The Day

I had fallen asleep while sitting next to mom but when I woke up she was nowhere to be found. I panicked, frantically looking around the room for mom. Just as I was about to call for Luke, she walked into the room.

"Should you be walking around in your condition mom?" I asked, rushing to her side.

"Don't worry dear, I'm starting to feel better so I thought I'd get up to stretch my legs, " mom said walking back over to the bed.

"Oh, you're feeling better? That's great to hear but you shouldn't strain yourself or you might get worse, " I explained hoping mom would take extra caution.

"Alright I'll be careful, anyway what should we do today?" Mom asked sitting on the bed.

"I'm not sure I just want to spend the day with you, "

"Well then, let's head out, " she said standing back up, I looked up at her shocked, "what? I don't want to be in bed all day and I'm sure that you don't want to hang around me bedside all day either, so let's go out and have some fun, "

"Where would we go?" I raised a question expecting an answer, I knew if she didn't have we would just stay here.

"How about the city?"

"The city?"

"Yeah, I mean we're out here in the missile of nowhere so let's go out, go shopping, have some fun, when are you going to get another opportunity like this?" Mom said excitedly, as much as I hated to admit it she was right. With the war going on and all the stress of finding my sibling, I rarely ever got to do anything fun for myself.

"Alright, but I don't want you walking around a lot in your condition so I'll take us to the city and we won't spend a lot of time there, " I said standing my ground to let mom know I'm serious about this.

"Deal, but how're you going to take us there, "

"I'm a shinigami pairing, my partner Gem has the ability to make portals leading towards anywhere she or I have been before, " I explained.

"A Shinigami pairing but doesn't that mean your life is shorter than the expectancy?"

"Yeah, I'll die really young but I don't mind that. My sister taught me the world is a cruel and unfair place so I believe that it's better I die young, " I confessed as I looked down, feeling as though I was about to cry. Truth be told I still have the will to live but there was no way I could go on living if I had to cut someone else's life short in order to lengthen mine. I looked back up at her and smiled, "nevermind that though let's have a good day, " I grabbed her hand and opened w portal beneath us, we dropped down and landed in the heart of the city.

"Woah, well that's one impressive power, " Mom said as she got up from the ground. "I wonder what kinds of powers your siblings have?"

"As far as I know the boy that was with me yesterday, Kaname can control peoples bodies against their will and my sister Kami is able to corrupt peoples minds and control it, " I explained.

"Well you guys are one scary trio, " she said giggling.

"Just remember I'm the nice one alright, " I joked, laughing. We decided to walk through the city and do a bit of sightseeing. We saw the defiled statue of my father, rode on the back of the giant rubber turtle, went to the amusement park powered by Quincy powers, and even climbed up the tallest building in the city, aka Akane Structure. It was the most fun I had in years, I didn't want my mother to die. I wanted to have more times like this but I knew what needed to be done. Sunset was coming up and I had dreaded the decision I was about to make. I looked at her one last time, she was so beautiful. The wind blowing her hair as she tried to feed the ducks at the pond. I was proud that this woman was the one who brought and welcomed me into this world, I'm just sorry that I had to be the one that decided whether to keep her here or send her into the afterlife.

"What're you looking down at kid? Got something on your mind?" Mom asked as she sat beside me on the park bench.

"Well, I'm just thinking about the decision I told you about earlier, " I confessed about you cry, "I don't want to have to lose someone so important to me, " I said as tests streamed down my face, I promised myself that I wouldn't cry today but of course the tears kept coming.

"Hey, hey, " she said cupping my face in her hands, "it's alright, remember what you said earlier. This world is a cruel place and sometimes it's better to go out sooner rather than later, " she said as she wiped my tears away. "Your right the world is a cruel place but it's up to all of us to change that, and change starts with one person willing to risk it all, so can you be that person sweetie?" she asked my looking into my eyes. I nodded my head and she pulled me into a hug. "I know you can make this world a better place for you and your family wherever they might be. It takes a long time to change the world and I don't know how many years you have left but start something and inspire other people to change so when you pass on your followers will continue to carry on your will throughout the generations. I believe in you, Karma, "

"Thanks, mom, 'll be sure to change the world so that not only you'll be proud but my sibling as well, " I said as my voice cracked and shook. "I should take you back now, " I said pulling myself together, mom nodded and I opened up a portal taking us back to the underground bunker.

"I'll be fine here dear, you go on ahead and do what you must, " mom said getting back into bed.

"Goodbye mom, I promise to ensure the world gets better for everyone, " I said saying my last farewell to her.

"Goodbye Karma, I'll hold you to it, " she said as I left the room. "My beautiful daughter, Karma, do you know why I gave you that name? Do you know what your name means? Karma means action, I knew from the moment I saw you that you'd be the person to save this hellish paradise. I'm proud to call you my daughter, I just wished we had more time together but of course, I'll carry the memory of today with me wherever I go, " she said crying. "I'm sorry, that I placed the weight of the world on you Karma but I will always watch over you, "