War in the snow.

December, the snowy season, cold and warm coats to shelter you throughout the day.

It was a Thursday, so the students would have the last class of the week with teacher Aimi, so Yurisa would put her hands in action.

She had the great idea of ​​organizing something between them to have fun for a while in the snow that fell during those days. It's no surprise to anyone that she and Yumei had girlish souls, so they planned to have the most fun with the winter snow.

They ran through the hallways, reaching the lockers to leave their coats in them, grabbing a notebook that was practically an "idea book" on what to do during their meeting in the snow.

They had countless places where they could gather for the celebration, although they would choose one or two to see each other, as long as they were close.

-Shall we invite Professor Tadashi? –Yumei asked.

-Yes. The more the better. –Yurisa answered, taking her hand to keep running.

Eiji looked at Yurisa suspiciously knowing that Yumei had no "preferences" as far as her tastes were concerned, so that made him slightly jealous.

Professor Tadashi was arriving wearing a red scarf and gloves with white edges, as well as a Russian ushanka hat.

When the two girls stood in front of him, he just greeted them in a normal and quite cordial way. He was ready to retreat when Yurisa took him by the arm.

- Wait a second. –She ordered him, laughing.

-Miss Yurisa, loose. It's making me nervous. -Tadashi answered, with some fear.

-I wanted to know if you would come with those of us who did the play to a small "after-school recreation outing".

-Hum, what a little name they gave him. I don't know what it is, but if you two organize it I'll surely go.

-Yes! –Both friends hugged. -We'll go play in the snow! –Announced Yurisa.

-Hey? Well, it's been about seven years since I stopped doing it, what's wrong with feeling like your age again?

All set with Tadashi, the "Two Ys" now went to Kazumi's classroom, with whom they had struck up a medium friendship since Aimi's birthday. Which by the way, they also had to tell her.

Kazumi accepted with all the pleasure in the world, only his two good friends were missing and everything would be ready.

They were just arriving, yawning and without any trace of joy on their faces. Eiji kept spying on Yumei, since he hadn't been invited yet.

He went through that stage of "denial", thinking in his head that it was a matter of time to be invited, that he should not be wrong and that Yumei only gave preference to her friends because he had not seen him.

However, he was still his jealous side, the one that told him that Yumei was not going to invite him, and that even if he asked her, she would deny everything no matter what evidence he had.

Anyway, Eiji was a kind of "moral and conscientious debate" waiting for what was to happen.

The two boys who had just entered, accepted with all the pleasure in the world ... except one of them, since he had his slight doubts.

-And is Kazumi going? –Juro asked, suspiciously.

-It was the first to confirm. –Yumei answered, with the same suspicion.

-Excellent ... -Juro returned to Ringo, who just slapped his forehead.

Only Aimi and Eiji were missing. From the quartet's perspective, no one had seen him, because he was still hiding, spying on Yumei and the other members of that curious group of friends.

If we analyzed each one of them, one could realize ... that together they would be all chaos, like a broken glass ball in the mouth being forced down the throat quite a bit, that's how chaotic the matter would be.

As soon as Aimi's heels were heard walking, the quartet (or quintet, if Kazumi joined them), would run with her to make the invitation.

He had no reason to say "no." In fact, it was quite convenient since after breakfast, she and Ringo could go to the meeting point, which had yet to be defined.

They were in some huge park in the city or in a simple square near the academy, in the Adachi neighborhood.

Just when Eiji was retiring to the living room, curiously, Yurisa asked for him.

-Do you think he came? -He asked.

-He didn't tell me he was going to be absent ... anyway today is one of the days I spend with him, so no problem. –Yumei reassured.

Upon hearing Aimi's heels, the foursome just ran to find her instantly. Kazumi stopped chatting with her friends and also joined to form a good quintet of friends.

They intercepted Aimi in a corridor, the five of them surrounding her, to which she only made a face that this behavior was strange to her.

-Teacher Aimi, we have to tell you something! -The five sputtered, at once.

-Ok… take all my money but I'm not going to raise your grade. –She sentenced.

-It's not that, we want to invite you to something special! –Commented Kazumi.

-Yeah, you're going to love it, I bet you! -Yumei added.

Yurisa took a step closer to Aimi and took her by the hands, smiling at her. -We want you to come with us, Eiji and Professor Tadashi to play in the snow on Saturday.

She was left not knowing what to say, she was not expecting an answer like that at all. She was already a twenty-three-year-old woman, how could she play in the snow at that age? However, the doubts left when he saw Ringo winking at him, as if saying: "Remember that now it can be what it was not ten years ago."

The three girls begged him with their eyes to say yes, so he couldn't handle any of those puppy faces.

-Okay, yes I go. Saturday, did you say? –The three girls' eyes lit up and, on their faces, a smile broke out at Aimi's affirmation.

By the time Saturday arrived, Ringo said goodbye to Risa, since they both got up at the same time.

This time the boy couldn't get up late, he had to go to breakfast with Aimi, which was going to be earlier so he could get to where they had been summoned on time: Asukayama Park, in the Adachi neighborhood.

Without a doubt that was the best they could have chosen to go to play that morning, since there was no more beautiful park (besides Ueno), that there was in the area of ​​the academy.

Juro was going to stop by Kazumi since Ringo would go with Aimi earlier, although she mentioned that he would be busy for part of the morning.

Yurisa and Yumei would arrive along with Eiji; he was going to go through them.

The boy was walking down the street, which was lightly covered in nine, with his gray earmuffs, his jacket and vest of the same color, as well as a white wool shirt.

He drank coffee from a thermos, that would keep him awake for having risen early. Although, without a doubt, it would all be worth it.

Aimi quickly fixed herself, that day she would not put on makeup as it did not suit her. Surely the snowballs would erase all the effort, although she only did a slight "job" with her makeup.

Ringo rang the doorbell, picking up some snow from the house's small garden, to stand to one side of the door, a few steps back.

Instantly, Aimi opened the door, to which Ringo threw the snowball, hitting her on the shoulder. She saw him with an angry face while the young man laughed. She was going to give him a fight, so she also threw a snowball in his face.

-That's taken for granted. -Aimi giggled, to which Ringo rolled his eyes.

-Is the lady ready or will she keep me waiting longer? –Another snowball ended up in Ringo's face.

-Let me go get a scarf just. -Aimi threw the car keys at him. - Start the car, do you think you can?

-If the engine burns, it won't be my fault.

-Hum, how funny. –She answered, with irony.

Juro walked to Kazumi's house, recognizing the streets, trying to remember which was the correct one and which house seemed slightly familiar.

The last time he went to Kazumi's house was when they were helping each other do the rehearsal, so those memories weren't exactly fresh to say the least.

He looked a bit plump in his thick navy jacket, plus his scarf which was thick, quite a bit more than Aimi's. He checked with the front camera of his cell phone that everything was in order, seeing if he had something in his teeth, if he was disheveled; if something in his clothes was misaligned.

He blew into his glove so he could smell if his breath stunk, drawing quite a bit of smoke in the process; but there was nothing strange about his breath. Everything was perfectly perfect, which was how he wanted to define a situation that could not be faulty.

Visualizing Kazumi's house, he celebrated his first victory of the day: he had guessed the address despite not having a very clear idea of ​​where his "cupcake" house was.

When he rang the bell, a boy with a certain air to Kazumi opened the door for him. It was her brother.

-Are you my sister's boyfriend? -Asked the boy


-I think that's a yes. –The boy entered the house slightly. -Sister, your boyfriend is here!

Juro blushed a little, he was sorry that Kazumi's family thought he was her boyfriend ... he did, but he still wasn't.

-I already told you he's not my boyfriend, Satoshi! It's just a friend! -Kazumi sputtered from inside the house.

-Wow, that must have hurt. –His brother told him.

Kazumi's father came out along with her, telling her that he wanted her back home before two and that he had to be with her.

It was somewhat uncomfortable for the boy to have to listen to the detailed instructions he had for a simple outing to the nearby park of the academy.

Kazumi got a bit annoyed as there was no need for so much formality or anything like that, but he promised anyway that Juro would carry out orders to the letter.

Being then, eight in the morning and thirty minutes, both went to the academy, which was the starting point. They would all be there at nine o'clock, so they would have about ten or fifteen minutes waiting for the others to arrive. Something that for Juro was like a gift from heaven.

Let's return at seven in the morning, Yurisa got up from her bed with all the attitude of the universe in her body and in her spirit, she was ready for a spectacular Saturday, putting on her purple coat, her red scarf and her white gloves .

Eiji, in the same way, got up instantly as Yurisa, only he was not full of life and emotion; He still wanted to fall asleep again, but he would have to go or else Yumei was going to kill him by hanging him.

Yumei, for her part, yawned like a lioness, just like when Ringo entered her house to try to kill her.

She had a strong cup of coffee and put on her winter clothes, which were red and gray, one very much like the one Aimi was wearing, although neither of them knew about it. It was a true coincidence.

Tadashi woke up falling out of bed, making a gesture of surprise, to get up with a thrust of pain that would be repeated when stretching.

He also had a heavy cup of coffee, hurrying to start his car and eat breakfast. He combed his hair like every day, ending with brushing his teeth and then going to the academy, where he was the last to arrive.

The two cars would serve to take everyone to Asukayama Park, which although it was not located very far, would serve to not be delayed for a single moment.

Aimi and Ringo were about to arrive, he just looked at her, smiling. -Ready to get back what was taken from you? –Asked the boy.

-I think I've been ready since I met you ... I'm glad I did.

Kazumi and Juro chatted animatedly, laughing and making the odd comment about what was coming. They both hoped it would be an extremely fun morning, something that would leave them delighted and eager to repeat it some other time.

When they saw the teacher's white car arrive, they interrupted their conversation, greeting the two passengers who were going there. In the distance, a small discussion was heard between Yumei and Eiji, because the latter was staying because he had not brought enough clothes, thinking that it would not be so cold.

-You are just like Napoleon and Hitler, thinking it won't be so cold! -She scolded.

-Well, it's normal, anyway it's going to go away soon, you don't have to be angry! –He defended himself.

-And there are those two fighting again. -Ringo muttered.

Yurisa reached them, being a little uncomfortable for her to listen to the sweet talks of the two lovebirds. Now she was rushing to calm the spirits between the bride and groom, although Aimi was ahead of her.

-You two, better calm down before I got mad.

-Ups, I'm sorry. –Yumei used her coat to cover her face as she started to blush.

Seeing that Yumei was dressed almost the same, Aimi smiled at her. - It seems that someone has the same tastes as me.

Yumei went and hugged Aimi, making a gesture of displeasure from Ringo and Eiji, who had to see how Yumei gave the teacher a huge kiss on the cheek.

As Yurisa and Kazumi helped him get Yumei off of him, Tadashi came honking his car horn, rolling down the window.

-We're leaving now?

Getting settled was not very difficult, the girls would go in Professor Aimi's car and the boys in Professor Tadashi's.

Naturally, the girls questioned Aimi again if Ringo was still attractive to her, to which Kazumi was quite surprised; she was unaware of that.

When asked, Aimi deviated a bit from the lane, almost causing an accident, blushing quite a bit.

I'd rather not talk about it, but I still find it attractive!

-Teacher. –Kazumi let out, who was the most surprised.

In Professor Tadashi's car, he was drinking coffee from his thermos, listening to 80s rock, which was his favorite music.

-This is great… and tell me guys, do any of you have a girlfriend other than Eiji?

-No ... but we are both in the process. –Juro confessed.

-I understand ... Who already had their first time? -The three boys got very uncomfortable at the question, eyes widening. -I mean, you didn't ask why I'm interested, I just want to give you some advice so you don't ruin your life.

-This ... at least I and Yumei have not had those "close". –Eiji confessed.

-No. Neither have I, I have never had feelings for another girl other than Alice. –Juro added, blushing. Instantly, everyone looked at Ringo.

-Sigh, I haven't even fallen in love… He sighed.

-Ha, sissy. -Tadashi scoffed, laughing a little. -Consider that you should do it on time, do not try to rush things. Suppose, you don't feel ready to do it, so don't, it's common sense!

-Thanks for the advice, professor. –Commented Eiji, who was the one who could get the most out of the advice.

Upon arrival, the youngest came down with great discomfort. In the white car, the only one who felt discomfort was Aimi, because all the way they questioned her about her love life, something that had her already quite tired.

Yurisa made a snowball and threw it on Tadashi's back, since he was the person who looked the most serious, although deep down, she was laughing.

Asukayama Park was famous for what it offers. Bad luck that right now the sakuras didn't have a single leaf, due to winter.

The lake, frozen. You couldn't skate on it although they gave you a lot of desire. The stairs, railings and stone paths, full of snow.

It was like being in Russia, which was not very far, to tell the truth. Even the games were full of snow.

Yumei didn't want to, but her little girl instinct was screaming for it. She saw a railing full of snow, she had seen in many movies that if she put her tongue, it would stick, something that made her very curious.

When he was about to do it, Yurisa and Eiji stopped him, shaking their heads.

Juro and Kazumi went to the back, observing how the plastic elephant and the play castle were covered in snow.

-Do you think it's a good idea to go to the swings? –Kazumi asked.

-I say yes, guys! How about we go to the swings?! -He yelled.

-Done! -Tadashi replied.

When the group turned around, Ringo took advantage and grabbed some snow, smirking wickedly. He walked over to Aimi and shoved the pile of snow on her back. The temperature clash between the frozen snow and her warm skin ... made her let out a scream that was heard all the way to the academy ... as well as the slap she gave Ringo.

In order for the slap to be one as God intended, Aimi even took off her right glove, causing a louder thunder.

Arriving at the swings, her face showed how irritated and annoyed she felt. Ringo was carving the mark on the hand that the slap left him.

Yurisa approached Ringo, and laughing said to him: -That happens to you for a jerk. -Then he winked at her and giggled one last time.

-I don't find it funny, Yurisa. –The boy answered.

Yumei and Eiji were holding hands in the direction of the swings, she sat on one of them, but not before shaking off the snow and then sitting on it.

Eiji stood behind her, gave her a kiss on the cheek and laughing began to push the swing for the games to begin. Yurisa continued throwing a snowball in Tadashi's face, knocking him to the ground.

He just started making a snow angel. –As a child I always liked doing this. Sigh, my regards.

-And there goes a big one! –Juro continued Yurisa's game, throwing a snowball at Ringo's head, filling it with white.

-Hey, you bastard! –Ringo started to make a snowball, Juro ran towards the concrete castle, proclaiming it as his own.

-Suppose I am the United States trying to illegitimately proclaim some of your islands as mine, what do you plan to do, Ringo? -He smiled.

-Apply the guerrillas of the Vietnamese, comment on this, loser! –Ringo threw the ball, which almost hit Juro.

-Vietnamese? ... -Professor Tadashi got up from making the snow angel to get serious, remembering something.

-Teacher, are you okay?

-The truth is that I was in Vietnam… I remember it perfectly, napalm, screaming, shooting; artillery, the sound of Apache helicopter blades.

-What the hell is he talking about? -Ringo questioned.

-I remember it well, Saturday September 29, 1970, we were walking through the jungle, the whole platoon was under my command, we had orders to stay in the damn river, my men begged me to get them out of there, but no! I listened, I got a damn medal for that, but most of my platoon died! Do you understand brat, do you understand?!

-Come on, professor, please let me go. -Tadashi had taken Ringo by the shoulders to shake him violently. –Also that's from a movie.


-Yes, and it was also from the Second War, I think they were in Saipan, not in Vietnam.

-Hell… -Another snowball landed on Tadashi's face, but this time it had been thrown by Aimi, who got tired of the conversation.

The group was walking on the road, it was snowing, so the wooden railing was covered with snow, in addition to their heads.

The footsteps were marked in the snow under their shoes or boots, there was still a long way to go.

You could see the buildings in the distance, the leafless trees and the park completely painted white; Finally there was the frozen lake, to which Yurisa wanted to go, there was still a long way to go. So, when they get off the road they would, without problems.

Clearly, they could not "skate" in the lake since the layer of ice that covered it was very thin and the risk of breaking was very high.

Still, it was quite nice to see the frozen water from that height, where the currents of air became enormous and heavier.

Eiji and Yumei were hugging like chicks to protect themselves from the cold, Juro looked askance at Kazumi waiting for him to ask the same; Yurisa had not cared and she stuck to Professor Tada, who covered himself with the young woman's scarf.

Only Ringo and Aimi remained. She was still quite annoyed by the little joke the boy had played on her, but she was also quite cold. He simply removed her earmuffs without asking and put them on.

-Excuse me? -Despite the answer, Aimi looked away, proud, without giving an answer. -Better take off all my clothes.

Turning around, Aimi had anger in its purest form on her face. Anger that pierced the soul of Ringo, who immediately turned the other way due to the threat of that look.

A few steps later, Ringo took courage and pulled Aimi's ears off.

-Hears! What's wrong?! -She sputtered.

-Nothing, it's my earmuffs. –He ironized.

-Yours? You mean our. -Aimi took them off again. -Don't you remember that, at our first breakfast at the restaurant, you told me that everything yours was mine?

-Ah, do you still remember our first breakfast? What a nice detail. The truth is that today I had planned that we would go to eat at a pretty nice place that I know and that is close to here.

Yumei managed to hear what Ringo said, so she stopped at the moment of having him in front of her.

-Hi Yu… -She grabbed Ringo by the collar of his jacket and threw him over the railing, throwing him several feet down.

-Let's see if that teaches you not to have breakfast with Professor Aimi! -Yumei sputtered, as she watched Ringo fall into a pile of snow.

-I'm fine, I just have a little snow inside my clothes!

Aimi and Tadashi ran to help Ringo, who managed to get to his feet by crawling on the snow, shaking himself a bit.

It was fortunate that the cloak was quite thick or else the boy would have taken a good hit. Needless to say, Eiji and Yurisa got quite annoyed at Yumei for that behavior.

Ringo was freezing to death, so Aimi gave him her scarf to cover himself with, warming up within seconds with the heat left over from Aimi's body.

They went back down to the lake, where Yurisa was fascinated, so she threw a pebble that broke through the thin layer of ice.

-Damn, if I had put a foot in right now I would be frozen. –She mentioned.

-For a reason skating is prohibited here, it will be another time. –Kazumi replied.

Ringo and Aimi were talking a few meters from the others, seeing the lake and the huge skyscrapers that perched in the distance, even though they looked closely at each other.

-The truth is that I prefer spring much more, it is such a beautiful time of year for me. -He said.

-Definitely. Aimi crouched down and formed a small snowball to throw at Ringo from the ground.

-Wasn't it enough for you to fill me with snow a while ago?

-Honestly ... no, I don't think so. -She smiled.

-Sigh, what are we going to do?

Yurisa threw another pebble into the lake, which slipped a few inches as it could not break the ice, it only cracked it, notoriously.

Eiji approached both of them, taking Ringo by the shoulder. -She regretted what happened a while ago, you know how she is.

-I understand perfectly ... I just hope she doesn't end up killing me one of these days.

-Hey, come for a picture! –Tadashi took off one of his gloves and took out his cell phone. -Quick, my damn hand freezes!

-Let's go, professor! –The young people and the teacher got together, posing for a selfie by the lake, all smiling or hugging.

A second before the photo was captured, Ringo grabbed Aimi by the waist, putting his cheek on her head, as if they were dating.

Aimi looked at him with puffed cheeks, raising her hand slightly to slap him for being so daring, but something deep within her soul rose to the surface of her heart and then she preferred not to; I would let it pass that and some other occasion ...