky. In this house we are true communists, my wife and I admire him deeply. –Ryuu said.

Juro stared passionately at Yurisa, who was playing with her hair, which would soon have the braids that characterized the painter.

-Nice to meet you, Mrs. Kahlo. -Juro gave Yurisa a kiss on the hand, who smiled victoriously.

Then Kazumi greeted Yurisa with a hand and a kiss, smiling at each other.

-Cut! -Yumei yelled. -That was wonderful. For a first impression, it wasn't bad at all.

And that's when Tadashi arrived, who was quite surprised by the performance of the young "artists".

-I have to give them credit, boys. The truth is that they are doing better than me and my group in high school. I will definitely give you an extra point for that.

-Thank you Professor. –They all said at once.

Now followed a scene that Yumei did not like at all. It was one of several romantic scenes that Ringo and Aimi had, or in this case, Jacques and Silvia.

She would lie on the ground, naturally during the play that would be exchanged for an inflatable mattress and a buildable bed.

She was supposed to be naked during that scene. In the work, she would wear a strapless bra, since it had to be covered with the sheets.

-Then what? -Aimi asked.

-Can we go to breakfast? The truth is that I wasn't going to leave for a long time.

-Don't be a liar ... you can go now, we did what we wanted, let's leave it at that.

Ringo sat on the "bed" to hold Aimi's hand. –If you think you can get rid of me… you won't have it easy at all.

-Cut! -Yumei yelled. -Now let's move on to the next fucking scene.

The two were now seated in what was to be a part of Jacques's house in France, where they would quickly chat about what was to begin the main plot of the play: the assassination of Lion Trotsky.

-And why did you come to France? –Asked "Jacques".

-For the Fourth International. I am a Trotskyist, although it is quite dangerous because of the Soviet persecution. –Answered "Silvia".

-That being the case, while you're with me I'm not going to let any bloody starving Soviet lay a finger on you. –He took her by the hand, pulling an "awww" from those present, less from Yumei.

- What a romance those two had. –Aimi said, moved, without Ringo having let go of her hand.

-The bad thing is that it was false, hehe. -Tadashi scoffed.

-To Silvia's bad luck. Ringo sighed, rising from the chair where he sat, releasing the hand of his beloved.

- I suppose that we already tried enough. We will take a ten minute break and return to Trotsky and Eiji. –Yumei said, to which everyone let out a tired sigh.

Several had only two hours to rehearse, the play was to be done in fifteen days, enough time to learn most of the dialogues and study for the exams… and in Aimi's case, to grade them.

Eiji had a coffee in a disposable cup, Yumei came and pulled his hair a bit.

-Are you still upset? -She asked, to which Eiji turned his back. -I'll take that as a yes. You shouldn't bother.

-Of course I do ... What would I feel if I did the same with another teacher? –Eiji defended himself.

It bothered him that Yumei cared more about winning Aimi's affection than his own, even though he already had it. The problem was maintaining it.

For Eiji, it was surprising how his girlfriend… replaced him with a teacher, not even a teacher.

-Okay, get angry if you want. –Yumei gave him a kiss on the cheek. But don't forget that I love you very much. -She withdrew, immediately.

The next scene to be practiced was going to be when Alfaro Siqueiros tried to assassinate Trotsky. Clearly they could not recreate a shooting with more than twenty armed men (who were Siqueiros' assistants), and the guards who defended the house where the revolutionary was sheltering.

That would be exchanged for a meal where Trotsky, Natalia and other of his companions were, where Siqueiros would arrive to try to shoot against the exile, but the pistol failed him at that very important moment.

-Scene of the assassination attempt by Siqueiros ... action! -Yumei yelled.

-Can I have the egg salad? –Asked Juro.

Eiji entered the scene reaching into his jacket, to take it out in the form of a pistol.

-Boom! -He sputtered. But then, he looked at his hand in confusion and backing up a few steps.

-That will be the signal for when you two get up to take Eiji by the arms, was that clear? –Yumei asked two extras.


-Let's repeat the scene.

Again everything was carried out as planned. -Boom! –Eiji yelled again, so that the two companions got up in a hurry to take him by the arms.

-Very good, there they take the gun from him and take him in front of Juro, action! –The doubles did what they asked.

-What would Frida say to you if she saw you right now? –Asked "Trotsky".

-What would Stalin say to you if he saw you right now? –Asked "Siqueiros".

-Surely I'm a bloody traitor ... when in truth he was. –Juro sentenced, to which Eiji tried to free himself to take him by the neck. -Take him away now.

-Trotsky must die, you and the traitors who follow you! -Eiji sputtered as the other stuntmen removed him from the scene.

-Well done, the scene convinced me enough. –Yumei said, who got up from the chair where she was. -But try to say it more disappointed, Juro! And your Eiji, more anger, as if I had kissed with Professor Aimi!

-I'll keep it in mind. –Eiji answered, wondering.

-Time to go, there are still enough things to do.

Everyone celebrated that it was time to retire to their homes, since those on the evening shift were already entering the academy.

Aimi and Ringo celebrated the good chemistry they had during the scenes ... as if they were really a couple in love. Or well, almost, since Aimi wasn't in love with the boy.

-You come with me? -She asked.

-No, this time I'll go by train with Juro. He says that he hardly spent time with him anymore, what strange things he says.

-I get it. So take good care of yourself, then I'll pay you back for what you did for me that day. –Aimi ruffled Ringo's hair.

-Don't you dare to do it, why would you reward me when I offered to help you? I don't make much sense of it.

-I'll do it when you least realize it. -She smiled.

-Do not you dare. Ringo gave her a kiss on the cheek. -I swear it will annoy me if I make him wait longer, see you tomorrow.

-See you tomorrow, little thug.

-Jum. It's been a long time since you told me like that ...

-If it bothers you, I'll do it more often. -She followed her car to roll down the window. -See you later.

Both of them simply said goodbye. After a few seconds, Ringo ran quickly to the train station. It's not like he cared too much if Juro bothered about taking so long, it was because he wanted to see Aimi dance again.

-Hey, you bastard, you had me waiting almost ten...!

-It doesn't matter, let's go now! –Ringo took Juro's hand to lead him running to the next train, which, fortunately, passed instantly.

When they both got off, they did the same thing again: running like there was no tomorrow even though one of them was in no rush to get home.

Soon they reached where they always met in the morning to go on the train together.

-See you tomorrow, man! -Ringo sputtered, who shook hands with his good friend and then hurried on.

-Ok… that was strange.

Arriving home, Ringo threw his backpack and shoes upon entering.

-Hi son, how was it today? -His mother asked.

-Great, Mom, but now I have something very, very, very, very important to do!

The boy simply ran to his room, greeted her Risa and changed with all the speed that his body allowed him, but not before wiping his sweat and putting on a little deodorant so as not to smell like a dead rat for five days.

After that, he gave a huge sigh to go down the stairs, say goodbye to his mother, and calmly walk towards Aimi's house. The car was gone, which indicated best of all.

To have some kind of excuse for why she was passing by, she went to buy some things she would eat after the meal: cupcakes, flavored milk, a chocolate donut, and some cookies. Of course, he would also share something with Risa and her mother.

Passing by where the dance academy was located, he saw Aimi's car outside, so he already knew what to do. He entered without further hesitation and, when spotted by the dance partners, almost all of them saw him secretive with some giggles, which he ignored.

-Did you see who's there?

-It's the boy who is in love with Aimi.

-I had already told them that I would return to see her.

Aimi danced the way she did best: to perfection and in a way that would captivate anyone who saw her.

His heart gave two strong beats, like every time that happened to him when he saw her again in the mornings when he spent class with her.

But her way of dancing was so mesmerizing that even the bag she was holding fell off. He hadn't even realized that because of how in love he felt.

That caused new giggles from Aimi's companions. When she looked at the boy, she smiled at him and continued dancing, not ignoring that he was there, but with the joy that someone saw her dance in addition to her dance instructor, who only did it to say that she was doing it.

In a trick of fate, Aimi stopped immediately, staggering where she walked. Ringo felt his heart drop to the ground and quickly went to help her.

-You're good?! -He exclaimed.

-Yes Yes. It was just dizziness, it's nothing serious. –She answered.

-And who are you? –The instructor asked him.

-Student of her. Pleasure.

-How you feel? -The instructor questioned, putting the back of her hand on Aimi's forehead and cheeks.

-I wouldn't worry about his face. Touch your hands. –Asked Ringo, who took it from one.

Taking her by the hands, they felt cold as snow. Are you sure you feel good?

-Yes. -She mumbled, but in her tone and eyes you could tell she was lying.

-I'll give you five minutes, and if you haven't improved then you'd better rest at home. –The instructor retired to continue directing the others.

-Why are you always there when something bad happens to me? -Aimi questioned.

-I would say that by chance. However, does that upset or reassure you?

-Both. He whispered, making a gesture of annoyance.

-That tells me that something is wrong. Ringo held Aimi in his arms even though she again refused to budge in any way. -I'd appreciate it if you could put Aimi's things in the car as well as have someone help me open the door.

-I want to stay. -She insisted.

-It's not the best, the truth is that it shows you're bad. You look pretty pale. –Said the instructor.

-Orders from the boss.

Ringo took Aimi out of her dance academy, took her to her car where a friend of hers opened the door, for Aimi to lie in the back seat.

The detail was ... that Ringo did not know how to drive a car.

-Merde ...

After miraculously arriving at Aimi's house, she could tell she had not improved in any way at that time of the trip.

Ringo got her out of the car with some difficulty, and then carried her in his arms, she being the one who hugged his chest and wrapped her arms around the boy's neck so as not to fall.

When he put her to bed with the same care as ever, he kissed her goodbye on the forehead.

Aimi wanted to almost yell at him: "Stay." But she did not have the courage to do it, something inside her was preventing it, something that not even she knew it was.

-Until tomorrow, my little one. –He smiled, from the door, to retire to his house.

She felt a great uneasiness in her heart as well as some concern, so she went to her bag on a true odyssey and went through every corner of it until she found her pack of cigarettes.

Noticing that it was empty, Aimi became extremely angry, throwing the pack as far as her weak arm allowed. She took the keys to her house and started to go to the store to buy a new one, but after three steps she fell to her knees, truly weakened.

-It's just tired ... I must ... rest. –Aimi fell asleep on the floor, without further ado.

The next day after class, Ringo, Juro, and Tadashi roamed the downtown streets. The first two had a face of information and the last, smiled.

They had to find the outfits for the play. As for men, it was not going to be the complication of the world, since they only needed dress suits. If they didn't have them, they would rent them.

The problem was Yurisa: they had to find a Mexican-type dress.

-I remember when I went to Mexico on one occasion, it was a stopover trip to Cuba, even so I stayed a few days since I fell in love with the place ... they tried to rob me a couple of times and they almost shot me ... it was still a lot of fun! –The boys stared at Tadashi, who was smiling, looking up at the sky, remembering.

-I remind you that we have a dress to find, Professor Tadashi. -Juro interrupted.

-Ah yes yes! Let's get going then, boy we have an odyssey to go through.

Something similar happened with Siqueiros, having to comb Eiji like the Mexican muralist was going to be really complicated, so much so that it gave the impression that the task would be totally impossible.

Yumei also searched the center for the same things as the boys, from time to time she spoke to them on the cell phone to confirm the obvious: she had not found what she was looking for for Yurisa.

After a while, Yumei began to think about discarding Yurisa and Ryuu from the play since the story of Trotsky's assassination could be told without touching his affair with Frida Kahlo, although he did not like that very much.

Tadashi was trying to remember where the wardrobe that the girl from his high school used for when the play took place that year had been bought or rented.

It took literally until dark, but the four of them found themselves in the same store that had yet to be checked.

-And what did they find? –Yumei asked.

-Nothing. –Answered the three. She put a hand to her forehead.

-We knew this was going to take time, but not so long.

Upon entering the foreign clothing store, they found the most exotic outfits from countries such as Russia, Colombia, Chile, the Congo, the Philippines and Mexico.

-Here it is! –Yumei successfully took a Mexican pink shawl.

-Just a few more things are missing. -Tadashi mentioned.

After looking for a few more steps, Juro located the huipil that also characterized the Mexican painter. They only bought some colored ribbons to finish the shopping ... although it cost them an arm and a leg because of how expensive those garments were.

They could not reach more than two or three hundred Mexican pesos ... but in Japan, you could not find something like it, which is why its price was quite exorbitant.

-Ok, we already have what we are looking for! -Yumei sputtered.

-Success in every way… I just hope Yurisa uses this almost daily for the fucking price of these things. –Professor Tadashi complained.

-Go Go. Don't complain, at least we won't rule out Frida Kahlo or Diego Rivera.

Yumei went the next day to Yurisa's house, where she received the garments with all the taste in the world. The bright and quirky colors enchanted her, her eyes shone when she saw the huipil in her hands.

Quickly, she put them on, looking quite curious about her Japanese features mixed with the Mexican clothes. Still… we can agree that it didn't look bad at all.

-Now stay still… I have to practice with the braids. Yumei snapped her fingers.