2 Types of Investigations

"Yes of course General, " the soldier said struggling to get up.

"At ease soldier, you're still injured don't push yourself. You need your rest, "

"Thank you General, how may I assist you?"

"I was wondering how you got severely burned, do you remember how it happened?"

"I don't remember all the details but I do remember a few things, "

"Thank you soldier any amount of testimony helps"

"I was on the frontline, the commander there had told us to advance further to try and push back the enemy's territory. I was leading the charge and someone appeared in front of me, the next thing I knew I was laying here, " the soldier told me.

"Do you remember who the person in front of you was?" I asked.

"I'm sorry General I don't remember, "

"Thank you for your statement soldier, I wish you a speedy recovery, " I said as left to let the man heal. "If it was indeed a person who appeared in front of him then it must have been a high-ranking Quincy pairing, " I mumbled to myself leaving the tent.


"I can't believe I have to be out here scoping through rubble and crap while Karma gets to sit at home, " Kami said angrily while walking into enemy territory.

"It's not like she wanted to stay home, besides it would've been a lot easier if we could've spoken to the soldiers, " Kaname said looking off into the distance. "There doesn't even seem to be anything nor anyone here, "

"Exactly there's nothing to report so let's just go home, " Kami said turning around, but Kaname grabbed her. "What is it?"

"Don't move, do you hear that?" Kaname whispered.

"Hear what?" Kami whispered back, looking around. Kaname pushed Kami out of the way as someone popped up from the ground.

"Shit I missed, " the girl said as Kami grabbed her head.

"Listen carefully, I don't know what you just tried to pull but it was very risky, especially since you were attacking me, " Kami said smirking. "You're going to be coming with us and before you get any funny ideas remember this, my power relies solely on touch meaning wherever you go I will always have control over you unless I let you go, "

"I hate to ruin your menacing moment, no wait I love to do that, but anyway I think there are more, "

"That's why we need to leave, " Kami said raising her voice.

"It's not that easy, remember with only two of we're at a disadvantage, our movement has been decreased significantly, " Kaname said, then his eyes widened, "Sinn, I need you to find Karma, "

"Not so fast, we can't let you get away just like that, " a boy said as he appeared. "The whole point of this was to actually hit them you know Yuki, " he said looking at the girl in Kami's hands.

"I know but the firstborn sensed me, " Yuki said disappointed.

"No matter, we could still bring them along hut it would be very difficult considering they need to be conscious for their powers to work, " the boy said looking at the two.

"Kami, "

"Mhm, I'm not afraid to kill your comrade you know, and by the looks of it her power seems to be really useful," Kami said patting the girl's head.

"Commander please!" Yuki screamed, tears forming in her eyes. "I don't wanna die, Commander please, "

"It's ok Yuki, your sacrifice won't be in vain, " the Commander said.

"Commander please, don't do this, don't let me die," Yuki said grasping at straws.

"Yuki you failed your mission, you ended up being caught, so tell me why should I have to save you?"

"Because you need me, I single-handedly took out all those troupes, I promise I'll do better next time just please save me, " Yuki said as tears streamed down her face.

"Your cries for help are unless he's already made up his mind to let you die, " Kami said to Yuki, "just accept your fate, "

"Kami wait!" Kaname said, "we're going to let her live, "

"What why? We just got a confession out of her so the next part is to destroy the threat, "

"You're right about that but I think it would be better if we kept her as a hostage, "

"This man is willing to let her die why the hell are we keeping her?" Kami said getting impatient then Kaname gave her a look, "Oh I get it now," Kami then looked down at the girl, "you're lucky Kaname wants you alive, "

"Interesting, you've shown her mercy or do you plan to use her for something else?" the Commander said getting closer to the two.

"Kaname we're short on time did Sinn find her or not?" Kami whispered.

"I have no idea, I just hope he does soon, " Kaname whispered back. The Commander then grabbed Kaname by the throat and started squeezing it.

"Kaname!" Kami screamed.

"You and your family have done nothing to hurt and kill my loved ones, so in return, I will kill your in front of your sister then lock her up and kill her in front of the other sibling, " Kaname gave the Commander a hateful glare as his vision started to get hazy and his face started changing colours.

"Ka..mi...run, " Kaname spoke what were about to be his final words.

"On hell no," Kami said letting go Yuki and charging the Commander only to be sent flying backwards. "What?!" Kami yelling as she tried and tried to get close to the Commander only to be sent flying back again and again. Kaname closed his eyes and his body went limp, the Commander then dropped him. "K-Kaname?! Get the hell up, I know you didn't just die on me, " Kami yelled from a few meters away, "this is all Karma's fault, what could she possibly be doing!?" Kami screamed as tears were forming in her eyes.

"Now it's your turn, " the Commander said walking over Kaname's body approaching Kami. Kami just sat there staring at Kaname's body but Kaname's body had disappeared.

"You bitch, " Kami said trembling, "What're you going to do now? He's gone, "

"I'll let you believe that Kami but he's just unconscious, " I said after teleporting Kaname to the infirmary. "Now, would you like to stay or would you like to go?" I asked Kaname as I put my hair in a high ponytail.

"You better believe I'm staying here, I'll kick his ass, "