
The Cripton Plan

Before he could finish that thought, [Susumu] had already swung at him with the [Stranger]'s own dagger. The [Stranger] blocks it with the dagger he quickly grabbed off the ground. The [Stranger] then jumps back after blocking it. The last thing that the [Stranger] thinks is, "Well, we don't have much of a choice now."

The [Stranger] prepares himself for an attack. And he gradually gets anxious as he waits. Meanwhile, [Susumu] starts to plan how to injure the guy just enough to escape. He begins to think about all the ways he could do so. After a few seconds, he comes up with the best plan he could think of. And that was the 'Cripton Plan'. The plan was so decisive that only his enemy will perceive him like an animal.

[Susumu] begins to grin with such hope. A feeling that allows him to believe he will survive. A type of sense that he will live to see his little brother. Feeling so happy that he has a chance he immediately starts to dash at the [Stranger]. He launches himself up into the air and strikes down. The light from the sun blinds him for a few seconds. But the stranger managed to save his life by tilting his head and shoulders away from the blade.

And that's when he feels pain in his left leg. Such a strong and brutal strike had him screaming in pain. The force from his jump was turned into strength through the laws of nature. Having gathered kinetic energy while using his body weight to help beef up the blow. And when he struck him. He had swung his right arm into his left leg.

Such an attack made his left leg bone break in two. You could hear the [Stranger]'s blood make a gushing sound as it cracks and breaks. The blood even starts to spray out like sprinklers. And as the bottom part of his bone that was under the blade, be forced out of place. More blood pours out like a waterfall after breaking; Which caused the [Stranger] to feel so much pain. To hear the sound of your bone break by a blade, and then to feel it get split apart. That creates a stimulation that gives you the emotion of despair.

To have an unknown bring you down by your own weapon. And in an animalistic way; that made the [Stranger] feel like he was fucked. The [Stranger] immediately fell on his ass while his left leg bone starts to slide out of place even more. The blade slowly to goes through his whole leg. He starts to whale in pain. The [Archer] begins to shoot at him as fast as possible while having her hands shake in horror.

Because of the tremor in her hands, [Susmu] was able to back away. But he ended up losing his grip on the blade, but he didn't care at that point. He had the opportunity to run. So he began to run away, and the [Archer] took that chance to aim at him thinking, "If i can take this fucker down then the world will have one less of a monster in it." But the [Stranger] that is now called [Whale] by [Susumu]; had yelled at her to help him. Saying, "Bihehehetch heeelp meeeee!! HELP!! MEEEE!!!!"

She starts to cry, remembering all the trauma she had from being taken away from her own family. Those same people are the ones she works for currently. Being able to hear her [Dad] die while gargling on his blood. She had seen him get stabbed in his spine while she was being piggybacked away.

Back then, she was just a little girl who was screamy for her daddy to come and save her. But now she's a grown woman crying while looking at a guy who was able to easily strike down her teammate who also works for those same people. She feels a small sense of joy mixed in with a big sense of terror and fear.

Her mouth shakes rapidly; not being able to handle all the emotions she's feeling at once. To her, he is the key to her freedom while also being the first encounter of a possible serial killer. To a team of three, he was an absolute animal. So as [Susumu] attempts to run away. The [Archer] breaks down, the [Stranger] is whaling in pain, and the [Tank] was nowhere to be seen.

That was until [Susumu] had started to feel a big tremor in his feet from the ground. He hears a big stomping sound that gradually gets closer. And then he had sensed that this was a dangerous foe. This feeling was not as intense as the one he felt when he saw those orbs and statues. But it was still one that was dangerous. It was then that one slivering question had crossed his mind, "Where are the animals?"

Such a question had made him realize that the animals were scared of the opposition. And all these clues made him realize that this is a small group of people. One is a [Rogue], another is an [Archer], and the other is a [Tank]. This realization made [Susumu] think, "FUCK!!" After realizing how fucked he was. He began to turn back around in the direction he was heading towards; But at full speed.

[Susumu] had begun to run for his life. After seeing his sliver of hope get taken out of his hands. He thinks, "FUCK!! FUCK!! FUCK!! Why me!? WHY NOW!?!?


The [Tank] manages to catch up to him and throws [Susumu] away with his shield after taking a complete stop. He goes flying like a baseball hitting a bat. His body goes flying 3 feet away until he hits a tree. He spits out blood, and his back nearly broke. But a little bit of the liquid that he was in early was still stuck to his body. Whatever this liquid is. It is capable of taking large amounts of damage, but [Susumu] is unaware of this. His only focus is on the battle and surviving to see his brother.

He begins to feel an immense amount of anxiety. Through this anxiety, he gained the will to get back up. His own emotions began to rumble within him. Barking at him and flashes his memories back at him. He can remember the words "Will you always be so useless in your own ambitions?"

Such a flashback made him furious. SO furious that [Susumu] was consumed by his own anger. Anger towards himself; Towards the people who would always make his life a living hell. And towards the being that brought him there. He slowly gets back up in a weird sluggish way. Pushing his body up with his right hand and then slipping again due to pain and fatigue. But he then tries again with his left. This time, when he slips again, he uses his right elbow to keep himself prompt up. And he uses both his arms to get up. In his mind, he remembers something.

In this memory, he only hears a voice saying, "Get up!! Please!!!!" He starts to cry hearing it; Not being able to remember why but he does. He wonders to himself if he had forgotten why he's like this. Thinking to himself, "How could i forget something important to me. How could I!!!!"

[Susumu] begins to huff and puff as he tries to speak. With his lungs slowly gathering air and his lips feeling less slobbery and slippery. He begins to say, "How could i?" In a quiet voice. He then starts to put his left leg under him as he tries to lift himself up on all fours. He then yells, "HOW!! COULD!!!! IIIIIIIII!!!!!" This yell had created an echo in the whole forest. The nearby animals start to run towards it. As if being called there.

And in the distance the orb that is still chasing him. Had begun to vibrate and had stopped moving. It was like it had gotten a big pulse. This stimulation had given it three choices. One was to go back to where it was born. Two was to keep chasing [Susumu] at the pace it was already at. And three, the last choice, was to dart itself into his direction at a faster pace. The [Redish Orb] had chosen option three.

It starts to change shape. It goes from being a sphere and starts morphing into a weird egg shape, but the tip was facing in the direction it wanted to go in. And after morphing its shape. It begins to go to [Susumu] at five miles per hour.

Meanwhile, [Susumu]'s body starts to put itself in emergency mode. His eyes begin to get filled with tears. Making his vision blurry. His muscles get as tight as solid wood. And then his lungs start to feel like boxes filled with air. [Susumu] then prepares his body to run. He slowly puts himself into a stance. And stares at the [Tank]. The [Tank], shocked by seeing him get up, tells the [Archer] to grab their teammate and run away.

The [Archer] tried to persuade otherwise, but both the [Rogue] and the [Tank] weren't gonna let her choice bring the whole team down. They knew what she was gonna say because of how long they've been a team. And so they immediately yelled, "NO!!" The [Archer] bit her bottom lip and quickly grabbed the [Rogue] and ran away. The [Tank] prepares himself in a defensive form. And he puts his two-piece shield and puts it in his right hand. He then pulls out the wrapped-up spear from his back and holds it in his left hand.

And he says, "You are a brave one." [Susumu] doesn't say anything to him. He just grunts in anguish and pure anger. The [Tank] who expected an answer was disappointed. And then thinks, "Either he is not capable of speech or he doesn't understand me…..

Then again, he does seem very bizarre. He has flames in his eyes, but those same flames also put themselves out.

This is soo bizarre and abnormal."

As the battle seems to have an obvious outcome; Sounds from all around begin to get louder and louder. That's when a pack of 100 flying bird-like wolves show up. The whole pack growl at the [Tank]. And they all spread out just enough to leave enough space to defend and attack. The [Tank] thinks to himself, "This is very odd.

Hawk Wolves never do something this unusual. Are they protecting him? Did they raise him?

That would make sense. But at the same time, it wouldn't. Especially since Hawk Wolves never leave their younglings by themselves. So the only option that i can think of is that maybe they think they have a chance to beat me with him.

But they don't seem hungry, and this isn't their hunting grounds...

....None of this is making sense. There are too many anomalies here."

The [Tank] then breathes out and breathes back in again. To both relax his body and tense up his muscles. He prepares for an endless battle.