
The Cave We Found

[Susumu]'s body begins to relax. From his back to his hip and legs, shoulders to his neck and chest. His whole body relaxes little by little. This all happened just a little bit after his little brother falls asleep. He starts listening to the fire as it burns the wood. He hears the wood cracking, shifting, moving, and decomposing. Just like how his life did. A peaceful life was destroyed by someone else's hands.

[Susumu] just stares at the fire; while his body begins to ignore his surroundings as he only thinks of what happened. He remembers how he only went to go save his own family, thinking that could save everyone else. But that lead to him saving only his brother and no one else. [Susumu] knows that he can't be a hero, because a hero can save everyone at any time they are needed no matter what.

Out of the burning sensation, he's feeling. He thinks to himself "Who did this? And why?". [Susumu] sighs as he looks out into the cave. He carefully takes his brother off of him to not wake him up so he can train his body.

[Susumu] starts to stretch before he begins his training. Starting from his legs to his hip, shoulders, arms, wrists, hands, neck, and lastly his feet. He then sits back down on the ground to meditate. He does this so he can control himself. As he meditates he repeatedly thinks to himself "The better the mind, the better the body." Because the better the control you have over yourself the better your body can be. So as [Susumu] tries to gradually calm down his anger; he notices that it isn't enough. He realizes how bad it is when he feels his body overflow with heat, visions of killing the people that killed the villagers, and grinding his own teeth; until all he can feel is the rage inside of him.

[Susumu] starts to puff out hot air from his mouth while sweating. With his hands shaking, he realizes how bad his negative thoughts and anger is. In response to this, he yells inside his head: "All those people killed!! For what reason!? People aren't just pawns or fodder that you can just kill on a whim!!!!!! They are living beings just like the plants and animals. They have things they love to do!! And want to do!!!!"

In his own frustration, he hears a creature walking to him from deep in the cave. Where the light couldn't reach it. From the darkness of the cave, it emerges. [Susumu] stands up saying "What do you want!? Do you want to harm me too!?!? Huh!?!?". The creature begins to walk closer to him looking him in the eyes. It notices how [Susumu] feels just by looking into his eyes. It then begins to hug him. [Susumu] resists at first but after a while [Susumu] gives in and hugs it back. That's when [Susumu] gives it a name. He calls it Abush before passing out from bursting into tears.

{Some time passes}

[Susumu] wakes up not being able to see. Everything is pitch black and there is no light. He starts to freak out because he doesn't know where his brother is. He calls out his brother's name in hopes of an answer.

[Fleecy]: *sounding sleepy* Brother?

[Susumu]: Oh! Fleecy! I didn't know you were right next to me.

[Fleecy]: Susumuuu i can't see!

[Susumu]: Neither can i.

[Fleecy]: It's so dark.

[Susumu]: I know.

[Susumu] feels like he's getting grabbed. He remembers that it feels like [Abush] but he doesn't know if it's just a member of the same race and not [Abush]. While [Fleecy] doesn't know what grabbed him. He cries out his brother's name for help. But then they get brought out into the light. They can see each other and what grabbed them. It was [Abush] that grabbed them. [Susumu] sighs out of relief and his brother being scared, hides behind him.

[Susumu]: Fleecy that's [Abush]. [Abush] this is my brother [Fleecy].

[Abush]: *makes a unique sound*

[Fleecy]: Hi *in a scared tone*.

[Abush] signals them to follow it. Them not being so sure, they walk right after it. [Susumu] walking after it out of curiosity and [Fleecy] walking after it because his brother is. Some time passes while walking in the dark, only listening to the sounds of footsteps. They eventually reach the end of the cave that they didn't come from. [Abush] had lead them to a different part of the forest. It gives them their sled with their dead parents on it. Their parents look untouched so [Susumu] knows that nothing happened to them. They both say goodbye to [Abush] and depart back into the forest with their dead parents.

They venture deep into the forest once again looking for a place to bury their parents. They eventually find a nice place to bury them. [Susumu] says "Whooooaaa" out of amazement just from looking at the big open field.

[Fleecy]: Wooooow! Susumu! Susumu! We did it! We found a beautiful place to live at!

[Susumu]: You're right! We sure did!

'We' did it together.

Swinging his [Fleecy] around in the open field full of flowers. They both had finally felt happy together once again. But even then it still didn't feel the same. [Fleecy] was happy to look around in the field. While [Susumu] goes off to bury his parents in the middle of the field. [Susumu] starts to think of everything that happened as he drags the sled across the grass, flowers, and dirt. He remembers all the thing's his parents taught him and all the happy times they spent together. Through all of this tears begin to come out of his eye sockets. Overflowing out of his eyes making his vision blurry. Dripping right down his cheeks on his face. He eventually stops in the middle of the field and begins to sit down on his knees. He then uses his own hands to dig a big hole into the ground. He just digs his own sorrow right into the ground. And after a while, he notices that the sky isn't so blinding bright anymore. [Susumu] guesses that it's at least noon, while he's laying inside of a-hole wider than him and longer than him. He gets up out of the hole, crawling himself out.

[Fleecy] standing right there attempts to help his brother out of the hole. [Susumu] chuckles while accidentally inhaling a little bit of dirt. He then sits down and coughs it out.

[Fleecy]: Are you okay?

[Susumu]: Yeah i'm fine.

[Fleecy]: Are you sure? Because i heard you crying earlier.

[Susumu]: I'll be fine eventually. Now i'll put them in the hole.

[Fleecy]: That's why i brought the flowers.

[Susumu]: Dad and Mom would love to see us two being happy. You picked lovely flowers [Fleecy].

[Fleecy]: *almost crying* Thank you Susumu.

[Susumu]: You're welcome Fleecy.

[Susumu] then slides the sled into the hole with their parents on top of it. Then [Fleecy] throws flowers on top of them in the hole. Then they both throw dirt back into the hole, making sure that the grass and flowers that were there, are on top.