Chapter Two:Max Kruger

"Buddy having one of your episodes again"

"It's coming"now tears rolled down his cheeks falling on the dry floor as he repeated the same words.Their was suddenly a rancid smell on their block like decaying flesh they associated it with the fertilizer but it seemed to get stronger at the moment ,maybe a rat had died somewhere in the block they weren't sure but whatever Max was saying was getting louder and louder.Brad had been mocking him then but now he couldn't help but get scared.Their was something about Brad that gave him the creeps at times they understood each other at times ,but on occasion everything was off.This was one of those instances.Max had now gotten up and was banging on the metal bars shouting at the top of his voice almost in a tune.

"How many people you know who can name

every serial killer that ever existed

" Put em in chronological order beginning

with Jack the ripper

"Name the time and the place from the body

the bag the zipper

" Location of the woods from where the body

was dragged and then dumped

"And which motel which lake they found her


"Which night it was done what kid could

write there was none

The guards had already heard him and many were rushing to the cell.For some reason the power went out and after a quick second the generator brought the building back to life.The lights were now pulsing like like they do when you look at them for two long .Bright to find almost in tune in sync with Max's words.The guards were in his cell and he had been held down against his bed by a whole three men.Brad had avoided the ruffle and had edged to the corner of the room staring in daze.This time he was screaming and laughing simultaneously.The other prisoners had become nervous and their were shouts all over the prison.

"The trunk they were stuffed in the model the

make the plate

This time it was followed by a loud bang from adjacent room.The fertilizer.Theyd found a way.The guards locked the door and immedialtely headed for the cell but it was too late.A large opening was where the door was supposed to be and part of the wall had been carved off by the explosion .Another cell had completely collapsed with the inmates buried under a heap of rocks that was supposed to be the wall.Loud cracking noises could be heard from the electric wires now hanging naked from outside the walls.A loud noise was heard all over the building the alarm was blaring wildy.The ones responsible for the explosion were nowhere to be seen ,a make shift rope made out of bedshits was cleverly fastened onto a piece of plumbing and was hanging from the posterior end of the cell.Two guard were scoping the area out through the large opening while the rest had proceeded to scan through the hallways.Unknown to the two guards in the cell the prisoners were actually still in the cell.On their beds to be precise lying so till they looked like dummies as the guards assumed.They silently got up and no sooner than the guards could say Abracadabra they were falling about 40 feet high off the ground while their weapons found their way onto two fairly experienced hands.

"Viva la revolution" the duo screamed.The generator exploded after a short circuit caused by the naked wires affected the entire system the power was off and the doors imeediately buzzed open from the smoke that was coming out from the side of the exposed cell."Prisoners escape due to poor maintenance ,now that's a headline "Brad said mockingly as he moved closer to the open doors.The guards on the watchtowers had already opened fire at the first batch of prisoners that were on the grounds .Screams could be heard all over followed by resounding shots from the tower there was no power so they relied on the rare flashes of light from the watch towers.Once or twice an officer was shot instead of a prisoner and twice as many times a prisoner would chew on a wardens ear and a uniform was stolen.Subduing this type of criminals wasn't going to be easy.The only advantage the wardens had was the prisoners lack of weapons and quite frankly they were loosing that advantage.The guards that were on their floor had come back presumably to kill Max and Brad as they associated them to be the cause of the whole commotion."Ok hands behind your back face on the wall" they were ready to eliminate these ones.On the count of three one ,two.....

They would have shot the two of them there if the prisoners on the adjacent cell hadn't opened fire at the wardens killing them even before they got a chance to take cover."All for one brother"as they retreated down the hallway heading for the stairs."Ok big guy how do we get out without getting killed "Max said nothing."Your Max every inmate here either hates you,fears you,or doesn't want to meet you ,you have made prisoners here think this place is haunted,some wardens compare you to Albert Desalvo made every man around these parts afraid of being imprisoned here just so they won't come into contact with the 'great evil'if you get your act together we might actually make it out of here alive .

With that they both got out dinner trays in hand Max leading.The hallway was a mess.Gunshots and wardens here and there,Brad had already knocked a guard unconscious and got his hands on a weapon.Max was more of a crude weapon guy which was weird but he had already broken his wooden spoon in half and one of the halves rested stiffly on a dead body at the opening of their cell.It was alarming how well he could fight.Brad laid some good old cover fire and the two made their way through the hallway to the elevator.The other piece of the spoon was momentarily rammed into an other guards temple.

Some other prisoners had also managed to secure some weapons.I have to say the floor was clear of guards but blood splurts were graffitied on to the walls,and brought an ominous look as it darkened in the moonlight..They had almost forgotten the power was out before they reached the elevator and had to take the stairs.The problem with stairs being they would most definitely increase their chances of getting killed considering they would encounter resistance from guards on each and every floor .They would be better off if they jumped but that fall would be fatal too.They both agreed on grabbing a body and trampolining on it down.A wardens body they weren't very nice anyways.A diabolical idea but still.Max was the one that started grabbed a warden,this one in particular wasn't dead but he could barely move,a stick rested on the side of his neck and he was sobbing as Max moved him closer and closer to the stairs.He jumped down the warden on the receiving end.You would think body skiing from that high would make him nauseous but it didn't well at least for the time.Now all they needed to do was escape the prison ground which wasn't going to be easy.The rest of the wardens had regrouped at the top floor to shoot down anyone and everyone on the ground.Wearing a wardens uniform wouldn't help as they had expected that,and every remaining warden including the ones at the gates were up.Max who had been silent all through couldn't help smirking.Then finally with a shady tone said lets burn it the whole thing .It wasn't a clever idea but they both liked it.If the building caught fire the guards would flee from their rendezvous.They both proceeded to vandalise every electrical equipment they could find before remembering the kerosene supply the one put in their food.They seemed to be the only prisoners left, except for three others that had joined them while they were dousing the building.They weren't completely clueless either as they ferried kerosene to the two floors on top of them.They recognised two of them,the guys that had started the whole escape thing,the ones involved in the bombing .Unknown to the them Max got Brads gun and ignited a kerosene trail,the one on their floor and watched maniacally as the flames moved upwards.Brad was distracted for a few seconds before seeing this but the sudden heat got his attention."What the hell are you doing,we needed them"he couldn't help punching him.From the floor with blood leaking from his lip and the gun cast aside "They would have turned on us and you know it,plus 5 prisoners escaping would be one hell of a headline compared to two,a giant search party would be sent out narrowing the chances of our survival,"he then licked at the blood on his lip while standing up.Brad couldn't argue with that logic but was still weary of Max.He then picked up the gun and pointed it at Max's head "How does a business man know this much,how does a business man use stakes against highly trained wardens he said this in so much rage that Max actually flinched ."Ok I have a confession ,my wife, he then paused as if to get a reaction out of Brad "she wasn't the first one I killed" "First what ,woman or person,"he lowered his aim slightly but then raised it after Max was still silent."First person I killed a few but I was smart enough to not get caught" "Then what happened ,did you get sloppy ?"he had completely lowered his aim now and even ushered Max to get up."These men come upto me with an offer say their from an organization "he squinted a bit and stared had at Brad "Oh you mean a cult?"he sounded interested and Max had to go on."Yes a cult,they told me about a throne you know Bible stuff and all I had to do was kill her and the rest would follow"Brad chuckled softly.It was getting hotter but he had to know the rest of it"And you were that stupid you believed biblical stuff?"Max started hauling the empty kerosene jerricans on their floor up the stairs triggering a series of explosions.Then he stroked on his hair and pulled carefully on a longer strand of hair "Not without good reason they had these references about a book the book of Solomon to be precise, it was getting hotter and he tore off the sleeves to his shirt now "I'm not Jewish but I know my fair share of the Bible"Max grinned "I'm talking about a literal book that he presumably left behind a legend associated with that book a legend of wisdom and power"his eyes widened as he spoke but Brad interrupted him"Wait so you read it?"he was clearly interested."I read part of it a page to be precise."The fire was now seeking the entrances and they had to act fast.They settled on finishing the story later and ran out of the block.Their were some cars on the compound but Brad suggested taking the roads would be risky since police would have been posted to man the roads, they had to take the fields.