He…doesn’t exist

*Luke's POV*

"Crap she's going to rat me out and when she does, my mother is as good as dead," I thought to myself. "It's all my fault why couldn't I have just done as I was told and stay under the bed. It's all because I couldn't wait to get to know her. I'm an idiot.

*Karma's POV*

"I was nervous that you guys would make me leave the room before checking it out" I lied to Kaname, I hoped he wouldn't figure that out.

Kaname sighs "Sounds just like you, I'll be back around dinner time to bring you something to eat alright"

"Okay, thanks Kaname"

"No problem" Kaname leaves the room closing the door behind him. Luke comes out from under the bed, looking at me with a surprised expression.

"Why didn't you tell him about me?"

"Well if I shouldn't tell Father I saw you then telling Kaname should be out of the question too."

"Well, it's not like you tell your dad everything but isn't your brother all you got?"

"Not true, I have another brother out there somewhere and I'm going to find him. That's my wish before I die." I say looking up at the ceiling.

"Well, you've got more than enough time don't you? Ya know with the war deal and stuff."

"Actually I don't, I refuse to kill any QPs so I'll die at 35."

"Wait what? If you refuse to kill why bother inheriting a war?"

"So my older brother won't have to carry that burden and my older sister won't cause another world war. I'm doing this so that I can protect him."

"P-protect him from what?" Luke says looking at me, I turn to Luke and say "Protect him from the misfortune of war, the depression, the constant fear, the after-effects, everything. None of my other family really cares for him so I'm going to, I kind of sympathize with him. Everyone has a reason to keep me alive but it's because they want me alive, it's cause they want something."

"So other than the second-born, the rest of your family practically use you for personal gains?" Luke got in the bed and sat beside me.

"Yeah over the years that's what's been done. I honestly hated my power when I was younger but knowing Gem comes from it, I don't complain anymore."

"Gem?" Like gave me a puzzled expression. "Like a stone?"

"No, she's my shinigami" I laugh at Luke.

"Oh right, so how do you die?" Luke asks bluntly, "uh um sorry that was rude."

"No it's ok I wonder the same thing"

"Your shinigami hasn't told you yet?"

"Nope but I could still die anytime before that anyways but anyways seeing as though you don't have a shinigami you get to live a long life."

"Yeah, but what does it matter if I'll just be locked up here?"

"My offer still stands you know. Plus I'll be in here pretty often now."

"How would you get in? It not like you and your dad have the same fingerprints."

"True but I can do this" I point to a wall and a portal to my room opens. Luke looks at me in shock.

"How did you-?"

"It's the power I share with Gem"

"So u can open portals anywhere and anytime?"

"Only places I've seen, with my own eyes and in photos or videos and yea unless there's some type of barrier that puts a strain on me"

"So now that your in this room you can come here anytime?"

"Yeah looks like we'll be friends Luke," I said with a smile.

"I guess but what if your dad comes in?"

"He always knocks right?"


"Then that should be easy I can be anywhere else at the speed of sound if I wanted to"

"Wow I wonder what I could do to get a power like that"

"It's all thanks to Gem"

"Where is the shinigami?"

"She's in the shinigami realm right now. Would you even be able to see her?"

Luke shrugs "I always see your dad's"

"This may sound ridiculous but are by any chance a Quincy?"

"Don't think so why?"

"Usually only shinigami, Quincys, and partnered humans can see shinigami, with the exception of my siblings and I, we can see any shinigami at any time."

"Maybe I'm special" Luke said smiling, I just laughed at him, "hey don't laugh, your siblings are a special exception so why not anyone else."

"You have a point but we're an exception because my Father is partnered with the God of Death so you'd have to be my long-lost brother to be an exception."

"Yeah yeah I know," Luke says getting up from the bed. "There's no chance I'm your brother though"

"And why not?"

"Cause he doesn't exist"
