Princess Olivia

I was speechless when he had announced to the entire banquet hall that I was his princess. Was he serious? I was of no royal blood, I didn't deserve this title. What does this all mean? What's going to happen to me?

The hall filled with a round of applause from the announcement but I couldn't help but feel I wasn't being looked up at as a princess but as prey. They all knew I was human and some of their expression looked puzzled even with their meaningless clapping at this point. It wasn't encouraging and was making me worried about what was to happen next.

Jason put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. My heart was racing as I stared at the blank expressions of all the masks that were looking right back at me as the clapping slowly died down. "Thank you all for listening to our glorious announcement, please enjoy the rest of the evening!" Jason declared over the entire hall and then turned to look at me. The look on his face was that of pure joy and happiness that he was able to tell all his other loyal subjects about his new significant other but something just wasn't sitting well in my stomach. There was something else, something else that both Jason and Mrs. Richards weren't telling me.

"I'm so glad I was able to finally announce that. Ever since I saw you I just knew you were the one perfect for me. I hope that you feel the same otherwise this would be all for naught." He said with a cheerful smile on his lips but in my heart, I was overwhelmed. What if he wasn't the one I wanted? This was all going too fast, I can't catch up.

"Excuse me I need to get some air," I said before moving away from him and stepped off the stage. His eyes went from playful to worrisome but I waved my hand side to side to signal that I was fine just needed a breather but deep down I just wanted to access my situation.

Once I stepped out of the banquet hall and made my way to the front door, the cool breeze of the fall night swept over my face and sent a cool chill down my spine. I took a deep breath and let it out my mouth while holding my stomach. I didn't like the position he put me in and it was really starting to worry me. It was almost as if he was guilt-tripping me to be in a relationship with him with the 'all for naught' part that he told me.

I paced the pavement in front of the massive mansion and noticed the fountain that had been spewing water out of the top for ages and never stopped. I slowly walked over to it and sat down on the edge to feel the mist touch my exposed skin on my arms and back. It was refreshing as it cooled my nerves and let me think straight. I had to set my record straight if I was going to get through the night.

Vampires, royalty, big responsibility, Jason's happiness, whatever responsibility of him having a significant other is, and all the other shit I have to worry about. It was too much for my heart to handle and I felt my heart rate rising as my mind wandered. I put my hand to my chest to try and calm myself but it didn't help. I needed support, I needed answers, I needed guidance. I just wished Jason was more reliable for any of those things knowing what position he put me in it wasn't the best. But I have to think in his shoes. He said he knew I was the one for him when he saw me, that must mean he believes in me. It should also mean that he believes that any struggles ahead of me I'll be able to hurdle over them. But what I don't get is why this all had to happen so quickly? Did he have a deadline? Was his whole coronation or whatever you call it coming up and he had to have a lover in order to accept the crown? If that's it then I'm just a fill-in at such a short amount of time that he had.

But then I remembered the choker. It was the first gift he gave me which was interesting in itself but it had meaning behind it. I don't know the meaning yet but with this, he did have intentions of taking it slow with me but this part he wanted to get over with I suppose so he could get to the slow part. He needed to explain all of this but my mind is trying to soak in everything still. He's a Vampire prince! How the hell is he still in college? And why is he at this university anyway? He could have had tutors in his mansion to teach him all that he needs to know. Unless he's just like Edward in the book Twilight then I want out of this hell hole.

Just as my thoughts were racing through my head I felt a hand touch the top of mine that had been resting beside me on the stone fountain. It was lifted up and pecked by a pair of lips that I hadn't recognized. I looked up at the stranger and felt my heart jump out of my chest from the sudden action.

"Don't be afraid. I'm one of Jason's closest friends. It's a pleasure to meet you, princess. I can see why Jason chose such a sweet flower to be his queen. You're ravishing." The stranger said with such sweet and dangerous words that felt like honey to my ears. He had the same red tint in his eyes that Jason had earlier but this time more menacing than anything else. The mask covered his facial features but his eyes shown through like daggers.

Either the wolfsbane doesn't affect him or the mist from the fountain had washed it away. No matter which, I was staring at a devil in disguise.