Left Guessing

I fiddled with the locket on the choker while we walked to the restaurant Jason had a reservation for. My other free hand was clasped in his as we walked casually down the sidewalk. The sun was setting behind the mountains as the reds and purples colored the clouds in the sky. Many people passing by were either getting food or starting their late-night shopping runs.

After a few minutes, we stop in front of a fancy restaurant and he tugs on my arm when I felt we were gonna keep going and quickly turn my attention to him when I see where we were going to eat. "P.F. Changs? I haven't eaten here since my parents had their wedding anniversary. You got us reservations here for a mini-date?" I ask completely perplexed by his decision and what money he's pocketing.

"Mini-date? Who said this was a 'mini' date? This is our first is it not? I wanted only the best for the first one and better for the next and even better after that. I'm not a common scoundrel my dear." He responded while petting my head as he brushed a few strands of hair behind my ear and smirks down at me while a full-blown blush covers my cheeks. I wasn't expecting this at all and what he said only made me want to blush and hide my face even more.

"I wish I dressed better than this if I had known we were going to eat here," I admit while looking down at my slacks and a casual blouse. He took one look at me before kissing the top of my head.

"I think you look beautiful no matter what you wear. You don't need to worry about what you're wearing. Your outfit is perfectly fine." He stated before pulling me with him to go inside and check-in for our reservation. I was still doubting on the look of my outfit but Jason seemed to be fine with it so I'll just roll with it.

"2 for Richards please." He asked while the hostess looked at the reservations list before picking up two menus and smiled while leading the way. "Follow me, Mr. Richards," She responded while walking toward a circular booth next to one of the open windows. "My name is Lyn and I'll be your server this evening. What can I get both of you to drink?" She asked while pulling out a small notepad and pen.

"I'd like a coke please and can we get a kettle of green tea please, two cups," Jason spoke up before they both turned my direction to see what I would like to drink. "I'll have a coke too please," I responded with a small smile before looking at Jason and nodded. Lyn scribbled down our drinks and walked to the kitchen to grab them for us.

"So what do you like to get here?" He asked once the waitress left and leaned into the booth to get comfortable. He was wearing a dark brown suede button-down shirt with grey slacks with black shoes. He was fit and he knew it as he showed off. Many of the girls in the restaurant took double takes when he walked past them and I felt even more self-conscious being with him in the outfit I was in nonetheless.

"I like to get the lo mein with pork fried rice," I replied before looking over my shoulder to get a glare at two of the girls in the adjacent table who were staring at Jason. I quickly turn my head around and look at Jason while he closes his eyes and shakes his head at me.

"Don't worry about them. No woman here will tear my attention from you and neither will they lay a hand on you while in my presence. I promise you that." He stated before shooting a glare back at the two women and they quickly change their posture in their seats and converse with one another.

I simply nod back at him and fiddle with my fingers before reaching up to touch the locket once more. "So you said there was a deeper meaning behind the choker, what did you mean by that exactly?" I asked curious about what he meant and couldn't wait to find out later. I'm a very impatient person especially when someone says I have to wait for something because then I know its coming and want it to come sooner rather than later.

"I don't believe you're ready for that step just yet. Unless you already know what it means?" He responded while raising an eyebrow to hear my answer to his statement. I didn't know what he meant when he gave me the choker, I just thought it was a gift. I didn't think there would be anything behind the meaning of a choker.

"Based on the look on your face I'm going to assume you don't know the reason behind it and we're gonna leave it at that." He added before I could say anything in return. I gave a huff from his response and rolled my eyes. He raised an eyebrow in question as to why I rolled my eyes from his response.

"I just want to know the reason. You didn't give me a chance to answer." I retort before he could say anything else to interrupt me. It was as if he could read my mind or read the expression on my face which was quite frankly blank but I suppose that could symbolize confusion. I didn't think too much of it but it was still annoying that he responded without letting me say anything.

"And you will know the reason in due time. Just not right now. You are not ready, we're not at that stage of the relationship for that step yet." He stated before I crossed my arms in response and looked away.

"Then why give it to me and say there's a reason behind the choker and not tell me. You're testing my patience and I don't like it. I really want to know." I blurt out with a pout resting on my lips before he gives me a dominating stare with his arms crossed which makes me freeze in place.

"Excuse me young lady but you need to be patient because I have a reason for you to wait for this next step. You're gonna thank me later for waiting."