Monterio The Almost Failure

Renjiro: So how were the midterms?

He throws a kunai.

Ray: It was pretty easy. I wonder who almost didn't pass.

Monterio: I did. The name's Monterio Akimichi.

Renjiro: Wow you really suck then.

Renjiro throws a kunai, and Monterio eats a chip.

Ray: You're from the Akimichi clan?

Renjiro: Obviously. Why do you think he is so fat?

Monterio: IT'S FOR MY JUTSU!

Renjiro: Sure it is!

Monterio leaves, and Renjiro and Ray go home together.

Ray: What's with you staying over all the time? Not that I mind.

Renjiro: My father wants me to become friends with the other nobility of the clan.

Ray: Ahhh. That makes sense.