I'll Leave Everything To You

"I wonder if anything was left-back?" I say as I rummage the fridge for something to eat.

"Probably not," Gem said standing behind me, idly watching.

"There's a bowl of fruits, a salad, and some apple juice. That's enough to last me about 2 days,"

"You plan on staying here for 2 days?" Gems ask me

"Well, I can't go back to Father's place yet,"

"I'm surprised you're taking this so calmly,"

"Oh I'm a mess inside, I want to save mom but I'd be putting everyone else at risk, and if I decide to take on the war then I lose one of the closest people to me,"

"And if you don't answer in the time given?"

"Mom dies,"

"Why don't you save that decision for later, instead think of a way you can have both,"

"How am I going to have both?"

"Well if we happen to find a way to heal your mother without Kamiya finding out so when you choose the war and she tries to kill her she'll be unaffected,"

"I don't think we could do that in the span of 3 days most doctors can't heal pairing powers and we'd still need to find out where mom is," I turn to face her.

"Would anyone else other than Kamiya know where your mother is?" Gem asks looking down at me.

"Kaname knew something about mom," I pause, and Gem continues to look at me, " I'm not speaking to each other right now,"

"Karma I think you should put all of whatever is happening behind you and focus on saving your mother right now,"

"I could've helped mother by now if Kaname had told me what was going on in the first place. He came and offered to help me but it turns out that he's been keeping secrets from me. Not only has he kept mom's conditions from me and lie about it but he's also been working with somebody else so obviously can't trust him right now,"

"So how will you get the information you need about your mother?"

"Does anyone know you came to see me?" I say looking up at Gem.

"No why?"

"Do you think you could get anything out of Kaname on your own?"


"Please Gem, I'm begging you," I said pleading to her with my eyes.

"Alright then,"

"Thanks, Gem, I owe you one,"

"Whatever," Gem descended into a portal and disappeared.

~Gem's POV~

I appear back in the house, looking for Kaname.

"Good to see you back," Sinn says in a teasing tone, "you're almost never here, I wonder where you go all the time."

"Leave me alone, Sinn" I said rolling my eye.

"Is that anyway to talk to a friend,Gem?" Sinn said almost pouting.

"We're not friends," I said speeding up to get away from him.

"That hurt my feelings," Sinn paused, "if I had any at least. Although seeing you here not long after the little one ran away must mean something, doesn't it?" Sinn said smiling.

I thought to myself, he's onto me I need to be more careful. "She left? I was hoping she'd be he-"

"Cut the crap Gem, if you can instantly appear wherever she is then why come here? She sent you for something didn't she?" Sinn said questioning me, closing the gap between us.

"What would she send me for?" I asked Sinn "if she's not here then I'll just go to her,"

"Kaname predicted this you know," Sinn said "he said that after she cries about she'll come looking for answers and if not herself then she'll send Gem,"

"If you know all that why not tell me what I need to know and I'll be on my way,"

"Because that'd be too easy of course, I gotta play around with you a bit first."

"Where's Kaname I don't have time to deal with you right now."

"He just left actually, you won't find him here."

"Seriously?" I said annoyed.

"He's right actually," a voice said from behind me. "Kaname left recently, he said he had some business to attend to, I assume he's out looking for his runaway sister." Kami said annoyed. "Now can you stop bickering, I'm trying to do something important."

"You are aware that she's your sister too you know?" Sinn asked Kami.

"I have no sister," Kami said turning around about to walk away, "oh and Gem?"


"I would appreciate it if you stop pestering Axel, he's a very busy shinigami and has no time to be constantly bothered by you." Kami said now walking away.