Chapter 59

The wooden club was wrapped in bandages with black, cryptic inscriptions.

"What an unusual weapon," Kizaru commented. "But the bigger the weapon, the slower it is."

Kizaru smirked as he turned himself into light, travelling behind Hokori and sending a kick at the speed of light towards him.

Hokori reacted quickly, using the club to block the attack from behind, and then turning around while swinging the club. He covered the club with haki as it almost hit Kizaru who backed away.

"That only applies to weak people. If you're truly strong. You'll be fast no matter what," Hokori said as he unwrapped the bandages on the wooden club. "I kind of feel sorry for you. This is the second time I've unwrapped this club."

Kizaru stared as he unwrapped the club tilting his head to the side. "What is that?"

The sky darkened and lightning struck the club as it was fully unwrapped, lightning sparks appearing around it. Lightning sparks also appeared around Hokori as his eyes glowed a bright blue.

"Which one do you think is faster? Lightning or Light?" Hokori asked him as he lowered his stance with the club to his side.

This was an aggressive stance that only focused on offense. All his weight was balanced on one foot and since he was leaning forward, any tip to any direction would make him fall. The addition of the wooden club made it harder to balance, but Hokori had gotten used to it by now.

"Ehhh? Obviously light," Kizaru answered.

"Technically right, but that's only if you measure speed. Do you know what plasma is?"

Kizaru shook his head. "What does that matter? Let's get on with the fight."

"Plasma is everywhere, and where there's plasma, there's electricity meaning I can do stuff like this."

Hokori outright disappeared, teleporting in front of Kizaru as he swung his club charged with lightning and sending him flying to the railing at the side of the ship.

"Pretty interesting, huh?" Hokori smirked.

Hokori didn't just move really fast, he teleported and by teleporting he technically moves faster than light.

Kizaru's back impacted the railing of the ship, taking out all the air in his lungs as he shook from the electricity that passed through him.

He laughed as he stood up quite slowly dusting off his shoulders. "You got me there, but I'm not that easy to catch off guard."

Kizaru did a series of kicks, firing out beams of light towards Hokori, but he dodged them by teleporting to the side and swinging his club again.

Kizaru wasn't an Admiral for no reason. He predicted that Hokori would do the teleport attack again and was waiting until he did it. The attack neared his face, but he smiled.

Even though Armament Haki made it possible for people to hit Logia devil fruits, it didn't matter if they never hit the person.

Kizaru turned himself into light last second and dodging the attack all the while re-appearing above Hokori and sending a powerful kick downwards.

"Didn't expect that one," Hokori said as he got up and swung his club again.



"Hmm, it seems Luffy has arrived. This should be a good time to make an appearance," Hakai said as he jumped off the ship, transforming into his large dragon form and started flying towards Marineford.

His giant form which was comparable to mountains casted a giant shadow on Marineford.

The pirates and marines looked around, wondering why it had gotten so dark all of a sudden.

"Is it night already?" Luffy asked.

"Stupid, that's not possible. The sun was right on top of us before."

"Wahhhh, dragon!" a random pirate screamed, pointing at Hakai.

Everyone's attention was now on Hakai.

"Admiral Akainu, if our sources are correct, that is Captain Hakai of the Dragon Pirates," a marine said.

The Warlords of the Sea stared at Hakai. This was one of the things that he changed. Before, Boa Hancock had been called to Marineford to help, but with Hakai taking her into his crew, the marines had one less Warlord.

Doflamingo laughed. "They weren't lying?"

Mihawk stared at Hakai with the same plain face that he always had. "So you have revealed your true self."

Hakai landed on top of Marineford, overlooking everyone. His huge weight made the building crumble, but since basically all of the marines were out in the battlefield there was minimal casualties and injuries.

"So you are Ace?" Hakai lowered his huge head, eyeing him out.

The 2 executioners standing beside Ace were shaking as they swung their weapons at his face.

"If you're gonna do a massage, at least put a bit more force on it."

The weapons clanged on his steel-like scales, bouncing off of them.

Ace looked at the huge dragon in front of him, visibly intimidated. "W-Who are you?"

"That doesn't really matter, but I guess I'll answer. I'm Hakai. Stay alive. It would make Makino very sad if you died."

"Makino? How do you know her?"

"Are you living under a rock?" Hakai laughed. "You should look at her bounty some time."

Hakai diverted his attention as Sengoku approached him. "Hakai, prepare to die and back away from the prisoner."

Sengoku transformed into his giant golden form radiating light. "For the crimes of destroying Mary Geoise and killing Commander-in-chief Kong, I will execute you myself."

Hakai laughed. "Stop you're making me blush."

Sengoku's eyebrows twitched as he thrust his palm out towards the giant head of Hakai. "Shockwave!"

A golden shockwave appeared, blinding the people nearby and hitting Hakai.


Sengoku was confused. "What are you talking about?"

"6/10 massage. A bit more pressure and it'd be an 8."