A Hidden Gem and A White Reaper

"Kami!?" I screamed as I got up from the dirt and rushed to her side making sure she was ok.

"Get away..from me," Kami said coughing up blood.

"You're alright, " I said hugging her as tears welled up in my eyes. "B-but what was that crack?" I turn around to see that Gem had taken the blow for Kami. "Gem!? What're you doing here?"

"You were the one who summoned me, "

"I did?" I asked, confused.

"Forget it, just get Kami out of here, " Gem told me as she teleports the Commander a great distance from us.

"No...I…fight, "

"The only fight you should be worried about is the one for your life, " Gem said as I hesitated to send Kami away. "she'll die if you don't move quickly, " Gem said seeing me still hesitating, I want her to live for sure but even with Gem here I don't have enough combat skills to take down such a great opponent. As I thought about it Kami has warped away from me, I look up and see her in the arms of a guy dressed in all white. I couldn't see his face because of his hoodie, he looked like a white reaper.

"That's my sister, " I said standing to my feet.

"give her back please, "

"Please? Are you stupid? This is now my hostage, " the white reaper said to me.

"No, I'm sorry I can't allow that, " I said starting at the white reaper.

"Calm down Karma, don't lose control, " Gem said teleporting the commander again.

"I'll tell you once more, give her back,"

"And if I refuse?"

"You will face serious consequences, " I said as my hair started illuminating.

"Karma!" Gem yelled but I couldn't hear her I was so blinded by rage. All I could think about was getting Kami back.

"I warned you, " I said as swing my arm toward the white reaper releasing a star from my hand. The star got the reaper in his chest and he collapsed, before Kami hit the ground Gem teleported her away. "I don't know who you are nor do I care but remember this white reaper, " I said as the red stain of blood transformed his white clothes to red, " if you ever come between me and my family again, I won't ask you anything I'll just kill you, " I said holding out my hand above his head. Gem then teleported me back to the infirmary, I sighed and calmed down.

"Are you calm now?" Gem asked me.

"Yeah, I'm calm, thanks for stopping me when you did,"

"So you remembered what happened this time?"

"I remember most of it, but what happened to the commander?" I said touching my forehead.

"I don't actually know, I was too focused on you at the moment to think about where I sent him,"

"Father isn't going to like that along with the fact Kaname and Kami are both out of commission, " I said looking at my siblings lying on infirmary beds. A doctor came to check on them so I asked "how are they doing? Will they be better soon?"

"I'm sorry General, but they are in a coma and I don't know when they'll get out of it, " the doctor said apologetically.

"Where is Luke?" I asked having a feeling he might be able to help.

"He left a while ago, "

"To go where!?" I yelled at the doctor startling him, "I'm sorry, I'm just really worried about them, "

"It's ok General, it's very understandable. I mean in Kami's condition even if she woke up right now she is out of the commission, her left ankle is completely shattered and there seems to be some internal bleeding. Kaname's windpipe has cracked but in time it will heal though he will be out for a while too, we operated on him when he arrived so it'll be a shorter recovery for him," the doctor explained to me.

"Thank you, doctor I'll let my father know, " I said getting one last look at my siblings before leaving. "Gem?" I said looking up at her.

"What is it?"

"Thank you, for coming when you did, "

"It's not like I had a choice in the matter, "

"Still thank you, "

"Let's report back to your father, the later he finds out the worse it'll get, " Gem said opening a portal. As I was about to walk through it I looked back at Kami, I sighed and walked through the portal. I then reported the situation to Father.

"I see, well I have a secret weapon for thus kind of thing," Father said getting up from his desk and adjusted his suit.

"You do?" I said scared hoping he wasn't referring to Luke.

"Yeah, wait here and I'll go get it ok?"

"Are you sure? I can come too, I'll help, "

"Karma it's alright ill be back in 2 mins, " he said leaving the room. Then I thought to myself how long Luke's room was from Father's office. That's when Father came back with a bottle in his hand.

"What's that?"

"Tears of a Deity, "

"How did you get those?"

"That's a story for another time, put a drop on your siblings and they'll wake up, "

"Will they get better?" I said as Father handed me the bottle.

"In time, yes but for a while, you'll be on your own, "

"I'll go do it now, Father, "

"Good and report back to me later, "

"Right, " I said as I opened a portal.

"Oh and Karma?"

"Yes, Father?"

"Don't come back here without finding Luke, "

"How did you-"

"Go, " Father said in a harsh tone and I quickly got out of his office. I teleported right in front of my siblings.

"Don't worry guys everything is going to be alright, " I said carefully placing a drop in both of them.