Getting to Know you

The rest of the day was spent talking to Jason and conversing about stories and things we wanted to know about each other. I took the paper that had his number on it and inputted it in my phone and started texting him right away.

Jason - "So you got around to text me have you? Assuming this is Olivia I'm speaking with."

Olivia - "It's Olivia and my gosh you sure do have a way with words."

Jason - "Well we are in college, I would hope I should have an adverse vocabulary."

I check my phone to see his text and smile while I roll my eyes from his choice of words. He just doesn't seem his age, if I even knew what his age was. He's just so...mature, and I love it. I keep texting him back and forth until I reach my dorm once more. I open the door to get hit in the face by the smell of cinnamon and pumpkin spice.

"It sure smells like autumn in here in the middle of spring, Faren what's up? You only bring out these scents when there's something on your mind. Is it Jason again? Are you sure you were being honest with me and you actually do have feelings for him?" I call out to her as she sat on her bed reading a book. She lowers it onto her stomach and shakes her head.

"It's nothing Oli I swear. I just missed the scent that's all. But yes there are other things on my mind but it isn't about Jason, well not entirely." She responds before returning her attention to her book again and reads intently. I furrow my brows and narrow my eyelids while I look at the title of the book. I couldn't read it or at least understand what it said since it was in some sort of weird language or markings.

"What book is that? What does it say on the cover?" I ask before I sit at the foot over her bed looking down at her before she lowered her book once more and looked at the binding.

"It's just a light read about herbs in Hebrew. I wanted to learn some new techniques." She stated nonchalantly and got back to reading and I looked at her stunned from her response. It sure didn't look like one of the herbology books she has strung across her bookcase in the corner of the room and it doesn't look happy or in Hebrew either but if it's what she says it is I'll believe her. If she gets into any voodoo shit I'll gladly keep to my side of the room. I wouldn't want to get a doll made of me just so they could make me do things that I would regret. Bad juju isn't my style.

"Well if you say so." I stand up and switch to my bed and lay down as well. I pull out my phone and see that I had a new text from Jason.

"Meet me down at the fountain at 6, I have something I want to show you. Dinner is on me." It read and my cheeks flush realizing he asked me on a date, that is, if I was thinking of this in the right way.

We both read books until about 4 o'clock then watched a movie on our small tv that stood on Faren's desk and chomped on some popcorn together. My phone pinged from beside me and it was another text from Jason.

"What you girls up to?" He asked and I pick it up and look at it before Faren swats it out of my hand. "Girl time now...boy time later." She declared and I chuckle in response and leave my phone on the floor as we continued to watch the movie. An hour and a half passed and the movie was over while Faren was asleep on the floor as she cuddled the half-empty popcorn bowl. I pick a few kernels and pop them into my mouth before getting up and checking that it was 5:30. I realize I had 30 min to get ready to go see Jason. Carefully moving Faren's feet to the side, I get up and quietly get dressed into something nice but not formal.

After about 10 minutes, I pick up my bag and phone then rush out the door to get to the fountain on time. As I near the stone fountain, I see Jason leaning up against one of the pillars that were near it and looked up at me when I got close enough to see and recognize. He sure didn't look happy.

"Why didn't you answer my text? I was worried something happened to you and you weren't going to come." He spoke harshly and rapidly as he met me halfway. I looked at him worried that he was seriously mad at me.

"No no it was Faren. When I picked up my phone to answer you she smacked it down and told me to continue to focus on the movie we were watching. I didn't mean to ignore you. I'm sorry." I mutter in a soft voice and avoided eye contact hoping he wasn't too mad at me.

He lets out a soft sigh and puts his index finger under my chin and pushes my head up to look at him. "It's ok Olivia, I'm not mad at you. I was just worried. I wished you were able to tell me you were busy but I understand your predicament. Now for what I was going to show you." He pulls out a slim black box and looks at me.

"This is a large step and if you won't accept this now and you want to wait then it's perfectly fine. If you don't want to accept it at all that's fine too. But from your behavior and reactions around me, I couldn't help but think of you and what might be inside that pretty head of yours. Forgive me if I'm wrong." He states before opening the box and revealing a small black choker inside. It was lace with a small heart locket attached to the front of it.

My eyes go wide from the sudden gift he was giving me when we only knew each other for a couple of hours. How did he find the time to get this for me? Did he go shopping for this the moment we left and started texting?

"I know this is fast and sudden but I have kept this in my possession for two years now. I had been trying to find the perfect person to give this to and once I laid my eyes on you in the cafeteria I just knew you had to be mine. So please, take this as a token of my dedication to be with you. The meaning behind this choker you'll know soon enough once we get to know each other more but for now, I would like you to keep it." He told me sincerely as he held it open for me to look at.

I was speechless, I loved it. I picked it up carefully and admired it and tried to put it on before he took it from my fingers and insisted on him to put it on me himself. I reached up with my right hand and touched the small locket with my fingers and smiled. It was so sweet of him and the honesty in his eyes was so pure. Gaaahh my heart is going to melt. How did I ever deserve to have someone like him?