To the Battlefield

"Luke!" I said as I entered the bunker, "Luke are you still here?"

"Of course I'm still here where am I going to go?," Luke said poking his head in my direction, "also stop yelling, nobody's supposed to know about this place,"

"I just wanted to make sure you're still here,"

"It's literally one narrow hallway leading to this room then from this room it breaks into 3 others," Luke explained. "Anyways what do you want?"

"Is Mom around?" I asked excitedly.

"Actually no, this morning a few maids came to take her to the hospital as Kaname requested," he said organizing a few things.

"Oh, I was hoping to spend time with her today,"

"Well, she isn't here so what will you do now?"

"We could hang out together," I said excited, "I actually don't know anything about you but you know so much about me,"

"Your family is common knowledge to the public, your father did start a war you know," he said giving me a side-eyed look refusing to turn around and face me.

"I know that," I mumbled and looked down. "but if we do go out this could be your chance at freedom," I said trying to persuade him.

"I'd leave if I could trust me," Luke said in a really low voice.

"What did you say?" I asked, only hearing half his sentence.

"Nothing, I just don't wanna go outside," Luke said turning back around.

"Are you sure? Before you were bent on freedom so what's stopping you now?"

"I just don't want to ok, just leave me alone"

"Why are you getting so defensive?"

"Why are you so persistent?"

"Because you took a whole 180, it doesn't make sense,"

"A lot of things don't make sense, but we just go with them blindly, don't we?" Luke asked in a sad tone.

"Are you afraid of the outside world?" I asked concerned and confused.

"W-what I'm not afraid of going outside, "

"How long has it been since you were outside?"

"About 6 years, "

"Really and how old are you?"


"Same as me," I said in shock, could he be,

"No, I'm not your brother," Luke said plainly, "look a while back Kamiya came to see me,"

"She knows about you?"

"she was the first of your family to find out about me," Luke said as he took a sigh, "she offered me my freedom if I could mislead you,"

"Mislead me?" I said in confusion.

"She gave me a piece of paper and told me what I needed to do, I did as I was told but last minute she locked me up even tighter than your father did,"

"I hoped the note was a fake but I can't believe it," I said, "wait what do you mean she locked you up even tighter than Father?"

"She made me believe I never wanted to leave, and if I ever thought about doing so I'd have an intense migraine. Of course, it's nothing since I can just heal it but I can't get rid of whatever she did,"

"I get it so you're not afraid of the outside world but you're afraid of what could happen to you if you ever escape from here,"

"Yeah, with the condition your mother was in I could barely do anything. I could only keep her conscious for a few minutes when she spoke to Kaname. Then all of a sudden she started getting better but I knew it had nothing to do with what I had been trying to do," Luke said, I could hear the anger in his voice.

"How about I bring you to a place where you could do something to help people in need of medical assistance?" I asked turning him around to face me.

"Like where? A hospital who knows where so I can drop dead once I take my first step out of here?" Luke said in a sarcastic tone with a straight face.

"I was thinking more of the infirmary tents near the battlefield,"

"You want to bring me to a war your family started against my people?"

"Oh just come on," I said opening a portal, "you don't need to come but our troops really do need help and I'd do anything within my power to help you overtake what Kami did to you," I said as I ut half my body into the portal and extended my hand to Luke. He put his hand on his head as it glowed green and used his other hand to take mine. Without hesitation, I pulled him through the portal and once we got to the battlefield he removed his hand from his head.

"This place is a dump," he said as he looked around, he wasn't wrong exactly though. Where the battle was taking place used to be the city's capital, people used to come here to see the giant cherry blossom tree but now it's nothing more than a lifeless tree. The buildings have been reduced to rubble, the sky is always gray, and you could always hear someone's cry for help. I hate nothing more than the sights and sounds of war, I'm just glad my sibling never has to hold their friends in their arms as they drew their last breath or even the weeps of those you grew up playing with.

"Well that's because it's a battlefield, come on let's go, " I said walking off towards the infirmary.

"General Karma, w-what are you doing here?" one of the doctors asked as I walked into one of the tents. "Are Generals Kaname and Kamiya with you?"

"Oh no it's alright, at ease, " I said assuring the doctor, "how are the injured I brought someone to help, "

"They're not doing too good, we've lost a few and by the looks of it we might lose even more sooner or later, " the doctor said discouraged.

"I can help if you'll allow me, " Luke said speaking up while walking into the tent.

"This is the person I brought to help, his name is Luke,"

"Nice to meet you, Luke, I'm Doctor Aizen, " Aizen said extending his hand to shake with him. Like shook his hand and walked off toward the bed where a severely burned man was laying. "General, do you really think that he could help us?" Aizen whispered to me.

"Absolutely, he's one of the best, " I said smiling at the doctor. The two of us watched as Luke placed a hand on the man's body healing him completely. The doctor stood there in shock as Luke went around healing everyone in the tent. "So how do you feel now?" I asked as Luke came back walking in our direction.

"This was child's play, aren't there anymore injured people?" Luke asked looking bored.

"There are a few other tents, have a look around. Oh but before you go take this, " I said giving Luke a golden tassel, he held it up to look at it then looked at me and raised his eyebrow, "it's to let the doctors know you're with me, each general has one. Mine is gold, Kaname's is blue and Kami's is silver."

"Whatever, " Luke said putting the tassel in his pocket as he walked away.

"G-general, how'd he do that? Is he a shinigami pairing?" Aizen asked me still in shock.

"I'm not exactly sure but I trust him, " I said walking up to the once charred man. "Excuse me, soldier, I have a few questions for you, "