
chapter 25


         Why can't you guys just get married, all my friends parents are married to each other?? Maggie asked with tears in her eyes

              Baby, you know your dad wouldn't allow that, you have to understand, I tried to explain to her

            Why wouldn't he agree??you are my mommy and daddy, she asked again

             You guessed right, I am getting that talk wit Maggie and it sure is harder than I thought it would be and James isn't here, he wouldn't hear anything about it. I wouldn't lie and say the fact that he vehemently refuses to marry me doesn't hurt but what can I do, it is not as if he would jump at the idea of getting married to me because his daughter says so.

                 Well because we are not in love, I said rubbing my temples in frustration

               You are just looking for excuse, I would just tell aunty Antra to come take me and I would stay with her, she yelled before running to her room

                 Maggie!!! Maggie!!!! I called after before she banged the door.  I guess I would just talk to James when he gets back since Maggie isn't complying


              Ding ding!!!! Ding ding!!!! I heard the doorbell rang

                I guess James is back, I thought to myself before going to get the door

                Welcome, I said as I opened the door revealing James at the other side

          Thank you, how is Maggie?? He asked loosening his tie looking stressed

             She isn't talking to me and she hasn't eaten since this morning, she's locked herself into her room, I said worriedly

                 What do you mean by she has locked herself in her room,he asks alarmed

                 We were talking this morning and I was trying to explain to her why we couldn't get married so she rang inside and since then she has refused to come out, I said sadly

                   I would just go talk to her, he said brushing past me and before long I heard him talking softly outside her door. I moved to the kitchen to make final touches on dinner. I hope she comes out.


             Here she is, please give her something to eat, James said nodding at Maggie who stood at the far side of the dinning room with her shoulder slumped

              Maggie!! I exclaimed as I ran to hug her. Don't ever do this to me again baby, do you know how worried I was?? Come let's go eat, I made your favourite for you

                 James turned to go to his room to go freshen up while I led Maggie to the dinning table before dishing her food, she hasn't spoken a word and heaven knows what James said to make her come out but it doesn't matter since she's out and fine. I wouldn't know what I would do if she didn't come out for dinner too



          It's been a week since the marriage talk and Maggie hasn't said a word about and what baffles me more is that she hasn't said more than five words since that day and it is only if she's forced too. I am becoming to get scared that she would fall ill like the other time, I swear I am not ready for such emotional pain again but James behaving like all men doesn't see anything wrong with it, he says she is just being rebellious but I plan on going to see Antra this weekend and I will be taking Maggie along with me since she is the only person she asked for.

             How was school today?? I asked as Maggie came into the house with her shoulders slumped as usual

                  She just looked at me and walked straight to her room. I sighed heavily. This has become a routine, I would talk and she would just look at me and ignore me but I guess it is better than with James where she wouldn't even spare him a glance.


           What is wrong with the two of you Fariya?? This child's condition worsened to this extent under your nose and all you could do is watch?? Antra scolded me anger evident in all her being

               We are at Antra's place and Maggie reported all that happened to her, the first time she talked to someone

               It is not like that, James doesn't love me and he made it clear that he wouldn't marry me, I can't possibly force him into a loveless marraige just because I love him and his daughter wants him to, I tried to explain

          Can you really hear yourself right now?? You and I know this girl is a fragile child, she has been through what any normal child of her age hasn't. Any small thing and this girl lands into a hospital, you know that and I know that, so why would you guys do this?? She yelled with fury

                I am sorry, I didn't know what to do?? I didn't want to sound desperate by asking us to marry and when I talked to him about her silence, he concluded it as just being rebellious, I was in a tight spot too, I couldn't force him down the aisle with me, I said crying over the rejection and the pain, I cried at the fact that even at the point where my child needed me, I only cared about my self respect instead of her happiness. I am such a shitty mother, I hope she forgives me.

         FARIYA you have to stop crying and instead find a way out of this, we both know you love him and even if he doesn't love you, the one he loves is no more so there is a possibility that he would love you after marriage, we just have to convince him to get married to you, she said soothingly as she rocked me back and forth

                   But how are we going to convince him, he doesn't even want to hear about it, I said sniffing while wiping my tears

                 Don't worry I would talk to Ben so he would invite him over, we can talk some sense into him, she said smiling at me. She's most definitely the best friend I could ever wish for

                 Okay then, it is late already, I have to go and start preparing dinner, I said standing up

                Yea it is after six already, time just flew by, she exclaimed standing up, probably to go start dinner too

                  Maggie stand up let's go, I said with a smile

                     No I am not coming with you,I want to stay with aunty Antra, she said frowning her face

                   You know your Daddy wouldn't want you to stay back right, I said calmly

                  But I want to stay and play with her and Uncle Ben, she said not moving an inch and gripping the chair tightly

               But....... I started to say before Antra cut me off

                Let it be Fariya, I would call James and let him know she would be staying at my place till he comes back to his senses, she said moving to the kitchen with Maggie following closely. I sometimes wish I have her courage and strength. But I am very happy she is interfering because this is getting beyond me and if Maggie is happy with her then I have no qualms.





























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            ❤️❤️❤️Love you all💜💜💜