I'm Sorry

"What do you mean he doesn't exist?!" I say standing up from the bed. Luke looks around the room for something.

"Just as I said, this brother you're looking for doesn't exist," Luke says as he lifts up a pile of books. "Ah, here it is" Luke picks out a piece of paper under the books and hands it to me.

"What's this?" I say taking the paper and looking at it.

"Read the paper, you're brother left it up here like 2 weeks ago. I naturally hid it to use as blackmail to get out of here but it's of no importance to your dad."

"But he…" I say as I look down at the paper, which reads

1. Trick Karma into searching for our "brother"

2. Make sure she doesn't return

3. Help Kami get the war

"But why would he do this?" I say holding the paper tightly in my hands.

"Beats me but what're you going to do now?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"He's coming, must be dinner time"

"How do you know?"

"I've memorized all the footsteps in this house but thanks to the new help I've got more work ahead of me."

"Karma it's me, can you open the door? Father is busy right now." I look at Luke and then at the door and back at Luke.

"Open it, I'll be under the bed. What you decide to do is up to you." I pull out my phone and text Kaname that I'll be right out. I leave my phone on the bed in the room and head for the door. Luke looks at me with a confused expression.

"I'll need a reason to get back in here later. Bye Luke, I'll see you later."

"See ya" I close the door behind me and rush downstairs for dinner. I slide down the stair railing and hop off at the end of the railing. I walk into the dining room to see Father talking to one of the butlers that worked for mom. When the butler walked away from I ran up to him.

"I see you're doing better," Father says with a small smile.

"Yeah I'm better, have you seen Kaname?" I asked him.

"He went to get your sister, Karma will you be joining us for dinner?"

"Probably not, Gem is going to appear soon so I'm going to train with her,"

"Alright but be sure to eat something soon,"

"Sure Father," I run back upstairs and stop in front of Kami's door. It was open a bit and Kaname and Kami were arguing.

"Undo it Kamiya," Kaname said angrily.

"I told you give me what I want and her safety's secured," Kami said with a smile on her face, "also stop calling me that I hate that name,"

"Kami think about someone else for a change, if you don't undo whatever you did she'll die,"

"Think about someone else huh? I'm thinking about what Father wants, Karma might have the power but I have the mindset. Having me inherit the war is a more effective,"

"We both know it's not our decision to make,"

"The decision could be made if you told Karma what's going on behind the scenes,"

"What're they talking about?" I thought to myself, "what's happening?"

"You know Kaname it'd be great for me to get the war before mother dies," I take a few steps back from the door. "I'm glad you heard me cause Kaname would've never told you," Kami says with a smile while looking at me through the crack in the door. Kaname turns around and opens the door. He looks at me with guilt in his eyes.