No way out

The two good friends were walking through the snow-filled streets, pushing each other to try to make themselves slip.

Yurisa walked the way she always used to do, taking a thermos of very hot tea to protect herself from the cold, as well as being perfectly warm with all the coats and sweaters she was wearing.

While one of the good friends yawned, the small cloud of smoke that came out of his mouth could be seen due to the low temperature it was that morning.

-God, I feel like my snot is freezing. –Juro mentioned.

-Gross. -Ringo complained.

-If the teacher told you, you would give a slimy smile and it would give you tenderness, why not with me? –At the silly question, Ringo threw a snowball in his face.

-Because I am in love with her and you are my best friend. The more you love a comrade, the worse you are going to treat him ... and it would not cause tenderness, at most I would make fun of her.

-Either it is cold or you just, your cheeks are red.

-It's the cold, of course I'm not blushing! –Ringo began to walk faster, to which Juro smiled wickedly.

Juro hugged his friend from behind, approaching his ear, resting his chin on his back.

-Ay, my love, hug me because I am cold, warmly in your arms. –He said, in an effeminate tone, causing a lady to look at them strangely, paralyzing both friends. -Okay ... that was awkward.

-You're an idiot, Juro...

Yurisa was already arriving at the academy as she brushed the snow off her clothes and hair, immediately meeting Eiji, who greeted her, asking for Yumei.

She had not seen her, she had just arrived,

-According to me, I found you first. –Yurisa continued, who went to her locker to leave her thicker coat.

-And according to me, you two saw each other at the academy.

-Error, sir. In the rainy season I always scold her because she didn't bring an umbrella, I had to dry her hair with the first thing I found.

Tadashi and Aimi were arriving due to meeting in the parking lot. From the temperature shock, Tadashi was shivering with cold, he had the heater in his car quite hot. Aimi was wearing a jacket and a small sweater, and seeing Tadashi shivering with cold, she gave it to him, smiling happily at him; to which he also returned a smile.

Yurisa couldn't contain a giggle at such an event: if Ringo or Yumei were present, they would have been quite upset.

-Oh come on, I didn't do it on purpose. –Apologized Juro.

-Shut up, I don't want to know more. –Ringo came walking to his locker, opening it to take out some notebooks and put others in.

-Don't get mad, it's not like we'll see that lady again.

-She's a friend of my mother, you idiot, that's why I'm so angry! Hell, now my mother will give me a talk telling me that she accepts me as I am. –Ringo fell to the floor being illuminated by a reflector, Juro sweating a fat drop of sweat due to discomfort.

-Don't be an exaggeration friend, there is nothing wrong with them thinking that.

-Think about what? –Kazumi intervened in the conversation, scaring Juro, who threw himself against the lockers.

-No, it's nothing, nothing, nothing, things of friends!

-Juro hugged me from behind and began to tell me who knows what romantic things ... and that's why a lady stared at us.

-Shut up, don't tell her! –Juro covered his mouth, but Kazumi started laughing.

-Don't tell me those are "repressed" desires. It happens quite a few times. I think now I will have a different perspective of both. –Kazumi laughed, while Juro saw her wanting to cry and Ringo saw him wanting to hit him.

-Now think that I like men ...

-What bad luck, now you've lost her, bitch!

Tadashi pulled Aimi's sweater under her brown jacket with cream-colored elbow patches, so it was barely noticeable, and despite not being a big deal, it was a relief from her cold.

He was walking until he met the two friends in dispute, discussing the incident that happened on the way to the academy, listening without being detected by either of them.

He was listening carefully to the problem, analyzing it, trying to find a solution that surely was not going to be found by any of the young people.

In the end, he simply made a nodding gesture and slightly moved his head up and down, to put his hand on Ringo's shoulder.

-Let it be. Statistically, men play more gay than women. For example, I remember that I had colleagues who kissed each other, they said very ridiculous things. –Tadashi began to speak between laughter. -Yeah, even once they were extremely drunk, some colleagues of mine actually kissed, good God, it was so much fun.

-Well… I think now I can justify when I joke with you.

-Oh, shut up! –Ringo slammed Juro against the lockers while the latter laughed.

Yumei arrived in a hurry to the academy, she had seconds left to give the time of entry, almost skidding was that she managed to enter.

Her alarm did not go off that morning, so it was only when her father went to wake her that he did, almost forty minutes to seven… it was half an hour on the way from her house to the academy.

She was already there, greeting Eiji with a kiss on the lips to immediately go to the classroom with Professor Tadashi.

Yurisa asked her for what cause, motive, reason or circumstance she had been late, answering what happened.

-I hate that my alarm doesn't go off on time, it happens to me at least once every two months. Yumei threw herself in her seat, frowned and covered her face with her scarf.

-Hey, only I can sit like that. –Ringo criticized him.

-Don't bug me, Ringo.

It was the day when the boys had physical education, something that in this cold was not the most pleasant, although they could warm up and not be freezing from inactivity.

They braced themselves for routine warm-ups while Professor Tadashi watched them, waiting for something funny to happen so they could laugh like they always did. At that Aimi arrived, giving him a tug on the ear.

-Ouch, why is that? –He questioned him.

-Don't be cheeky and stop seeing the girls. –She scolded.

-I didn't. In any case I like that my girlfriends are older than me, I don't know why I have that "paraphilia" if we can call it somehow. How do you like your partners to be, older or a few years younger?

When Tadashi asked that, Aimi blushed slightly. Ringo realized that his teachers were looking at them, so he greeted both of them, especially Aimi.

Seeing that she was covered with her scarf, it was not difficult for him to sense what was happening between them, something that made him give a little laugh, putting his hands in his pockets to hunch over slightly.

-It is not necessary for you to answer me. He is attractive, I must admit, it is not because I meddle but you two make a nice couple, I noticed him on the walk through Asukayama park.

-It's not true, please don't talk nonsense.

-I studied psychology for a semester but then I left, the damn books cost me an arm and a leg, so I read them. I know the basics of psychology, so i know you lie to me

Aimi clenched her fists and teeth. She wasn't mad at Tadashi, if not at herself, to a degree.

-Don't tell him, please.

-It runs on my own account that I never know from someone other than you.

-How did you find out? I want to stop being so obvious.

-Your eyes screamed at me what is happening, furthermore, your face cannot lie… in short, cannot do anything to hide it, other than pray that no one else notices.

Aimi instantly retired to go to the teachers' lounge to do something that was almost part of her daily routine: smoke until her mouth was dry, that was about five cigars.

A headache began to bother her, as well as a slight dizziness. Surely, she had not hit the hit well, hence the consequences.

In the beginning, things were not so bad. Afterward, her hands began to feel cold, which would be normal in the weather if it weren't for the heat in the teachers' lounge.

Aimi did not sleep well the night before, there was no breakfast other than a cup of coffee or a small piece of bread, there was a slight paleness all over her face. Feeling suffocated, Aimi threw the cigarette into the sink and then went out to the main patio, hugging herself to warm herself when she felt the cold on her face.

A small sneeze came after a few seconds.

-I hate being sick…

Finishing physical education class, Ringo wiped his sweat with the ice water from the bathroom faucet, in those times of cold even making the bathroom hurts.

Ready for the next class, he found Aimi in the hallways, something in her face was not right, she looked bad and it was not because she was starting to get sick ... it was something more serious.

-Good Morning teacher.

-Hello. Hey, I thought we haven't eaten in my house for a long time, could you today leaving the academy? -She asked.

-Of course, I have nothing to do today precisely. However, does you feel good? You feel a little sick.

-Yes, I think wants to give me the flu. One of the few things I hate in my life is getting sick.

-They say that laughter is the best medicine, something tells me that tomorrow it will be better if we go to their house.

-I hope the same, boy.

When Aimi turned around, Ringo gestured to celebrate the invitation. He was truly excited that even his eyes were shining.

She also found Kazumi when passing through her classroom, seeing him so excited, she simply gave him a smile, she felt sure that Ringo was excited about some matter that had to do with Juro.

When he met his friend, he hugged him tightly, causing Kazumi's surprise as well as an amazed laugh. He thought he had hit the nail on the head, when it wasn't even the case.

-Hey I thought you didn't like hugs.

-Shut up and don't say anything, the truth is that I already want classes to end.

-Yes, I think we all love it.

-I have a much stronger reason for this, I assure you.


In between classes, Ringo would sometimes leave the classroom, where, due to fate, he would see Aimi from the second floor, seeing her smile at the students who approached her, in addition to the movements her hair made every time she moved a little head.

When that happened, it gave him the feeling of having Aimi's perfume on his nose, which was a perfume that made him fall in love again with every passing day, without exception, and even when she wasn't going to teach.

It was simply true love, one of those that cannot be found in any corner, it was a special one.

They say age doesn't matter when it comes to love, not religion, not political beliefs or even nationality or gender. Love is something very of each one, and that is almost general culture. Although Aimi did not think in the same way as Ringo, naturally she had a different perspective: she did not know if she was in love with the boy or if her heart misunderstood him.

He could be nice, yes. But it could be with any woman. He could get anything she wanted without neglecting her for a second, too. But that's called kindness.

She did not want to confuse love with something that could be a passing passion, or even think that the boy could be in love with her, he was only attentive for simple chivalry.

However, every time Aimi remembered when the two of them were inches from kissing, it caused her shame and a slight arousal that, in turn, caused her a lot of self-pity.

Hot sensations ran through her body from inch to inch, and all caused by that young man, whom she could no longer see without feeling nervous or ashamed, all because of those sensations in her body and soul.

She had no idea why she invited him to eat at her house if she felt like this, she could no longer cancel him, that was rude, and not just for education, she wanted to avoid disappointment for Ringo.

Her heart problems were difficult, adding with her flu, the truth is that Aimi preferred to die on the spot, that a lightning strike her or that her heart stop so that she would never have to feel love again in her life, all for what happened to her when she was young.

When leaving the academy, Ringo was rubbing his hands to warm himself, blowing a little on them to get rid of the cold.

Aimi was with the car on, waiting for him inside and with the heating on so as not to get cold.

Getting into the car, Ringo greeted her with a smile, something that made her slightly nervous.

-We're leaving now? -Aimi asked.

-I'm not in a hurry, if you want to go somewhere else you can.

-Nerd. Let's get out of here.

It was starting to snow again, soon a good amount of snow would fall, something that was not very good due to the fact that, most likely, the city would be without electricity for a few hours, or even overnight.

The two of them walked down arm in arm to avoid slipping, in fact, Ringo slipped a bit, but Aimi held him tight so he wouldn't fall, something the boy thanked with a slight smile.

Inside the house, it was quite cold, something that was normal. As soon as the lights came on (as it could warm the house a bit even if it wasn't at night), the two of them went to the kitchen to start setting the table.

-What will we eat? -He asked.

-Have you seen the Ratatouille movie? -Aimi replied.

-It was one of my favorites when I was a kid.

-Well, you will feel like a child again. I learned to make ratatouille when I was studying in France, it was one of the first dishes I learned to make.

-Wow, now it seems that we are mother and son, would you like me to be your son?

Aimi remembered when Ringo was resting in the infirmary after being hit in the eye by Dai. She also remembered the hypothetical situation that he was her son and that, therefore, she would have to breastfeed him.

Now he felt much more sorry, since he had mixed feelings for the young man, and the only situation in which Aimi would have to breastfeed him ... would be in some sexual game between the two.

When she didn't answer, Ringo smiled, thinking that he had caused her to really think about it.

-Well, he does think about it. You could adopt me, teacher, believe me when I tell you that I don't take up much space.

-I-it's not that, I-I thought of something else. –The kettle began to whistle, it was tea time. -The bell saved me… literally.- She thought.

The food was green tea and the famous ratatouille. The dessert would be apple flaugnarde with cinnamon, as well as a vanilla cream, a delight in every expression of the word.

Finishing, they were still drinking tea. Yet they played cards; then chess would follow, maybe a good game.

-Do you have a king? -Oops, the power went out, causing Aimi to give a little cry. -What happened?

-I think the light went out, it's good that I have candles. –Aimi mentioned, turning on the flash of her cell phone.

-Amen for it, I think we're lucky.

-I hope you don't have a sensitive nose, they are scent candles. –Aimi got up from the table leaving her cards face down, but Ringo quickly raised them, making a gesture of victory; he had a better hand.

The light had gone out completely because an electric pole was collapsed by the snowfall and the winds, which became quite violent at that moment. It was close to six in the afternoon, there was not the slightest sign of the sun in the sky, it was already getting dark, so the two lovebirds were in darkness.

Aimi walked into her bathroom, leaned against the bathroom door, and breathed heavily. She was alone in her house with a person about whom she did not know for sure what feelings she had.

It wasn't hate, she didn't think it was love, but it was something more than just the affection of friends ... something more than that, but what?

Ringo, by his side, was distracted by his cards, seeing the details of them in the dark, he could barely see them well. It started to get cold from the lack of heat from the lights in the house, so he put on his jacket, warming up slightly.

Returning Aimi, the candles were lit, warming the atmosphere slightly, in addition to giving a light aroma of coconut and cherries. One of the candles was shaped like a rose, it was of an intense red color and it unleashed an extremely passionate aroma.

The scent of the candles, their warmth, the romantic atmosphere made Aimi's heart race, pounding heavily. A strange feeling appeared in her heart, she did not know what it was, but it warmed her soul.

Ringo was no stranger to the whole environment, he felt relaxed, a little sleepy. That feeling disappeared when looking at the face of his lover, all trace of it was lost; falling in love with him as always, only now a little more than normal.

He had no way out of that house, but he didn't want to leave; he wanted to stay there and enjoy himself as much as possible, looking Aimi in the eye. Looking at that hazelnut color gave him a feeling of traveling the universe, although he did not move a single finger.

-I win. -Ad.

-It's because you saw my letters while I was gone.


-It's cold ... the candles are not enough. –Aimi complained, to which Ringo took her hand with a wonderful pretext.

-Your hands are pretty cold, how come it didn't bother you before? –He, apart from touching her hand, began to caress it, feeling the softness of it.

-I'll go get something to cover myself. Aimi got up like lightning, walking hurriedly for a blanket. Entering her room, she put the pillow on her face, which was reddened by the young man's antics.

Even with that, she didn't complain in the least, she almost appreciated the boy's "concern."

She gave a heavy sigh to return to the dining room, where the boy was waiting for her with a smile from ear to ear. She had also brought him something to cover up: a small blanket. However, it was very warm.

-For you. –Aimi said, at the same time that she gave him the blanket.

-Thanks a lot. Pulling on the blanket, Ringo discovered that it had the scent of Aimi's perfume, giving him a heavy sigh. -Wow, it's hot, it's a relief.

It was chess time, they continued with the candle lights, moving their pieces at every moment and in every planned attack.

Their relationship was comparable to a chess game: he attacked with everything he had, his knights, bishops, pawns; she defended herself from the boy's constant sieges, but without stopping attacking in the same way, provoking a war without quarter.

It was already night, Aimi nodded waiting for Ringo to throw the next play, which never came for longer than it happened; until, in the end, she fell asleep.

Ringo realized that she was sleeping, resting her head on her hand. If I moved her elbow a little, Aimi would most likely hit the table squarely.

Clearly it was not like that, he preferred to move the pieces in such a way that it gave the impression that Aimi beat him by very little, although he had a slight advantage.

He had Aimi at his mercy, he could give her a "peckish" kiss right there, something that would be legitimately immoral: he couldn't steal a single kiss on her hand as long as he didn't allow it.

He stared at her lashes, the shadow of her eyes, her dark circles, all the details that revealed the sleepless nights of previous days; the anxieties, everything. Those worries rubbed off on Ringo immediately, having that uneasiness about what was happening to the teacher.

The return of the light woke Aimi, who began to blink heavily, letting out a huge yawn and then stretching as God intended. She noticed, after a few seconds, Ringo in front of her, looking at her with a certain tenderness, as well as with some astonishment.

Something that naturally made him sad; so he faked another yawn thus hiding his blush.

-Did I fall asleep for a long time? -She asked.

-No, actually I didn't know you fell asleep. –He lied. -Congratulations, you beat me again, Aimi.

-Hum, now. At the end of the day I am your teacher, you will always learn from me whether you like it or not.

-However. -Ringo leaned against the table. –You can also learn from me, although something tells me that you already did, what did you learn from me?

Aimi made a thoughtful face, she had the answer in mind, an answer so clear and concise… that she preferred to keep quiet.

-I learned that there are people who come into my life by surprise to give it a three hundred and sixty degree turn, since they always brighten my day and surprise me with their occurrences, comments or make me laugh just by having them next to me "

-I-I don't know. I think I learned that I can have the adolescence that my father took from me. –It was something believable and also true, but not as true as what she thought.

-Well, that's enough for me. Ringo blew on the candles to blow them out, grabbing his jacket and getting up from his chair. –I think it's time to go, my mother will be waiting for me.

-I hope he doesn't get mad about it. –Aimi also got up to go with Ringo to the door, where he said goodbye with a kiss on the cheek.

She was about to tell him what she really learned from him, but she better shut it up as it was not the right situation. Those feelings had yet to mature.

-See you tomorrow, Aimi. –Ringo waved one last time.

-Until then. She closed the door to lean on it, melancholy. -What do I feel about him? ...