
Let It Boil

As their bodies relax, the sky dims down in brightness; Which shows more darkness that opens the sky to the stars. They lay there for hours left with their thoughts. But that is when they hear trembling from the ground shaking their bodies. Then they hear a deep roar that is so loud and intimidating that they feel the pressure in their hearts. Both are caught off guard and shocked; [Susumu] tries to gather enough courage to stand up. But then [Fleecy] starts to run towards the Pegasus, saying "Ooooo look Susumu! It's a horsy with wings!"

That is when [Susumu] sees a group of creatures come out of the forest. They all look different from one another. One looks like a black Pegasus, another looks like a yellow unicorn, and a few looking like bears but with two black horns on their heads and long black claws. They can see the air blow through its brown, fluffy fur. The Pegasus walks closer to drink the water. The predatory animal begins to walk towards it.

That is when [Susumu] runs towards his little brother. As his feet hit the ground, the dirt begins to fly in the air. Pushing his feet down, he starts to gain a lot of momentum to reach his brother. But he feels the air push against his body as if it is resisting him. Then he realizes that he can't reach him in less than twenty seconds. So he forces his body to run as fast as it can to get him.

Feeling less resistance against the air, he manages to reach him. But because of the velocity, he managed to gather. When he stops, the wind behind him begins to push towards him after he grabs his brother. To counteract this, he jumps backward away from the animals towards the waterfall, with his brother in his hand. He makes sure not to fall or trip. Because if he trips over his feet, then it could be over at any time. So [Susumu] uses the velocity that he gained to push himself away from the animals.

That's when he sees the animal in front of him. It begins to swing, but before it hits them. [Susumu] throws his brother to the far left of him. Then the animal strikes him in the chest. The force from such a swing hit him so hard and fast that it cracked his ribs. He flew so fast towards the rocky wall of the mountain, right next to the waterfall. That it nearly broke his back. [Susumu] coughs up blood on impact and almost got knocked out from it. It was the blood from his head, going down his body, that kept him awake.

Barely conscious, he says to his brother, "RUUUUN!!! YOU'LL DIE IF IT HITS YOU!!!!!" [Fleecy] being in a panic and scared starts, to pee himself. But then he hears his older brother yelling at him to run. Just before he bursts into tears, he runs. All he can do is run, not being able to help his brother. Tears start pouring out of his eyes, down his face. As every single drop goes down his cheeks. He trips and falls but rushes to get back up. He keeps running.

He then eventually reaches the field that they were at. That is when he drops to the ground on his knees. Bursting out of tears, he says "This isn't fair at all!! First our parents!! Now my own brother!! How can life be so unfair!?!?" He groans and yells from the pain he feels in his chest. Then he passes out.

Meanwhile, [Susumu] was laying on the ground in pain. He then grins saying:

"Of course. Why would you send me here making things similar to my last life? Of course you wouldn't. Whatever you are. You should know that this is the end for me. I have failed both this mission and my brother. My own brother."

[Susumu] starts to frown as tears pour down his face. His mouth starts to tremble and shake. He feels so much pain, not even his body can react that well. With his whole body full of pain and him knowing he could meet his end. He tells himself, "This is why i didn't want to be brought back to life again." He lays there preparing to take the hit. Thinking to himself, "I've died once already. Similar to this situation. Not surprised it happened again."

The creature begins to swing, but before it hits him. [Susumu] hears something in the background. Thinking nothing of it, he doesn't even move. But then, the creature gets attacked by a pack of animals. These animals are like wolves but can fly and are as big as a werewolf. [Susumu] stares at them in shock. The whole pack takes both of those creatures down. It looks like such a one-sided fight. He watches them rip at their necks and chow down on their flesh.

He sees the blood spewing out and flying everywhere. It looked like the whole pact was eating them. It was so gross to see. And yet [Susumu] freezes at the sight of it. All he can do is stare and watch. As he had even stopped breathing, thinking that's what they can do to him. So, on the verge of death, the pack doesn't even consider him a threat. Instead, they grab his body with the claws on their feet and take him with them. He yells saying "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" while being taken away. After seeing the ground get farther and farther away. He passes out from the fear of being so high up.

Both brothers being asleep, some time passes as they sleep. Animals hunt, plants grow, the sun rises, and the world keeps moving forward. While the sun is up in the sky, being so bright. [Fleecy] wakes up opening his eyes and taking a quick breath before taking a short pause.

Then he starts to remember what had happened last night. His face starts to tremble again, but this time he can't seem to cry. Regardless of all the pain, he's feeling the heavyweight he bears in his chest. Dragging it all down like an Anker in the ocean. His lungs, feeling so much pressure. It is like he has water around it. He sits there in despair, feeling both alone and useless.