The Banquet

Both the women pushed gently on my back to guide me to the door and back down to the main foyer. I walked down the spiral staircase with one hand on the railing and saw Jason at the bottom dressed in a handsome suit that fit him so well. A blush swept over my cheeks from the ironic picture the two of us were making as I descended the stairs. He held out his hand when I reached the bottom step and I reached out and grabbed it as I placed my foot on the marble floor.

"You look absolutely stunning, Olivia. You picked a marvelous dress. It compliments you so well." He admired as he spun me around with our hands arched over me as I twirled. I let out a small giggle in the motion and looked up at him once I turned all the way back around. I looked him up and down and smirked at his appearance. He was hot in his burgundy suit and with his slicked-back hair, it only made me want him even more.

"And you look handsome as well. I love that color on you." I complimented while looking up at him happily. If anyone looked at my face they could probably see the stars glittering in my eyes from me admiring Jason's looks.

He saw the look on my face and let out a deep chuckle and pecked my lips before holding my hand and led me into the ballroom where the banquet was going to be held. The entire room was decorated to the brim and brightly lit up. I twirl around while I look at all the decorations and smile. It was beautiful to see how well it was decorated for the event.

Just as we were walking in, Mrs. Richards walked toward us with a bottle of something but I couldn't see what it was. "So this is something for your safety for this evening. You'll be seen as a weak subject under Jason's rule, much like a maid because you are still human. Please drink this so that the other guests don't try to overwhelm you. I'm sure Jason will be by your side the entire night but for any means that he isn't this will be your form of protection." She said as she offered the bottle of the interesting substance for me to drink.

I looked at the bottle before looking up at her and drank it. If she said this was going to help me in the long run then I'll take it, even if it tastes bad, which it did. I cough a little before tapping my chest and look back at her. "If you say this works then I trust that it will." I put the bottle on a table nearby and look at Jason who took one whiff before looking away.

"Mother what did you give her?!" He complained while glancing over at her then at me with an apologetic look on his face. "It's wolfsbane, a natural vampire deterrent. If you want her to be safe then you'll thank me for giving it to her." She stated while putting on hand on her waist, waiting for his apology.

"Thanks mother but she's going to deter me with that strong smell. I'm sorry Olivia but it just makes you smell very strong and it hurts my nostrils." He apologized and tried holding his breath but moved away to get away from the smell I apparently was making. I looked at him worried then looked to Mrs. Richards. "Will no one like being near me then? I won't be able to talk to anyone either would I? I feel like I should just wait till after the banquet if I'm going to be a nuisance." I stated feeling self conscious about my place in the banquet. If I was going to smell bad to the rest of the guests that they'll complain then I didn't want to be there to ruin anyone's night.

"No sweet heart. They'll have to be really close to you in order to smell. You don't need to worry about it too much but Jason yes you'll have to get used to it." She clarified and shook her head as she watched Jason complain about the smell.

Jason looked at me and held his breath before coming to me and kissed me on the forehead before kissing the top of my hand. "I'm sorry, I'll try to get used to it but if I leave its because it was too much for me to handle. But I do agree with my mother, it is the best way to keep you safe." He replied before letting go of my hand and went to the front door to greet in guests.

Mrs. Richards stayed with me and pulled me to the side and turned me to look at her. "Not only did Jason ask you to come because he wanted you here but because you're part in this whole next part of his life will weigh greatly on how well you take on the new positon he's put you in. I know not everything has been explained but by the end of the night you will have known everything, that is for a fact the truth. I'm sorry you've been kept in the dark mostly but I promise you will know everything." She explained and I felt my heart get shocked by a million volts.

What had I gotten myself into?

I see tons of people start to flood the ballroom floor as they chatted amongst themselves and I stayed clear of any bussling places to drag any unwanted attention to myself. Many were wearing masks on their face and I felt out of place. I didn't know it would be a masqurede party. But it was a banquet, that didn't make any sense.

Once everyone had entered the room and I saw Jason reenter, his mother grabbed a microphone and grabbed everyone's attention. "Thank you all for coming tonight to this important event not only for me but also for my son, Jason Richards. We all comend you on giving the Richard family your loyalty for so many centuries that I'll gladly announce the becoming of the Vampire Prince." She announced and Jason walked up to stand next to his mother to show the look of pride on his face when his mother spoke of his apparent royalty.

Jason? A prince? WHAT?!

Once Mrs. Richards finished talking she handed the mic to Jason so he could talk to the crowd. He searched everywhere to meet eyes with me and gave an apologetic smile to show he was sorry for not telling me sooner. I guess it was reasonable for him not to tell me or anyone for that matter because one he was in college and all the girls would feast off his popularity and two he was a vampire. I guess being a vampire would be a good number one but it wasn't relevant until I had really gotten to know what he was just moments ago.

"Thank you all for your support, and I would like to announce that the Vampire prince will be anointed King when he finds a suitable mate. And I would like to point out that your prince has found one that I believe would fit to stand by my side. Olivia? Could you join us?" He asked as the crowd looked around for the one he spoke of. As I neared the open area they had for the royal family to talk, the crowd parted when they noticed that I was the chosen one.

Jason held out his hand for me and gave me a delighted smile to be able to announce that he had found the woman he thought would be perfect for him. But I didn't think I would be worthy enough so it was up to fate at this point if things would turn out alright.

"I would like you to meet Olivia Morris, my princess."