
"Good, be honest. I honestly feel the same. I already read this chapter, I'm just here for attendance. I don't really need to be here. I'm sure it's the same for you as well." He commented leaning over his desk to talk to me.

Seeing him up close is eventful since you get the whole picture. The hair, the eyes, the bod. Why am I thinking about this? I shouldn't be thinking about this. I'm going to get murdered.

He smirks and leans back into his chair. "Well we better pretend we're paying attention." He adds and I blink a few times before turning around and looking back at our professor. I see a few girls had turned around when they heard his voice talking to me and instantly glare at me the moment I turn around.

Regret for turning around and talking to him churns in my stomach. The look those girls gave me was enough to have me running for the hills. I didn't want to be there any longer than I had to be.

Once the class was clarified over by the siren above my head I rush for the aisle of the auditorium and quickly walk down to the hallway. I didn't want to be caught between the claws of those girls that gave me a death sentence with their piercing eyes.

I make it out to the hallway unscathed and start walking toward my dorm. I make it half way past the door and down the hallway when I hear my name being called out from behind me.

"Olivia!" I hear and turn around to see the three girls striding toward me. Oh this isn't good. I want to run but my legs are frozen in place. I'm going to die. Say goodbye to the ending of "The school for good and evil", I'll never reach the conclusion after this encounter.

"Hey I saw you talking to Jason? You guys like friends or something? No one ever talks to him." The leader of the pack speaks once they near close to fighting range. I notice their newly manicured nails and wonder how much damage those things will do to me. Piercing or slashing? We'll find out soon enough.

"Um he spoke to me first. We're not friends." I replied trying to mask my fear from their looming eyes. If I don't show fear they won't attack, hopefully. Unless I'm thinking of this entirely wrong.

"Sure seemed like it. Do me a favor, stay away from him. Or the last thing you'll read is your obituary." She threatened while her mood seemed quite serious. From her word choice I couldn't help but snicker.

"You do know I can't read my orbituary if I'm dead right?" I retorted snarkily and the look she gave me was not pretty. Her skin turned from sunbathed tan to sunburnt red. She was beyond pissed from my remark and I knew I just screwed myself over.

"OH, THAT IS IT!!" She screamed at me before tackling me to the ground. I got the wind knocked out of my lungs when my back hit the tile beneath me and her slender body collapsed onto mine. She pulled my hair and tossed me around on the floor as we wrestled. I tried to push her off to be able to get on my feet but she dug her long nails into my leg and ankle to bring me back down to the floor with her.

Many students gathered around in a ring and cheered her on as well as the other two girls that were previously with her. I just wanted to get away from the torment. No one went to get an official they just stood and enjoyed the fight. I tried to crawl away but like a monster pulling in its prey, she latched her manicured hands around my shins and brought me back to pull my hair some more.

Tears swelled in my eyes as the small side of me was scared and frightened while the other was worried about if I was going to live or not. I clawed at the tile trying to get away but she bunched up massive locks of my hair and wrenched my hair back so my back bent in her direction and my chest was thrusted forward. I was in a vulnerable position and I wasn't able to do anything.

"TAKE THAT YOU SNARKY WEAK ASS BITCH!!!" She screamed into my ear while I had my eyes closed and the tears streamed down my face. I was ready to give up, I learned what I had did and I didn't want to do it again. I just wanted to curl up in bed with a blanket and forget any of this happened but she wasn't letting me.

Suddenly the sea of students parted and there stood three men, one I recognized, the others I did not. It was Jason and his gang of friends. They all had sunglasses on and their hands stuffed into their pockets.

"What's with the fight? Break them apart. I'm disgusted that none of you sought out the campus officer. Instead, you watched two girls fight and for what? What was the problem this time Stephanie?" He lectured as he loomed over the two of us on the ground.

Stephanie held my hair which positioned me to look straight up at Jason as he spoke till she let go and my head slammed against the floor. A collective 'ouch' echoed through the crowd from the meeting of flesh to tile. I wasn't expecting her to let go so suddenly and wasn't prepared. I could have sworn that was enough to have my nose bleed or break but I didn't care at the moment, I just wanted to hide away and not be seen again.

"This little bitch was meddling with my property. She deserved punishment." She spat with venom in her voice and looked up at Jason before getting up on her feet. She stepped on the back of my hand with her pointed heel and I could hear the crunch at the back of my head from how close it was to my ear and the crowd responded once more. I wailed out in pain from my crushed hand and brought it to my body to shield myself from her torment.

"Whoops...sorry." She blurted sarcastically and sent a smirk in my direction.