
I kept walking as I held onto my wrapped arm. I thought he had given up on trying to stop me when he grabbed my upper arm under my shoulder and whipped me around to face him. "I'm not leaving till you tell me what's going on. Why do you need to stay away from me? What happened? Tell me everything." He begged as I tried to be released from his grasp but he held on tight.

"Stephanie, Stephanie is why I need to stay away from you." I blurted and pulled my arm away from him and kept walking. Thinking about even just the slimmest possibility of being with him drove me insane. I never felt like I wanted someone more in my entire life and now that he's here someone just takes away the chance and ruins it.

"Olivia look at me." He ordered, making me stop in my tracks and turn sarcastically.

"First off, don't give me that look. Secondly, to hell what Stephanie says. I talk to who I want, when I want, and where I want. So stop with this "I need to stay away from you" crap. I want to hang out with you and I will." He said getting closer with every couple of words. When he stopped talking he stood with his chest practically in my face. He put his hands on my shoulders and looked me straight in the eyes.

"Why? Why do you want to talk to me? I'm just a nobody, a loner, a shut-in. I just do my work and go back to my room to sleep, eat and watch videos when I'm bored. I only have Faren, I don't need anyone else." I admit out loud and furrow my brows confused why I just said everything that I did.

He looks at me and puts his palm against my cheek and instantly the cold of his hands hit my body and sent shivers down my spine. The sparkle in his eyes was enough to make my legs buckle but I held my own to make sure I didn't fall.

"Olivia, I see you darling. I need you. I want to get to know you. I want to see you smile. It's a shame there is always a frown or dried tears resting on your face. I want to help you. I want to be with you. I don't give a shit about Stephanie. I care about you the moment I laid my eyes on you." He said smoothly and sympathetically. I didn't know what to think but I was lost in his words.

Did I hear him correctly or am I just imagining things. Is he admitting he likes me or something? Am I dreaming? Maybe if I pinch myself I'll wake up from this ridiculous dream. As I pinch my skin I let out a whimper and regret my actions but then realize everything he was saying was true. Or he's just trying to make me feel better because this is too good to be true.

"Stop doubting it. It's true. I like you Olivia. You're smart, compassionate, feisty, adorable, strong hearted and so much more. Believe me. I like you." Jason admits with sincerity in his eyes.

I can't believe it, I seriously can't. The hottest guy in school just admitted he liked me. This is....I don't know what this is.

Faren stands dead in her tracks and stares at the two of us and tears up but doesn't say anything. I look over his shoulder to see her and instantly hobble to her. "No no no Faren please, please don't cry. I didn't mean for this to happen." I try to reason with her but she wipes her face and heads back to the dorm.

I stand there holding my wrapped hand and feel my heart sink once she walks away and bow my head for a few moments. I lift my head and turn around to look at Jason with watered eyes and point at him with my good hand.

"You did this. You admitted you liked me when she liked you. Now I can't go back to my dorm because she'll be upset you chose me. Wait what am I saying? I can't go with you period! Stephanie is going to kill me if she finds out. Everyone will." I blurt out in a panic and put my hands on my head wondering what I'm going to do.

Jason walks up to me and puts my hands down and holds them in his. "I swear on my life I'll protect you Olivia. No one will hurt you ever again. I promise. So please, please be my girl." He promises while he looks me deep in the eyes as he brushes his finger along my cheek to calm my nerves which helps massively.

I think about what my future might hold if I chose to accept his proposal. I think about the things that I never tell anyone, not even Faren. I wonder what might happen...if I say yes. What will become of me?

"Let me think about it ok? I really need to make up with Faren. I can't lose her." I explain to him as he let's go of my hands and nods in acceptance.

"Go to your dorm and talk with her. I can wait for how long you need. But please, do consider to be with me. I really meant everything that I said." He replies before heading the opposite direction so he could give me space.

I was grateful, but I had no idea how I was going to handle the consequences. Starting with Faren and ending with Stephanie. For sure I thought they were going to get together, but obviously it wasn't going to happen if he felt this way toward me. I just hope my life doesn't get worse than it already it.