
After lunch, I continued my training but inside the city. Gem had told me that if I practiced our power inside the city it would be more powerful outside the city because of the conditions restricting powers. I pointed my finger and tried opening a portal but nothing happens. I try it again but I get the same results.

"Hey Gem?"


"How come you can use Space-Time in the city but I can't?"

"The barrier puts a strain on human bodies that suppresses the powers humans were given. Us shinigami are not of this world so we won't have that strain."

"Oh ok, would there be a way to get rid of this strain?"

"Destroying the barrier or just not being apart of the human world"

"I don't think I could do either of those" I look down at my hands, "Hey Gem?"

"Yes, Karma"

"I can use Space-Time with any part of my body right?" Gem nods, "How about my eyes?"

"You could but I don't recommend it"


"It will cause you blindless if you overdo it"

"But it's possible?" Gem nods, "Do you think you could teach me to use Space-Time in my eyes? I'll be careful" Gem shakes her head,

"You need your sight, I cannot be your eyes"

"Ok, fine but still I need a way t-" I had come up with one of the best ideas ever, "Gem do you think you could make a loud bang?"


"Please?" I beg Gem and she grabs my dresser and bangs it on the floor causing a portal to open up swallowing my dresser. "I DID IT" Gem looks at me with confusion.

"What exactly did you do?"

"I don't know but my plan worked" Gem facepalms herself.

"I get it, you can't make normal-sized portals in the city so you made a small portal and used the vibrations to make the portal travel and get larger" I nodded my head, I just wanted to see what would happen if I sent a portal through sound waves but the outcome was good. "Let's try it again while you know how to do it"

"Okay, can you bring back the dresser?" Gem opens the portal and brings back my dresser. "I wonder if I could do it with voices?"

"That's gross"

"What, how?"

"The portal would open in your mouth, don't dirty my portals" Somebody knocked on my door.

"It's open" Asagi walks in, "Hi Asagi, if it's about the noise I'm sorry Gem and I were working on opening portals"

"No, Lady Karma I barely heard anything but your brother just called he said for you to call him immediately."

"Oh shoot, thanks Asagi" I check my pockets but I don't feel my phone, I feel my heart sink and feel my soul leave my body, "Gem did you see my phone?"


I run downstairs to search for it but I don't find it. "Wait where's Sinn?"

"No idea"

"Asagi, I'm going out!" I shout through the house and run out the front door, "Now if I was Sinn where would I go?"

"An orchard"

"But there's no-crap the farmer's market, Gem" Gem opens up a portal and we teleport to the farmer's market but there's no sign of Sinn. "Do you think you could bring us to the office?" Gem opens up another portal and as I step through it I'm face to face with Kaname, who's sitting at a desk looking through paperwork.

"What're you doing here and why haven't you been answering your phone?

"I misplaced it and I thought Sinn had it so I was coming to find him. Is he here?"

"No he's probably in the shinigami realm, if he gets bored he'll go back there"

"I see so what were you calling about?"

"At first it was to check up on you but then I looked through the files and it his is gone"

"What? It's gone?" Kaname nods, "So what now?"

"He doesn't have a power so he won't be in the system"


"So as of right now, we have no way of finding him"

"Great, first my phone now the file"

"It's alright we'll think of something. How's your training coming along?"

"It's surprisingly really well, I'm progressing really well"

"Why is that surprising?"

"I expected it to take me longer,"

"It's good you're moving fast, we only have a week. Oh and here" Kaname throws something my direction, I catch it and look into my hands.

"Hey, my phone!"

"Yeah it was on your dresser"

"Huh, but how did yo- it teleported here didn't it?"

"It almost gave me a concussion too"

"Ah sorry Kaname"

"Whatever, go home already" I teleport home with Gem, "If you keep sticking around we'll both be screwed you know"

"I know but I wanna see how this turns out too"

"I could've just told you"

"But you wouldn't find the signs we're looking for"

"We're looking for? I doubt anything you told me is true"

"You'll get proof sooner or later, just wait and see"

"For her sake, I hope you're wrong"