Chapter One:Deja vu

It had been 9 months since he was arrested . Specifically seven months and six weeks since the case was closed.Max Kruger had been charged with first degree murder. Evidence was scattered all over on the crime scene the judge had no problem declaring him guilty,some neighbors had even claimed to have seen him kill his 28 year old wife.CSI had caught him when he was trying to flee.On his cell wall were markings,tallies counting the exact number of days he'd been in prison . Everything that happened was vivid in the back of his mind,it played over and over like a video stuck in loop every single day it ate at his conscience.On that Friday he had come home from work,he loved his wife a lot and they rarely got into arguments.He was power hungry but his wife understood this and always tried to appease him by putting him in charge of everything concerning both their house and their relationship.At that point he was really successful he had even been on the cover of their magazine twice for promising entrepreneurs and if that wasn't enough he had really refined features a perfectly tanned body,complimented greatly by the face and hair that everybody flipped over. He wasn't skinny and he wasn't muscular either an about average body that gave you the best out of both.His wife,a very excuisite woman,who had left many yearning for her.To make matters worse he had used a crude weapon to commit the atrocity.A spoon .The news crew had compared him to Jack the ripper and numerous articles were written on him in the months following his arrest.The New York Times even called it the murder of the century.World renown business mogule ,Max Kruger murders model Jessica Kruger.They had their first serious fight on that fateful night.The argument got heated ,strangle marks on her neck suggested a tie had been used to choke her ,her screams were probably enough to alert the neighbors who called the police Max obviously knew this and it only served to agitate him more he had to get her to keep quiet.From his pocket he jammed a pen 73 times into her body.Seventy three times almost every part of her body had to be stictched for the funeral preparations.He had even jammed it several times into her head and neck it almost seemed ritualistic.You tube included it in the most gruesome murders ever recorded the actual cause of death excessive loss of blood.CSI a found a broken chip of glass from the side of their table it required almost 200 psi to chip off that glass she had a dent on the side of her forehead and CSI strongly held she hit the side of the table during the commotion.This was probably enough to knock her out or even make her gibberish.Thread samples from her mouth indicated that he had tried to muzzle her.He then grabbed the pen and crammed it down her throat to keep her quiet they weren't sure this would have been enough to kill her but he didn't stop there.He proceeded to cram the spoon in between her clavicle on both sides.Then worked a merciless nineteen times all over her face and twenty three times on her torso.He tore off her clothes and worked the remaining times on the rest of her body a merciless seventy three times in total.He figured the neighbors would force their way in and proceeded to haul the body out of the bathroom windows 40 feet from the ground maybe to make a break for it,the only question CSI had was why throw the body .He then rushed down sat her up in the front seat of his car and drove off.The police caught up with him before he got far enough.

They called it Alcatraz. Amodern day prison that housed cannibals,druglords and psychopaths kind of like a modern day prison for people like Michael Myers.Here you were actually thankful for waking up cases of inmates being killed by wardens were really prominent.Some inmates even had a reputation of killing or even going to an extent of eating their fellow inmates.In this prison what you were in for would give you a rank.Psycopaths were ranked higher than cannibals which proved an advantage for Max.The intensity of the crime you did would guarantee you respect but not from the wardens that is,all food materials served on the prison was heavily kerosened including the coffee it actually tasted more of kerosene than actual coffee it was torture but it kept them in check some inmates went to the extent of sexually abusing other lower ranked inmates.Guards were heavily armed while patrolling the cells even though each inmate was accounted for in their cells .All the same the prison rarely underwent maintenances mostly because they wanted to make the living conditions for the inmates unbearable .It was located on some sort of plane about 20 acres in size with no trees on rocks in sight and with the prison built in the middle anyone who tried to escape was immediately shot dead by the guards on the four watch towers on all corners of the prison.The main prison itself was a 6 storey building built on an acre of land housing about 2000 inmates with the kitchen and wardens offices on the bottom .Visiting wasnt allowed and the only cars that were allowed in were millitary vehicles for the food and prison supplies.As if this wasn't enough their was only one entrance and it also served as the exit all round a 10 foot wall with an electric fence on top.The prison cells were small and each housed two inamtes Max was likely enough to have a fairly sane inmate.His name was Brad he was previously a soldier but he went rogue after being involved in a school shooting about 6 months after being accepted into the army.The military had him marshalled and he ended up being sent to Alcatraz instead of a normal prison and he hated them with every nerve of his soul for doing it.He was American but he was predominanty Latina he spoke fluent spanish and English.He had deep blue eyes and a fairly muscular body he was in the military after all .A perfect face except for a scar on the side of his forehead that he got as a kid from an abusive father,his father who was a violent alcoholic who at one point knocked out all of his mother's teeth and bended three of her fingers back while Brad an only child watched helplessly from under a table.During his youth he was charged severally for battery and ended up going to juvee twice.After completing his second sentence he joined the army as he realized the violence suited him.He had black hair that greatly overshadowed the prison jump suits they wore ,he was weary of Max but they still cared for each other enough to tell of their life stories.In all their stories none of them denied they were guilty but Brad was presumably ordered to do it ,he did his part by being involved in the school shooting but he didn't actually kill anyone , apparently not killing anyone was what got him in prison as he had specific orders from a high ranking general to kill and he'd help him get away with it.Apparently the government required unrest and fear in schools in order to control the population,people are more subjective to authority once they realize their in danger.He was supposed to initiate the shooting without drawing too much attention but he didn't ,he shot up the school didnt hit any Target and had himself arrested with everyone that accompanied him running for the hills .No one was ever caught just him,the inquisitors asked for his accomplices but he didn't give any description and was punished for it by being sent to Alcatraz.In all fairness Brad didn't know any of his colleagues they all met up on the day of the shooting and everyone wore skimasks.It was better this way if he kept his mouth shut he would serve his sentence but he would still be alive.Max on the other hand didn't say say much about him he just killed his wife the only family he had left with a crude weapon.Did he want to do it ,yes ,did he have a choice ,yes,but he still chose to kill her eitherway.He wore a shady look almost all the time he rarely smiled ,he only smirked once when an inmate died after he got into a fight with one of the cannibals.After that the cannibals were assigned to a different floor.

This morning about ten inmates were on compound duty all the inmates coming from the psycho block.Heavy footsteps could be heard approaching each of the cells on the prison followed by loud creaks as the buzzards on the cell doors buzzed to open.It was all remote controlled save for the rare occasions that the doors sealed themselves shut when the power levels on the prison decreased.From their cells they could hear clanking from the chains that were cuffed to their feet while they were on duty.

"Looks like lady luck's on our side today we're on shift," Brad said as he rolled up his sleeves.Max eyes brightened as he proceeded to the cells doors.As soon as the shackles were fastened on their feet the door buzzed open.They proceeded to the corridor where a procession of other inamates who were already in shackles were heading down the halls to the elevator on the far end of the floor.About six guards were on the floor altogether all of them wearing hard looks with heads held up high.Their shift was rather uneventful on this particular day save for some prisoners who were accused of not putting enough fertilizer on their work.These particular prisoners were ordered back into their cells and we're told that they wouldn't have human food for a week ,the only food they would be allowed to have was the fertilizer they didn't put on their plants.With three guards accompanying them they were forced to carry the sack of fertilizer up the stairs and onto their cells where the guards ripped the sacks and pored most of the fertilizer on their beds and the floors.While still on his shift Brad had a brilliant idea Ammonium nitrate had been used severally in Afghanistan to create home made bombs ,load it with enough gun powder and a little acetone you'd create a massive explosion.An explosion like that might be enought to start a fire considering the amount of kerosene stored in this particular prison.The default setting for the prison was to buzz all doors open in case of a fire,it looked stupid but the designer probably assumed that most of the prisoners who got out of their cells would be eaten by the cannibals who would by then be stampeding through the halls ,some would be killed in the stampede which would greatly aid the prisons budget,and the remainder would be shot by the police for trying to escape.Never would they anticipate that all the prisoners here would work side by side to communicate and they were right.Most of the prisoners here wore shady personalities and the social time they had was too small for them to establish any amount of communication.Food wasn't served socially it was rather brought into their cells and pushed in from a space under the bars supposed to be the door.Max stared in distate at the horrible looking lump of potato on his tray supposed to be food,a wooden spoon on the side of his tray."Knock yourself out"the chef said as he pushed the stroller to the next cell.Max listened mindlessly as the creaking sound of the stroller disappeared in the corridor then chowed on his food.