
I stood there looking at Kaname, he sighed and said "Karma, I was going to tell yo-"

"WHEN?! When would you have told me huh?! I knew it was suspicious the way she just left without saying anything, why did you tell me?"

"I couldn't at the time," I pushed Kaname out of the way and looked down at Kami who sat on her bed.

"How did you know?"

"I was the cause now that we're getting somewhere I wan-" I slapped Kami across her face before she could finish her sentence.

"You're holding your own mother as a hostage to try and get something that isn't within your reach. Let mother go,"

"Ow, that one actually hurt but no regardless I'll get what I want. If she dies you'll go berserk and it'll deem you unworthy of the war. If she lives, that means you've turned the war over to me so Karma, which will it be?"

"Well obviously I'm choos-" Kaname covered my mouth mid-sentence.

"She hasn't decided yet, how much time does she have?" He asked as I tried to get out of his grasp.

"3 days, after the sunsets on the third day let me know what's decided or mother will die,"

"Alright, come on Karma we need to talk," Kaname drags me out of the room in a headlock, "What're you thinking?!"

"Me?! What about you?! Why did you lie about Mom?!"

"Because I knew that you'd act like this,"

"Like what?! Worried? Concerned? Scared? Cause that's how I'm feeling right now,"

"Look I know and I'm sorry but you have other things to focus on right now,"

"What other things?! Nothing is more important than my mother and I-,"

"What were you going to say at that moment Karma? What would you have chosen, the war or our mother?"

"That's a stupid question, I would've chosen my mother,"

"And what about all the countless people who would've died feeling Kami's wrath? What about all the families who will never know what exactly killed them?"

"Come on you're always painting Kami out to be the bad guy but you're no better,"

"I'm thinking about it from all sides so excuse me for being cold-hearted,"

"It's not that I know you're teaming up with Kami so that she can get the war and you leave me on a wild goose chase, I know that you have no solid proof my sibling is a boy,"

"How did you...," Kaname looked at me shocked, tears welled up in my eyes.

"I knew it!" I teleported out of the house and along the outskirts of the city. I sat under a nearby tree and cried for what felt like hours. I couldn't believe that Luke was right about Kaname and Kami or the fact that Kami is holding our own mother hostage. A heard large footsteps approaching me I could already tell who it was.

"How was the Shinigami realm, Gem? Did you have fun?" I said trying to hide the fact I was crying.

"You know the Shinigami realm is anything but fun Karma, but I'm sorry that I could barely help you train with this back and forth,"

"That's okay, I've been pretty busy lately anyways,"

"So why are you crying, did you try to train yourself and get hurt,"

"No, my wound is more emotional, I just found out Kaname lied to me and Kamiya was the reason mother fell ill and she's quite close to death. Matter of fact, she now has 3 days to live now and I have to choose my mother or the war,"

"Have you decided yet?"

"Of course I have I need to save my mother,"

"So you've decided to save your mother and put everyone's lives in Kami's hands?"

I remain silent for a while then stand up and dust off my pants. I walk in the direction of the city.

"Where are you going?" Gem asks me as I keep walking with my head down.

"The only place I call home, you coming?"

"I don't really have a choice you know,"

"I'd give you the choice you know, you don't need to follow me around all the time,"

"Actually I do, it's apart of the pairing. I must follow you around till you turn 18,"

I stop in my tracks, "What happens after that?"

"I don't know,"

"Let's go Gem, it'll get dark soon,"