A Past We've Long Forgotten

Sinn is nowhere near my name but I was given it because that's what I was called, I don't even remember what my real name was.

"Another round!" a customer yelled at me as I was cleaning glasses. By day, I'm just a bartender but during the night I was a murderer. Of course, murder is wrong but honestly, some people do deserve it, well that's my mentality at least. While I was making the customer's drink I heard him talking to another person.

"Did you hear? The serial murderer has been attacking this area lately?" the man said to the other.

"What? But why?" 

"Does a mass murderer need a reason to murder?" 

"I heard every person he killed had at least committed an offence punishable by death but of course managed to get out," a woman chimed into the conversation. I know this woman, she's in the bar every night till closing and even then she'd stick around. She just so happens to be a cop I believe she's suspicious of me.

"So what, if we haven't committed a crime punishable by death he won't target us?"

"How did you even hear about that in the first place?"

"Through the grapevine of course," the woman smirked. "what do you think Mr. Bartender?"

"Honestly, I don't know they've been targeting this city for a while but nothing more," I said acting clueless, handing the man his drink.

"Well this is the City of Sinners," the woman said giggling. 

"City of Sinners or not, murder is still a sin so whatever he's getting at is stupid," 

"Yeah you're right, committing a sin won't make this city any less sinful. Heck, the whole police station is corrupted," 

"I'd watch your tongue if I were you, I've also heard that they are a few undercover cops in the area. Just making sure everyone is safe for the next couple of days," the woman said. She sounded offended which could be a couple of things either she's a cop or she's close to a cop. Most likely the first one would make more sense although I can't afford to get caught, missing tonight could incriminate me seeing as how I've never missed a night. What should I do?

At that moment my phone rang, I walked to the back room and answered it.


"Free up the bar tonight, we're celebrating," a familiar voice said to me.

"Celebrating what?" I said thinking this could help me out of my tough situation. 

"You'll find out later just make sure the bar is free at 9 pm," 

"Yeah whatever," I said looking at my watch which read 8:00 pm.

"I'm inviting Gemma too," 

"Really you're inviting that jewel thief?"

"Well, it applies to her too," 

"What applies?" 

"I said I'd tell you later didn't I?"

"Yeah yeah, whatever I'll close up early and clean up a bit," 

"Great, I'll call Gemma, see you later," 

"See you then," I said as I hung up the phone and walked back out to the front. "Hey guys turns out I have to close early there's a small event we need to cater to tonight," I said then turned my head to the woman, "and I'd appreciate it if all of you would go straight home,"

"Alright let's go," the man said to the other as they left. Alexander just saved me for tonight.

Gem was short for Gemma.

"I'm leaving now, take care," I said as I left the small shop I worked for. I worked in small jewellers. My job was to bring in gems that I was lucky enough to find but I admit in the dead of night I was a jewel thief. The only reason I stole jewels is to help the shop owner who has old, frail and sick. I lived in the age of the deities and shinigami although the shinigami didn't have the numbers it does in the future. 

"Good work today Gemma I'll see you tomorrow, get home safe," the old shop owner said as I left the store. I was waiting for the bus when my phone rang, the caller ID came from an old friend of mine. 

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Hey, you done work?"

"Yeah, I just finished work I'm waiting for the bus," 

"Meet us at the usual place, we're celebrating tonight," 

"Celebrating what?" I asked as the bus stopped in front of the stop.

"You'll find out soon just hurry up,"

"Alright alright, I'm coming," I said as I hung up the phone and got on the bus.

My name was Alexander upon getting to the shinigami realm I was given the name Axel by the King.

When I arrived the place was empty but I was greeted by ****. 

"Hey, how's the father's life?" 

"Absolute hell, I haven't slept properly in days," I said taking a seat. "So how's your day job?" 

"Getting harder by the day, I'm like 50% sure an undercover cop was just in here," 

"Why not give it rest for the time being?" 

"And let the sinners run amuck in this world? Dirting the souls of the pure and innocent?" 

"Alright alright I don't need to hear that right now," I said reaching into my pocket and handing out a brown envelope. I used to be an undercover cop, in a town like this everyone has a secret and in my line of work, I had to find it. I agreed to help Sinn in his "save the world from sinners" missions as long as my family and Gemma were safe. 

"Thanks, first you give me an alibi then you give me work for tonight," he said looking through the documents. 

"Where's my drink bartender?" Gemma said as she walked into the bar. 

"Did you order anything cause I don't remember you being here more than 5 seconds," 

"You know what I want, oh and make it on the house too," she said taking a seat.

"I need to make a living too you know," 

"I'm aware but we're celebrating tonight aren't we?" she said looking at me and Sinn.

"What're we celebrating again?" Sinn asked. 

"We've been called by the Shinigami King," I told them.