
The Day It All Changed

{Two years pass}

[Susumu] starts going back home from the forest like usual, but this time when he came back he had on a wooden mask that he had made by hand. Wearing the same raggy clothes that his mom made him. His [Dad] calls his name out to get him to help around the house with chores and farming. [Susumu] even goes around helping his mom with painting and anything art related, while his six-year-old brother keeps trying to follow him around.

Everything seems normal until it reaches night time. [Susumu] decides to go back into the forest before he goes to bed, to see if he can write down anything new about the ecosystem, the animals, or the people. Just anything about the world, while even drawing them too.

[Susumu] puts all of this information into a hand made notebook/sketchbook. He does this so that he can learn more about the world and so that he'll always have the knowledge of his findings on him. But some time after entering the forest he hears screaming coming from the village. Looking behind him and running back he sees that the whole village was set on fire. Scared and caught off guard he decides to run back to his home and tries to save his brother's life while avoiding the running crowd to get there faster.

He sees his [Dad] stabbed through the middle of his chest in front of the house. He starts to panic but thinks of his mom and little brother. So he runs inside the burning house to try to save his mom and little brother. He sees nothing but fire and burnt wood everywhere. He quickly runs upstairs to see if his brother is up there. While running he notices a big body that's on fire. Even more worried he keeps running and goes to his little brother's room. That's when he sees his little brother covered in a wet blanket crying in the corner of the room. He quickly grabs him and jumps out of the window.

[Susumu] starts rolling as soon as he lands so he doesn't break his legs. Him and his brother seem to still be alive. So he continues running, but this time goes back into the forest with his little brother. His little brother [Fleecy] starts saying "Let go of me!! Who are you!? SUUUUSUMUUUU!!!! WHERE ARE YOU!?!?". In response [Susumu] says "Shhhh! It's me! Your brother [Susumu]".

[Fleecy]: *starts crying* Susumu.

[Susumu]: It's okay. I saw it. We'll go back to bury them. But, for now, we have to hide in the forest until it's safe.

[Fleecy]: *Sniffling* O-ok-k-kay.

The noise calms down and then it gets dead silent. [Susumu] checks and looks around to see if it's safe to get out of hiding. He sees nor hears anything. So he grabs [Fleecy] and runs back to the burned down village to bury their parents. As they approach the area [Susumu] slows down to see if anyone is there but no one is. Dead bodies are everywhere, without a trace of anyone alive. No kids, no families, no smiles, no nothing. The whole village was massacred and killed in cold blood. They did nothing to deserve it. [Susumu] riled up in both rage and sadness, tells himself "That no matter what, it won't happen to him and he'll take care of his brother until he's old enough to take care of himself."

[Fleecy]: *Weeping* Su-Susu-Susumu.

[Susumu]: *Breathes in and out* Okay we need to bury them. So let's go find something to cover them up so we can bury them.

They look around and scrape up the materials that survived and used it to cover their parents' bodies. [Susumu] then tells his [Fleecy] that he has to walk because his older brother has to drag their parents to a proper burial place. Using the wooden sled he brings his dead parents with him and his brother into the forest.