
Whimpering only described the tip of the iceberg of the sounds I was making from the pain I endured. My nose was aching, my shin was on fire from her nails digging into them. My head hurt from how hard she pulled my hair and my hand was in excruciating pain. I laid on the floor withering in my torment while the others congratulated Stephanie on the fight.

"WHERE'S OLIVIA?! WHERE IS SHE?!" I hear Faron screech at the top of her lungs as she ran down the corridor. I see her squeeze through the crowd and she kneels down beside me. "What the fuck happened?! I heard you got into a fight. I didn't expect it to be this bad." She said trying to help me to my feet. She let me rest against her for support as I hobbled through the hallway. Some scoffed that I was on my feet again and bumped into me purposely.

Faron glared at them and tried to protect me the best she could. Jason, on the other hand, was lecturing Stephanie while the crowd listened in to their conversation. I didn't give two shits about what would happen I just wanted to get out of here.

We hobbled to the nurse's office together and once we walked through the doors I almost collapsed. The nurse quickly came to my aid and held me up. "Sweetie, what happened? How did you get hurt so badly?" She asked me then looked to Faren for an answer just in case I couldn't speak.

"She got into a fight with Stephanie Morris. It was Stephanie that started it I presume because Olivia would never initiate a fight I know her too well." Faren explained and backed me up on the situation with loyalty because she wasn't there to witness it.

"Help me get her to one of the med beds and we'll get the blood off her face and wrap her hand. You're lucky you didn't break your hand." She replied as they helped carry me to the bed. I sat down and looked down at my shirt to see blotches of blood scattered below my nose. I felt my heart sink to see that my shirt was now ruined since I had a bloody nose.

Faren got me a tissue and helped stop the blood before it continued to drip down the tip of my nose. The nurse came back with a couple of tablets of medicine and a glass of water for the pain. She also brought bandages for my hand so that it would have some protection to everyday things.

After I took the medicine and the nurse wrapped my hand I laid in the bed to rest. Faren stayed in the room with me while I slept and the nurse let her have a pass to her and my classes for the rest of today.

"I'm so sorry Oli. I wish I was there to help." She muttered as she held onto my hand. The nurse continued to do paperwork that she needed to get done so it was just the two of us in the room. Once we were alone for a good 10 minutes I was out like a light. A few moments later someone walked into the nurse's office and knocked on the door to my room. Faren turned around to look and raised her eyebrows.

"Jason? What are you doing here for?" She asked wondering why on earth he showed up. "Are you here for Olivia?" She added seeming quite jealous of his priority. He looked at her and nodded. "I saw how beat up she was earlier and I wanted to check up on her. It was immoral and wrong of Stephanie to do that to her. It was uncalled for." He replied and walked closer to the bed and looked down at me. He noticed the bloody nose and the wrapped hand and furrowed his brows. "She really did a number on her." He added as he looked over the bruises and markings I had all over my body.

Faren sat there looking at Jason till she sighed and looked away. "I wish I was there to help her." She replied and squeezed my hand lightly to not hurt me. "It's irritating that the world has people like Stephanie that prey off the weak." She added before standing up and walking to the door.

"I'm going to grab something to eat for Olivia and me for when she wakes up. You can stay and wait or you can come with its up to you." She commented before leaving the room to go to the cafeteria.

He nodded and decided to stay to watch over me while I slept. He sat in the chair Faren had previously been seated at. He took his hand in mine and observed the bandages wrapped around it. He trailed his gaze from my hand to my face, seeing the remnants of blood spots on my skin and shirt. He licked his finger and wiped the remains off the surface of my skin and licked it once more.

The color of his eyes flickered for a second before reverting back to their original brown. He leaned forward and trailed his index finger along my cheekbone, admiring me before leaning back and relaxing in the chair. A few moments pass and my eyes slowly flutter open and look around the room to see Jason sitting in the chair next to me. I sit up quickly and look at him confused as to why he was here.

"Uh, what are you doing here? Where is Faron?" I asked slightly nervous and cautious as to what had happened while I was asleep.

"No need to worry. She went to go get food for both you and her. I came when she was about to leave. I decided to wait until you woke up to make sure you were ok." He answered before getting up from the chair before Faren came in with a few bags of food from the cafeteria.

"You don't need to get up I was going to grab another chair." She replied when she saw him move away from the chair that originally was hers. She placed the bags on the side table by the bed and pulled the tray that would hover over me close so I could eat.

I shake my head and move the tray out of the way. "No no I don't need to be pampered. Faren we'll eat in the room. I'm fine, really." I assured her and she looked at me with a worried expression.

"But you got hurt pretty bad you need your energy." She protested and continued to set up the table. I sigh and get up onto my feet and wince from the pain in my leg but decide to walk out of the room wanting to get back to our dorm.

"Olivia wait! Don't leave me here!" Faren shouts out at me and I continue to walk. I didn't want anyone to see me like this especially Jason. I needed to stay away from him so that this wouldn't happen again. Jason walked out after me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"You should really eat Olivia." He insisted and I looked at him feeling guilty for leaving Faren behind.

"No, you don't understand. I need to get out of here. I don't want anyone seeing me like this. And I need to stay away from you." I declared and walked faster but limped more as I headed toward my room.

He stepped in front of me, blocking my path and looked down at me. "Why do you need to stay away from me?" He asked and I looked up at him, shook my head, and walked past him. I'm guessing Stephanie didn't tell him the truth as I suspected.