Big Decisions

I walked back to the house and up to Kami's room, where Kaname and Kami were waiting for me.

"Told you she'd come, you owe me $15," Kaname said with a smirk.

Kami sighed and asked me "have you come to decision yet?"

"I have but I have a few questions first, " I said giving Kami a serious look, Kaname and Kami looked at each other then back at me.

"Shoot, " Kami said smirking.

"Whatever you did to mom only affects her cause she's our mom right?" I raised the question hoping my hunch was right.

"That's correct, where are you going with this?" Kami asked looking at me and Kaname suspiciously.

"Your power affects the subconscious so if she were to truly believe that she isn't our mother then would it be enough to free her?" I asked, hoping this would be my way out.

"Even if she were to truly believe that, nothing would change. My power indeed affects the mind but I have complete control over it from the moment I lay a hand on you." Kami said standing up and approaching me, "You saw her didn't you?"

"I did and I don't regret it, she was feeling better just this morning, " I said.

"So what're you going to do Karma?" Kami said folding her arms.

"Think about this thoroughly before saying anything, " Kaname said looking worried.

"Take the war, all I want is my mother, " I said staring into Kami's eyes. For some reason, even with a smirk on her face, her eyes looked so sad.

"I'm glad we understand each other," Kami said walking towards the door, "now that this matter is resolved, let's go tell Father the good news,"

"Hold it, Kami I've got a few questions first," Kaname said as Kami was halfway out the door. She mumbled something to herself and turned around.


"Karma just mentioned that mom was feeling better just this morning, did you do that?"

"What? Of course I did, I knew she would go see her so I just lift my influence for a bit," Kami said getting impatient. "is that everything? Can we go now?"

"What's the rush? If the war is yours, why do you feel the need to move so quickly?" Kaname said smirking, I stood there very confused as to what's happening?

"Kaname what's going on?" I asked as the two were staring each other down.

"Fine, if you two don't want to leave, I'll go," Kami said turning around, Kaname grabbed her before she could leave.

"Freeze," He said in a monotone voice, still holding onto Kami's arm. "Now you can't move, and you won't until you answer every question I have," Kaname said with an icy gaze.

"Dear brother, I think you forgot just how my power works. I didn't get to put your mother down under but I'm still in the mood for putting someone there." Kami said in a threatening tone. "Remove your hand if you wish to keep your sanity,"

"Oh I didn't forget, I remember good and well but you need to be conscious to use that power of yours, don't you?" Kaname asked smirking.

"So is no one going to tell me what's going on?" I asked just watching them, then there was a knock on the door. "It's open," I said letting the person in. It was one of the maids that worked for mom.

"I'm sorry for the intrusion but the Master would like to see all 3 of you now," she said, slightly opening the door.

"Let him know, we'll be right there," I replied and she shut the door. "I wonder what that's about," I said turning my attention back to my siblings, neither one of them concerned about what Father could want. "For the love of the guardian deity," I said as I kicked Kaname off of Kami. "Let's go already," I said getting fed up with their fighting. Kami made eye contact with me and then left the room, I looked at Kaname and asked "What the hell was that about?"

"It's hard to understand but given time I'm sure you'll begin to figure it out yourself," Kaname said staring at the door. "We'll talk about your decision later, let's go see what Father wants," he said leaving the room. I followed behind him and went to Father's office.

"I'm sorry to bother you three but I've just gotten word from the battlefield," Father said sitting in his leather chair.

"About the battlefield, I have some news about that," Kami started.

"Not now Kami," Father interrupted her, " I've just gotten word that 60% of our troupes have now been wiped out of injured to the point where they cannot fight,"

"60%? That's a huge reduction, do you know how it happened?" Kaname asked.

"Sadly no, the message was damaged severely and I only know 60% of the troupe is gone, "

"So the 3 of us are going to investigate?" I asked, feeling a sense of dread over the matter.

"No, Karma you will stay here and Kaname and Kami will investigate. If any issues send Sinn back here, " Father said.

"Wait, why isn't Karma going?" Kaname asked. "We're going to need her to investigate, the battlefield is huge and for just me and Kami going will take weeks, " Kaname said trying to convince Kami.

"Sorry, Kaname but I'm not going, " I spoke up.

"But why?" Kaname asked, confused.

"In terms of battle strength, you and Kami far surpass me plus you both have the ability and mentality to kill. I…don't have that, " I said trailing off.

"That's true but mainly putting you out there is more of a loss than a gain." Father said, "if you were to go out there and have your pairing severed or even be captured we'd be at a huge loss, "

"Worse than the 60%? " Kami asked.

"Kami losing your sister is about an 80% loss, " Father explained, "we need to find the source of this huge cut and fast, " Father said as all 3 of us nodded. I created a portal and Kaname and Kami were on their way.

"Father, "

"Yes Karma?"

"I let Kami have the war, "

"Really? How come?"

"I just thought she'd be a better fit, I'm not a warrior," I said hanging my head.

"That's alright Karma," Father said patting my head, "I didn't choose you based on fighting related but I chose you because I knew you could lead us to victory,"

"How did you know?"

"Because your mother said so, she said that you'd be the one to end the war for the betterment of us pairings,"

"She did?"

"She did,"

"I've got something I need to do, areas don't here?" I asked Father.

"You may go, but stay away from the battlefield got it,"
