
chapter 15


      Hurry up,will you? Antra yelled in front of me

          I am walking as fast as I can, I yelled right back.

            We've been shopping for hours now but for some unknown reason Antra just doesn't want to call it a day and my feet hurts like bad.

          Ahhh, I yelped as a hand snaked around mine to pull me forward

          What's wrong with you? Stop pulling me along like a rag doll, I complained trying to free my arm

            Then walk faster, we still have a lot of shopping to do, she said excitedly

              Antra stop, I said planting my feet on the ground firmly

              What is it, why are you stopping? She asked confused

             I can shop any longer, my feet hurt and I am really hungry, I said putting her out of her confusion

         Ohh!! I am Soo sorry, I had no idea, why didn't you say anything earlier? She asked

         You were having fun and I didn't want to disrupt that, but I don't think I can handle it anymore, I said eye searching for a chair.

          Ok then, why don't you go sit in the car Soo I will make a last stop then we can leave, she suggested

          If it is the last stop, I guess I can manage, I said following her

          You know you really don't have to right? She said

             I know that, and this is my choice, I said with a soft smile as padded our way through the busy Mall.

                 And we are here, Antra said as we walked into a phone shop

           What are we doing here? I asked her feeling confused

           What else? If not to buy a phone, she said in a duh tone

               Okayyy, but your phone is working perfectly fine, I said still confused

                Don't be silly, we are here to buy your phone, she said stressing on each word as if she is speaking to a five year old

                Why would you buy me a phone, I don't need a new phone, come on let's leave here, I said trying to drag her out

                 I am not leaving this place until we buy you a phone and I am not taking no for an answer, she said walking further into the shop.

             I just followed while we looked at several phones, I wonder which one she will choose.

        As if on cue she brought a phone with S5 written on it.

          Do you like it, it is the latest infinix model, she asked gushing over the phone

         Me being me, I accepted to buy the phone knowing Antra is the best in this aspect.


         Mummy!!! Maggie yelled coming to hug me when we got home

         Ohh, so you forgot all about me right, Antra said faking hurt

             No aunty, why would I forget you, I was just coming to you right now, Maggie said going to hug Antra who lifted her in her arms.

           What did you buy for me? Maggie asked her when we settled in the living room

         I bought you chocolates, a lot of them, Antra said emphasising it with spreading her hands wide.

             And you forgot all about me, Ben said from behind us

     Why would I forget you, I bought you a really nice wristwatch that caught my eyes, Antra said bringing out the wristwatch as well as my new phone.  Oh my word!! We forgot to get you a sim card how will you use the phone now, she said hitting her forehead.

              Don't worry about that, I have my former sim with me, there is no need for a new one, I said shrugging

        Okay then why don't we just charge it Soo you would be able to use it sooner, Antra said separating her things from mine

             Mummy will you let me play with your phone when you charge it? Maggie said looking up at me from the floor with her mouth smeared with chocolate.

         Of course I will but not too much Soo you wouldn't get addicted to it, I said pulling her cheeks


           Riiiiiing!!! Riiiiiing!!!! Riiiiiing!!!!! I heard my phone ringing disturbing my precious sleep. I squinted my eyes shading it from the sun coming in from the open curtain, arrgh why did I have to forget to close the window.

      I picked the phone without checking the number.

       Hello, I said into the receiver in a groggy voice

        Hey, good morning Fariya I hope I didn't wake you up, I heard James voice say into the receiver

           No, good morning why are you calling? I asked bewildered

         I am sorry but please can I speak to you today in person please, he asked sounding pretty desperate

          Okay, where are am I going to meet you,I asked still wondering what is Soo important that he wants to talk to me about

     You can meet me in the restaurant close to your house, I will be very quick and not waste your time, I promise

          Alright then, I will meet you there at by four o'clock, I said ending the call.

        Knowing that I can't go back to sleep again I decided to go and prepare for the day. After taking my bathe, I walked downstairs to discover no one is awake yet. I went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for all of us before going to wake Maggie up , leaving Antra and Ben to wake up at their own time.

          Good morning, Antra said to me where I was seated with Maggie in the living room.

           Good morning, I replied  your food is on the table

          Thanks a lot, sorry I woke up late

      You don't have to apologise to me, besides I woke up late too, I explained with a sheepish smile

       Soo it is now a crew of late morning risers, Antra joked from the dinning room.

        Good morning, Ben said as he walked downstairs

           Good morning, how was your night? I asked

          It was great, thank you, he said walking towards Antra in the dinning room

                Soo Maggie what is your alphabetical table, I asked her continuing what I was doing before they came down.

             A B C D E F G, she said smiling at her achievement

           That's great Maggie, you are doing well, give me a high-five, I said high five-ing her

    Mummy will you tell me the rest now? She asked expectantly

         Alright,repeat after me H I J K L M, I said slowly

          H I J K L M, she repeated smiling broadly at her accomplishment

          Alright say them repeatedly Soo you won't forget it, I said picking up my new phone to explore it

               Okay mummy, she said repeating it a little too loudly

                  Is Maggie learning her alphabets, Antra asked sitting beside me 

        Yes, I figured since she is not starting school early,sh should learn the basics

           That's a great idea, it really helps, rather than her wasting this year, we could even get a lesson teacher to warm her up for school, Ben said coming to sit opposite us

             That's great Ben, by the time she resumes school she would be the best in her class, and it is a good thing she is showing Soo much interest in school, Antra said looking at Maggie who is still receiving the alphabets

            Antra I have something to tell the both of you, I said sitting up

         What is it, Antra asked sitting up too. Is there something wrong?

               No, it is just that I want to go meet someone this evening by 4 o'clock and I was wondering if you would be at home to help me watch Maggie, I said fiddling with my arms

       Ohh, my baby has a date, don't worry we would watch over Maggie but first you would have to tell me who this guy is, she said wiggling her eyebrows

             It is not a date and I am going with James, I said nervously waiting for her reaction

         Which Ben are you talking about? And please don't tell me it is your ex boss, she said

           He is the one but believe me, he means no harm, I said trying to convince her

                 Why on this Earth will you want to go meet you with that man of all people? She asked  staring at me unbelievably

                Antra let it be she is an adult and if she wants to meet him you can't question her, he said to her smiling at me

            Alright if you say so, Antra said begrudgingly agreeing.




















Thanks for reading, love you all a lot ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️

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