A Visit to the Shinigami Realm

Gem and I get home and I immediately lay down on my bed.

"I'm so tired"

"You should probably eat something before you take a nap, you haven't eaten yet"

"Okay Gem"

As I'm about to walk out of my room, I realize Gem isn't following me.

"Are you coming Gem?"

"I'm going to the shinigami realm for a while,"

"Okay, I'll probably be sleeping when you get back, bye Gem"

Gem teleports herself to the shinigami realm, which is a cold, dark and dusty place. When she gets there, Sinn is not far from where she's standing.

"You felt it too huh,"

"I didn't notice till you left, why did you say anything?"

"I thought you knew, I was about to go see him myself. You coming?"

"Might as well"

Gem and Sinn both go to see Kami's shinigami, Axel. Axel wasn't in the shinigami realm but Gem opened up a portal to bring Axel.

"What the hell do you two want?" Axel said folding his grey decaying arms.

"Listen Axe, we know you've been watching us and we'd love to know why?"

"I'm not watching you idiots, it's not like anything interesting is going on with you guys or your humans. Unlike mine, your humans lack the drive to get stronger."

"And look how she turned out" Sinn said rolling his eyes.

"There isn't anything wrong with Kamiya, she's perfect"

"She's completely crazy and abusive" Gem said in a concerned tone.

"You guys wouldn't understand, Kamiya is trying her best with what she has. She wasn't given a top rank power and she isn't a strategist."

"That's not an excuse for the way, she's treated Karma" Gems states

"Or manipulated Kaname" Sinn continues

"Whatever, I'm out of here" As Axel walks away he notices he keeps coming back to the place he was trying to leave. "Damn it Gem!"

"You haven't answered Sinn's question yet"

"What question?"

"Wow now he's playing dumb, just answer the question Axel" Sinn said losing his patience.

"I'm not the one watching you guys"

"We aren't stupid Axel we know-"

"It's Kami who's watching you"

"But the only way for her to that is if"

"What Gem? What did he do?"

"He made the deal with her"

"The one that gives her complete power but shortens her life?"


"You have her fighting a war to lengthen her life only to cut it short later on"

"It's what she wanted"

"That doesn't matter do you not care for her"

"Of course not, she's nothing but a leech to me"

Gem and Sinn are both taken aback at Axel's words. Sinn stands in place wide eyed not knowing what to say, Gem trembling with anger yells at Axel and grabs him by the neck.

"You've been with her from about the moment she was born are you saying that if she were to die right now you wouldn't care? What about all the memories you have with her? What about the dreams she has? Her hopes? Do you not even care about those?"

"Of course I don't, if you do you've gotten attached to your human. We exist to take and shorten human lives, the God of Death only made that deal with the humans to shorten even more human lives. Don't forget that."

"Even so, we should look after them"

"No we shouldn't, Kamiya has the right idea, living by her little saying"

"What saying?" Sinn asks in confusion

"Survival of the fittest, she shows no mercy to anyone and I'm happy she's that way"

"You've made her into a monster!" Gem throws Axel into a pile of ruins.

"So be it, it's not like she was going to make it anywhere. Sinn your human is going to get 2 businesses, Gem your human gets an entire battleground but what does my human get? She gets nothing, I've made her this way so she'll be able to take what she wants. She'll have everything she's ever wanted now."

"That's just wrong man," Sinn shakes his head in disapproval, "you shouldn't have let her turn out that way and made the deal with her"

"Say what you want, I did what I needed to"

"You should be doing what is best for her" Gem says angrily, but Axel flies off ignoring her.

"You know Gem, Kamiya watching both Karma and Kaname isn't a good idea"

"I know it'll interfere with her training but Kaname shouldn't need to worry if he's just working right?"

"Every human has a secret Gem" Sinn says looking away, "I should get back anyways, see you later Gem" Sinn flies off leaving Gem behind with her thoughts.

"Every human has a secret huh?"