
chapter 9


   I picked the phone to call Antra, she picked at third ring.

  Hello, she said. Are you on your way?

No,I called to ask if you can lend me the money for transportation fare, I have tried to find money but it was to no avail

   I told you to let me give you the money earlier but you refused to listen, now are you not back, I wonder when you will stop being Soo stubborn, she said although not mockingly

   Am sorry, I didn't know it would be this hard, I see said regretfully

   Stop being Soo formal with me, we are friends, where is the Fariya to that won't hesitate to talk back to me? We've grown apart that we just have room be formal, she said with sadness in her voice

   That's not it, we are not apart, it is just the circumstance, after this you would see we are okay, I said with a small smile

   I believe it because you say so. How is the little girl? I can't wait to see you and the small gem that has made you fall Soo hard for her, she teased

    Of course who wouldn't fall for that bundle of joy, don't worry, you too would fall for her, but I don't think Maggie is fine. That is one of the reasons I want to leave here urgently, I explained sadly

Why? What is wrong with her? She asked sounding alarmed

It is just that she doesn't talk much again, Maggie would barely say ten words in a day, which isn't like that before. The Maggie I know can't stay quiet for one minute but now, I don't even know what to do

  Is it that serious? I woul go send the money tomorrow morning so you woul leave there next tomorrow, I don't want any excuses,she said in her bossy voice

   Okay, thanks alot, I said thankfully

   Why are you thanking me, what are friends for? She asked with a small laugh

       I guess it's till later then,I said

  Yeah, bye and my regards to Maggie, she said ending the call


      You have to put on your dress, I said to Maggie as I tried to pry her hands off my legs to dress her up.


      She just shook her head and clung tighter

   Don't you want to leave here,I asked. And answer me with words I said to her before she could reply me

     I want to, she said in a tiny voice which is better than not talking at all

   Then why don't you want to wear your dress or don't you want this clothe, I asked

    She went to our packed bags and brought out her singlet and sweat pants, she brought them to me indicating that's what she wants to wear.

     Since this is what milady wants to wear, she gets to wear it, I said as I dressed her in the clothes she wants and was rewarded with a small smile

     I proceeded to return the dress in the travelling bag and the we left for the motor park. I had told the compound members the night before that I am going to be leaving the house so one of the tenants in the house who have a large family asked to use my apartment till my rent expired, to which I agreed to.

    Are you hungry? I asked Maggie who is squirming on my laps.

       She shook her head and squirmed a bit before clinging onto my dress and rested her head on my bosom.

     We are close to Lagos, it is remaining two hours to get there, journey is exceptionally long and it is already taking it's toll on us, most especially Maggie. I just hope she doesn't fall ill.

  **I felt relieved when I the taxi driver stopped in front of Antra's   house, I stepped and the driver offloaded our things from the trunk of the car after which I walked to the gate. I adjusted Maggie who was strapped on my back and I knocked on the gate.

     I knocked for a while but received no response, so I called Antra.

   After five minutes, I heard the sound of the gate being unlocked which made me stand up from where I am seated. I walked over to the gate and was engulfed in a bear hug.

     We would just smile and hug, we will smile and hug again. We repeated this ritual for about five minutes.

Abeg make una do sharp sharp, time no dey wait ooo(you should be quick, time doesn't wait for anyone) the gate man said interrupting us

   Sorry, we said simultaneously as we took our things inside.

   Once inside, I laid a sleeping Maggie on the bed while I went to bathe.  After bathing I went to sleep beside Antra who is already asleep.


         Good morning sir, I heard Antra greet her boss

    How are you this morning? Ben her boss asked

   Am great sir, she replied

  And how is your friend, is she here already?

   Yes she is, she is asleep now, Antra replied followed by clanging of plates which drowned their voices.   I decided to stand up and get my day started instead of whiling away my time on bed.

          Good morning, I said to Antra as I closed the door to her room which was adjoined to the kitchen

        Good morning, how was your night, she replied with a wide smile on her face

     It was fine, thanks

    That's great, my boss is having his breakfast now, come with me so I would bring you to him, by the way where is your new daughter

   She is still asleep,I would go wake her up later on to eat and then you would meet her properly

That would be nice, but right now we have to go see him and then I would prepare a nice breakfast for her so she would have a nice first impression of her aunt, she said while leading the way to her boss

      ***Good morning sir, I said to Ben when we entered the dining room

    How are you Fariya, how was your trip?

      It was fine sir, thank you and thank you for having us, I replied gratefully

    It is my pleasure, and I am sorry about what happened. before I forget, where is the baby girl? He asked looking around

    She is asleep, when she wakes up, I would bring her to see you, I said with a smile

   I am about to go out now, but I would see her when I get, he said with a small smile

     Will do sir, I said as I excused myself so he would finish his meal




















This is all for tonight, I hope you all enjoyed it. Love you all sooo much, don't forget to tell a friend of a friend to add this book to their reading list.

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