
"In Kami's absence, Karma you'll need to stop this senseless search and help out on the frontlines," Father said. 

"No," I said.

"What did you say to me?" Father said he looked mad. 

"I said no, I'm not giving up what I want because you tell me to. I'm done doing your dirty work, if you want something done go do it yourself. All you ever really do is sit up in your office and make me, Kami, and Kaname do you're bidding, hell if I'm going to do that. I'll go on the frontlines whenever I want to go," I said as I walked out of the room, noticing Kaname had his hand over his mouth trying to contain his laughter. 

"So what are you going to do now, Father? Your best fighter has tapped out and now you've got to deal with a teenage rebellion," Kaname teased. 

"Of all the times, why now do they pull this shit? Guess it's your time Kaname," 

"Yeah, no thanks," Kaname scoffed.


"I could've settled for at least second best but third time isn't always the charm pops," Kaname said standing over Kami. "I'm already helping you with your pairing business and let's not forget that other assignment I've got, there's no way I'm taking on an entire war," 

"Kaname you will do as I say, remember what we had agreed upon," 

"Fine, I'll do it for the time being but don't forget the King won't be getting any younger," Kaname said with a smirk.

"What do you know?" Father said, his eyes winding at Kaname's words.

"Everything, I'm the gifted one remember? I may not be as obedient as Kamiya or as adaptable as Karma but you shouldn't underestimate me. Giving me full access to your office back home was probably the worst decision you've made." He looked down at Kami. "Actually, scratch that I think underestimating all 3 of us was your worst move. You've tested Kamiya's limits in obedience so much so that she became a pushover and now she's fighting back despite the fact she could lose her life. You've sat on your ass so long that you've let Karma adapt to her situation both on and off the battlefield and now she's farther than anyone thought she'd get. And finally, you've labelled me a dunce all my childhood, in retaliation I decided to be the smartest one out of the 3 of us. The other two are child's play for me, not to mention getting them to do what I need to."

"What the hell are you talking about child?" 

"Kamiya was very weak-minded as a child so much so it didn't take much to plant the seed that she's got the short end of the stick. Then all I needed to do was wait for that greedy bastard Axel to step in and take over completely, with Axel's hate for Karma bubbling all these centuries it wasn't long before he used Kamiya to try and slowly kill Karma," 

"That was you!?" Father said also grabbing Kaname.

"Of course that was me, Axel has half a brain," Kaname said laughing. "Once I planted the seed and Axel took the bait, I could watch those two kill each other. In actuality, watch Kami kill Karma, speaking of which did you know killing one of the twins breaks the cycle?" 

"How did you know that? Breaking the cycle would potentially plunge the world into chaos," 

"Potentially yes but that's if you happen to kill the twins within a certain proximity of each other. Killing a twin in front of the other would cause so many negative emotions within them that the whole world could be purged."

"How did you know what your sister is?"

"Was she ever MY sister? As for how I knew, it was someone's last words. They were muttering on about how the twins would pass judgment on us come judgment day and create a new world. I got curious and asked Kami to spare the man, he told me so many things and connecting the dots wasn't hard. Every time the world falls in sin the twins step in the cleanse the world. The daughter will search aimlessly for the son as he protects the daughter from deadly harm. It was quite a story I'll give him that but after doing some digging of my own, I found out it was true and not only that but the shinigami we've been paired with are part of the previous world," Kaname said with a crazy look in his eye.

"You're speaking nonsense," Father said looking at Kaname with disgust.

"Yeah I don't think so, you haven't even tried to deny any of this once. Besides, I could easily ask Gem or even Axel about this and I'm 80% sure they'd tell me I'm right. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't even need to ask. The look on their faces would be more than enough to tell me," 

"Why not ask then? If you think you're so right about this then why not ask him?" 

"Sinn has no interest in things like this he can barely remember his name from before he was transformed, Axel still holds a grudge which is why Kami was so hostile towards Karma against her own will it seems as well," Kaname said and then he rolled his eyes and continued, "don't even get me started about the actual purpose of this war," 

"Kaname, you cannot tell your sister about this," Father pleaded with Kaname.

"Why not? Cause she'll give herself up to the quincys ending the war and the king would lose the best possible vessel ever? Yeah seems like a reason to tell her, why are you even helping him?" Kanames asked but he was just met with silence. "Is he more important to you than we are? Is that why you let Axel take over Kami and abuse Karma? What about the way you've treated Mom or the fact that he's the reason why you and Mom no longer live together?" Kaname said grilling Father for answers, but Father only gave him a sorry look. Kaname shook his head and walked out of the room. 

All he could do was sigh. Kaname then left the room, Father was all alone but then he heard a voice.

"Poor little Reian left all alone once again,"