
The Dilemma

Walking through the rubble; as the air moves freely. Each foot marches forward. The area feels free but tense, flexible but solid, loud but quiet.

The pebbles and rocks roll, while the charcoal falls. As the stench of the smell gets stronger. He goes deeper into the destroyed; The broken, the crumbled, the massacred village.

A village that was once vibrant, bright, and uplifting. The vibe that was once loved; Was torn apart and burned down.

Eradicated by someone unknown to [Fleecy], [Susumu], and [Eros]. But not just someone; a group. An organized and planned group.

The recognition of this truth. Of this experience in the lives of [Fleecy] and [Susumu]. It sits in their minds. Unable to deny the reality of such an event. Never having the chance to ignore what's in front of them.

Such despair makes them feel angry. The heat of those who were wronged. The pounding of the pain that was injected into the lives of the innocent. The intensity that crawls within their hearts is intertwined.

It creates a path of blood, negativity, of destruction. Such a path leads to either revenge that eats you whole, anger that creates your actions, sadness that destroys your mobility; Or a path that gives you such a drive that it destroys you and your existence.

This is the dilemma that they have as individuals; As a family, and as brothers.

[Eros] understands this since he's had a similar experience. And with this understanding, he hopes to lead [Fleecy] down a path that isn't dark or grim. A path that's bright and fulfilling. One with hope and life. A path that isn't destructive.

Very slowly feeding [Fleecy] lessons every time he's down. So when he gets back up; he becomes a better man every time. A person that you can have faith in. A person that anyone can look up to.

The pinnacle of what it means to be a hero. To have the strength to protect. To have the ability to win.

Not for justice, not for love, but for what is right and nice. To not be manipulated or boxed in. To be the positive of yourself.

With this in [Eros]'s mind, they go into the village.

As [Fleecy]'s feet take every step forward. His chest feels heavier. The heavier it feels the more numb the sensation gets. Adapting to every feeling he has stuck inside him.

Making him feel less of his emotions as time goes by.

It's so quiet that he can't avoid his emotions. So little noise with little to no distractions.

They walk around grabbing all the useful things.

[Fleecy] manages to find a bag. One that was buried; Buried under all the broken pieces of hard clay.

He opens up the bag and puts all of his materials in it. Along with the tools he's made by hand. Into all of the pockets in the bag. Making sure that it all fits in those pockets. He then unties his shirt and sees all the holes in his shirt.

Noticing that his shirt wasn't in the same condition that it originally was in. Stretched in a direction that wouldn't seem normal. After taking a minute to stare at the shirt. He then sighs thinking, "I used what i had to get where i am now. No point in whining about how i look."

[Fleecy] puts his shirt back on, covering his own skin and torso. He then proceeds to bend over and pick up the bag; Putting it across his left shoulder; down to the right side of his hip.

He stands up and looks around. Feeling oxygen go into his lungs as carbon dioxide comes out his nose.

[Fleecy] feels his environment. He looks back at how things were and how they are now.

Feeling shame for his helplessness and pride for his brother's ability to take action. Even when there seems to be no reason; Let alone a meaning behind it.

[Fleecy] realizes that it's his laziness that creates his own helplessness. And before [Fleecy] gets deeper into that thought, [Eros] interrupts him.

[Eros]: "Aye Fleecy.

I found some tools that i thought would be helpful."

[Fleecy]: "Alright.

Show me the way."

As he sighs deeply and [Eros] gets more worried. They walk towards the axe that was buried under the charcoal.

[Fleecy] grabs the handle of the axe and tries to lift it up. But the axe is too heavy for him to hold it properly.

So he can only hold it upside down. Barely being able to carry or hold it an inch off the ground. But the fact that it survived makes [Fleecy] and [Eros] wonder how it survived the fire. [Fleecy] then pushes that question to the back of the head by saying, "Where's the rest of the tools?"

They then continue getting all of the tools that they need and can carry. They find a hammer, a pickaxe, two hatchets, and a shovel.

They then put all of these tools in one spot. Laying on the ground around them. They begin to debate on what tools they need right now versus the tools they'll need in the future.

[Fleecy]: "What do we need more? The tools to get resources or the tools for the future?

Is there really not a way to bring them all with us?"

[Eros]: "Sometimes difficult choices have to be made. Either because of the weakness of the user or because of circumstance."

[Fleecy]: "If i leave any of the tools behind, then they could be stolen before we try to come back for them.

MAAAAN this is such a pain!"

After yelling out loud, [Fleecy] starts to hear noise in the distance. Sounds of shuffling in the grass, the charcoal, and even the dirt. And that's when a few familiar strangers show up.

A group of kids. The kids that would always make fun of their family name.

[Fleecy] sighs and then says, "I'm glad y'all survived." With both a shaky but irritated expression.