Episode 5: Lost Labyrinth (2): No escape (1)

The room began to dim. My eyes began to sink and I felt sleepy.

Suddenly, the siren rang.

The 'yo' guy sprung up and stood in a defensive position.

I slowly got up beside him and asked, "Hey... what's going on?"

"..." He was silent.

"Hey...?" I asked again.

"Stay down... I think... something is coming."

I moved back and lowered myself. I could slightly see the side of his face; he was giving off a serious look.

"Usually, he's so casual..." I thought to myself. "What's going on?"

"Wait here," he said walking towards the door. He opened it, peeked outside and then stepped out.

"Don't go anywhere this time," he said looking back at me.

"Wait! Don't leave me behind! I'm coming with you."


"No buts!"

"..." He looked at me.

I gave him a serious look back.

"Alright, come let's go. I'll help you out, don't move much by yourself."


We left and headed down the corridor in the same direction I was trying to walk down before.

* * *

We walked for quite a while.

"Where are we heading to...?" I said, but then, I realised it was like a question testing him. "Ah... never mind," I quickly added.

"Let's just head down here. I came down here to find some food before. We can grab some more and then leave this place."

"Food...?" I thought. "He didn't grab more food, it was the same as before..."

"Ahh why is he-" I began to say but then I covered my mouth with my hand.

We slowly walked down the corridor close to the walls.

We heard footsteps in the distance and we stopped. Slowly, he let go of me and I leaned against the wall.

He walked in front and checked the corner.

"What... is it?" I asked.





The situation was not great.

"I am injured," I thought to myself, "bleeding and the soldiers are chasing after me. I should tell him..."

"Hey..." I said. "You should just go. Don't stick around with me."


"Hey..." I said again. "Did you hear what I just said?" I asked slowly.

"Don't worry."


"They aren't coming for us."

"What do you mean?"

"They stopped moving. They are surrounding a corner."

I stepped forward and peeked past him looking down the corridor.

I focused my vision and saw two girls stranded over in the corner. One of them looked like she was freaking out while the other one had her back turned to us.

"Let's go before they notice," he told me, turned around and started to walk off.

I held on to his arm. "Hey... Let's-"

He interrupted me. "No."


"That's not possible."

"But... they-"

"You're injured, let's get you somewhere safe," he said ignoring me. He turned around and held on to my arm and shoulder.

I nudged and swayed my arm. "Why-!" I began to say but he closed my mouth, pulled me away and pushed me on the wall.

"Hey! Be quiet!" he said in a low voice.

"You helped me but why won't you help them???"

"Hey, hey, that's different!"

"What's so different about it?"

"You're... forget it, let's leave before they come after us!"

"Those people, if you aren't gonna save them, I will." I was determined. My wound was pulsing but I'm not backing off this. "They are citizens! My job is to keep them safe!"

"Look at yourself!" he said staring into my wound. "You can barely move and you want to save them? You're injured."

"Even if-"




"Argh!!!" I shouted.

After a moment of silence, I heard footsteps approaching us.



"One... two..." he muttered. "Five people are approaching."

The steps were quiet as if they were cautiously waiting for us to show ourselves. Clattering sounds filled the silent corridors.

Suddenly, in the distance, I heard screaming noises.

The footsteps stopped and quickly turned around.

"Hey!" we heard from a close distance.

I dragged myself closer to the edge of the wall and peeked out.

In the distance, I saw a soldier dropping his gun on to the ground as he stared straight towards us, towards the group of three soldiers near us. The soldier's eyes stuttered as his mouth opened wide.

His body nudged forward and backwards weirdly as he slowly muttered, "H-H-Help-"

But then, a fountain of blood gushed out from his neck as a sharp object slit through it. He stopped. His head tilted forward and I could see someone standing behind him - a young woman.

The bloodstained blade blinded the soldiers - in front of us - a little as I saw a sinister smile on the girl's face.

"Do you know how long I've been waiting for this!!!" the young woman shouted. "This is payback!!!"

The soldiers lifted their guns and got into a position ready to fire.

As the body - of the soldier - began to flop forward, the young woman grabbed on to it tightly and spoke up. "Go on then! Shoot!"

The soldiers wavered a little but then one of them spoke. "Shoot."

"Yes, sir," they all said and bullets began to fly over to her like a machine gun.

The young woman held on to the body as it took the hits for her and she crouched down backed up against the wall - another woman was behind her.

I grabbed on to the 'yo' guy tightly, pulled him and threw him towards the group of soldiers.

The 'yo' guy tumbled a little and looked back at me with a 'what the heck?' face, but from his momentum, he gained, he didn't stop; he dashed forward and pulled out his blade.


The blade slid across the first soldier's neck and the soldier speechlessly dropped on the floor.

The other soldier's continued to fire towards the two women.

The gun - of the soldier who just got taken out - dropped on the floor loudly. The commanding soldier - in the middle - panicked and turned around, "Hey, what are you-" His eyes widened and he lifted his gun but it was too late.

The 'yo' guy dodged sideways, avoiding the gun's aim, and threw the blade at him.

The blade passed the soldier's neck creating a deep cut but not fatal enough to kill him as he swayed his head sideways.

"Aim here!" the commanding soldier shouted.