
A Place To Find

The small family that just barely survived keeps going into the forest. They are desperate to give their dead parents a proper burial. [Susumu] starts thinking as they go deeper into the forest. And after a while, he realizes that his little brother is only alive because he listened to him and took his training regimens.

It's that simple fact that makes him happy but at the same time. [Susumu] wonders who chose to destroy their village and as to why they did it. But first, he needs to bury his parents.

As the sounds of the sled move throughout the forest and into their ears. [Fleecy] starts talking to [Susumu].

[Fleecy]: So Susumu, did you know that would happen?

[Susumu]: No. That's a weird question to ask.

[Fleecy]: But then how did you know how to survive that?

[Susumu]: I didn't, I just always thought about the ways that something like that could happen. So I constantly trained myself, so I could defend myself. That's just how it is when you're paranoid.

[Fleecy]: Oh...Susumu? What does paranoid mean?

[Susumu]: I'll tell you later. Right now we have to find a place to bury them.

[Fleecy]: Oh....okay.

As they keep going deeper into the forest they run into a creature. One that Susumu calls a [Leecher], mostly because they reminded him of leeches. He tells his brother to quickly find a place to hide and then come back to drag the sled with him. Fleecy being scared, he chooses to listen.

Susumu stares the [Leecher] down as the [Leecher] lunges at him. Susumu struggles to keep it from eating him. So he starts yell at him as loud as he can. Standing his ground, strengthing his grip to the limits of his own body, and asserting dominance. The [Leecher] starts to sweat and get nervous, but it won't back down. So [Susumu] knees it in the jaw and runs away with the sled infront of him so his parents don't get eaten.

Running as fast as he can, he decides to hide. While hiding he looks for a cave to hide his dead parent's. He then looks around and then starts yelling his brother's name.


Yelling over and over again. It eventually reaches [Fleecy]'s ears and he then runs to him. Gripping on to him while crying; he then has his little brother sit in the cave while he goes to get something to cover the entrance.

Coming back with sticks, vines, and long grass. [Susumu] then starts building a gate-like door way to keep anyone other than them out.

{Hours later}

[Susumu] finished the gate-like doorway and they now feel safe. He uses the materials left over, especially the sticks that broke, to make a fire. Sitting comfortably [Fleecy] crys himself to sleep in [Susumu]'s arms.

Sounds start to emit from the cave....