2 Drops of A Deity’s Tear

After placing a drop on Kami and Kaname, Kaname woke up and struggled to sit up. Kami on the other hand didn't move, I was about to place another drop on her when Kaname grabbed my arm and shook his head.

"Can you speak?" I asked just to make sure.

"Well, that's a stupid question, of course not, " Sinn said standing next to Kaname's bed. "No I couldn't have put it any nicer, " Sinn said looking at Kaname.

"Wait you know what he's staying?" I asked Sinn, looking dumbfounded.

"Of course I can, we're bound together I could basically read his mind, "

"Could you tell me what he knows about Deity tears?"

"Don't tell her anything it's not the time yet, " Kaname thought.

"He knows nothing about it but where did you get it?" Sinn asked.

"Father gave it to me when I gave him the report, " I said looking down.

"Oh damn, I know he was upset, " Sinn laughed "I'm surprised he didn't kill you, blee the entire mission. Oh well at least you managed to heal the troupes, " Sinn paused "only to get them slaughtered again,

"Enough, " Kaname thought as Sinn stopped laughing. I looked down at the deity's tears in my hand.

"You're right, I should have done more to help, I already was late when it came to saving Kaname, I couldn't help Kami take down that commander and only I ended up without a scratch, " I said feeling guilty.

"Tell her about the deal, " Kaname thought.

"No way in hell, " Sinn blurted out, I looked up at him.

"Sinn come on, you already upset her," Kaname thought looking at me, "look at her Sinn, she's so sad, "

"What do I care?" Sinn said folding his arms.

"Just tell her, there might be something delicious waiting for you back at home, " Kaname thought trying to bribe him.

"Are you trying to bribe me?" Sinn asked looking disgusted at Kaname.

"Gem really likes my strawberry cheesecakes, I could you guys some as an apology for the trouble, " I said trying to help Kaname bribe Sinn.

"Yeah her cakes are heavenly, especially cheesecake. It's a shame that you won't get any, " Kaname thought shrugging, he turned to me and shook his head.

"Oh, alright, " I said looking down thinking it wasn't good enough.

"Fine, I'll tell her but you, " Sinn points at me, "you owe me a cake, " I quickly nod my head. "there's a deal you can make with Gem, "

"A deal?"

"Yes both Kaname and Kami have made this deal to obtain a stronger power, but of course it comes with a price,"

"What's the price?" I said starting to feel something in the pit of my stomach.

"The price varies per shinigami, Kaname just learned about it. Kami made that deal as a child causing her to slowly lose her mind and become Axel's puppet. In Kaname's case, he'll-" Sinn stopped talking as Kaname violently shook his head.

"Wait so Kami's been a puppet all this time?" I asked looking at both of them, Kaname nodded his head. "How long have you known about this?!"

"Kaname hasn't known long but Gem and I have known for a while, she's always in the shinigami realm trying to get Axel to release Kami from the deal but of course he isn't budging,"

"We need to tell Father about this," I said but Kaname shook his head.

"Your father is aware of the deal Kami made, heck he's in one himself. His price is a huge one too,"

"So what would be my price with Gem?"

"That depends on Gem, you'll have to ask her about that once she gets here," Sinn told me. "but even if she wants to you won't get off scot-free, each deal will always consist of something that will end up either changing you completely or killing you,"

"What is your price Kaname?" I said looking towards me, he gave me a sad smile and shook his head.

"He says he's sorry but he can't tell you just yet,"

"But why?"

"You'll understand given time, he says,"

"You always say stuff like that, but I never do just tell me," I said.

"He said no,"

"But why?"

"He says it's better if you don't know,"

"Fine, I won't press you any further but I have to go and look for Luke,"

"What's that kid doing out here?" Sinn said as Kaname's eyes widened and stared at me like I was guilty of something.

"I might've brought him along to heal everyone who was injured," I said looking away from Kaname's gaze.

"Haha when your father finds out your so screwed," Sinn said laughing.

"He said not to come back until I find him," I said looking down as Sinn fell laughing. "Oh shut up you decaying bastard,"

"I'll...with," Kaname tried to speak.

"Kaname you shouldn't be speaking and you can't come with you're still injured," I said and Kaname shook his head and got up from the bed. He then walked out of the tent and Sinn floated behind him I then ran after him. "Kaname if you can't speak how will you use your power?" I asked as we went searching for Luke.

"Kaname doesn't need to speak to use our power he just likes to see people suffer," Sinn said and Kaname shook his head, Sinn laughed "no old habits do not die-hard, admit it you like to see people suffer," Kaname and Sinn argued back and forth with each other as I looked around the base for Luke.

Hey, what's that?" I said pointing to what looks like some cloth being chewed by one of the horses, Kaname and I ran up to the horse and got it to spit out what it was chewing.

"Gross," Sinn said as we looked at the cloth. "if that's what's left of him, you ain't never going home kid,"

"It's white cloth and it seems to be from Luke's shirt sleeve,"

"How did you get that much from just looking at it?" Sinn asked me.

"I always admire his clothes they look so good, I wish he'd tell me where he got them from,"

"Seeing as how he's been locked up in your house I'm sure you could just ask your father that question," Sinn said as Kaname points to a bush, the bush rustled a bit and we approach it. I open up the bush and sigh.