
"Aw don't be afraid, sweet thing. I'm not going to hurt you, at least not to the point where it's not enjoyable." The stranger whispered into my ear as he circled around me. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end from his breath on my neck and his words penetrating my mind. It was as if I was frozen in place, unable to move a muscle by his command. My mind was getting fuzzy but my heart was screaming out for Jason's help. If this was the kind of threat his guests had towards me, I didn't want to be here any longer. I just want everything to return to normal.

He took a part of my hair in his fingers and lifted it up to his face as he took a long breath in through the nose as he took in my scent. The wolfsbane had to have gone away if he was standing this close and enjoying whatever scent was coming off of my body. Fear was definitely one of them. I blinked my eyes a few times before gathering the courage to step away from the beast in front of me and held up my fists. It was a pathetic excuse of a fighting stance but it was all I had.

He let out a low chuckle as he stalked toward me. I felt my knees shaking and my heart beating out of my chest but I kept my hands up and my distance. "Don't think about running away. Jason is too busy caring about his guests to hear you scream. If I take what's precious of his he'll give me something in return, what I rightly deserve." He threatened as he increased his slow walk to a powerful stride towards me as he grabbed my wrists and pulled me closer to him.

"I'll make you fall in love with me and be my pet to watch that bastard crumble. He won't be able to complete his coronation without his sweet flower to help him. Just you wait sweetie, you'll see what kind of monster he really is." He whispered as he held me close to him with his nose just centimeters from my own.

Just the thought of losing Jason and having to spend time with this freak was making my stomach churn. Anger sprouted from inside me and I started thrashing and kicking to be let free.

"LET ME GO!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs before he flipped me around to have my back to him and put his hand of my mouth and my arms trapped between my back and his chest. I tried throwing my head back to hit him in the face but he held my jaw firmly so my head wouldn't budge.

"Stop struggling or I'll make you regret it." He threatened as his lips touched the back of my ear and I closed my eyes trying to forget it all. I wanted to be let free, I wanted Jason to save me. I didn't want to do what this nut job wanted me to do. But before I knew it my eyes were covered and his hands were ripped off of me. A new pair of hands held onto me and held me in a warm embrace and pulled me away.

"Get out of here Zack, you weren't and never will be invited onto these grounds. You will never lay a hand on Olivia again. Your empty threat will fall flat and you'll be left with nothing." I heard Jason call out in a powerful voice as he held me close to him tightly so that I wouldn't be taken anywhere.

He kept my eyes covered which puzzled me but I suppose he just wanted to protect me. I put my hand on his and squeezed it to signal that I was ok but he continued to keep them covered. I heard shuffling slowly going away then a whoosh of wind before I was being escorted back inside the mansion. Once I heard my heel touch marble flooring with a clack, he removed his hand and looked me in the eyes. I had dried tears on my cheeks and red puffy eyes as I looked up at him.

"I'm so sorry Olivia. I promised I would be by your side tonight but I failed to protect you. I was caught up answering questions that I didn't notice that you had left the main hall to get fresh air. If I had known you needed me I wouldn't have been sidetracked. I'm sorry, please forgive me. I promise to protect you from now on or at least have someone watching over you so you don't get hurt. Please tell me he didn't hurt you." He said with a sincerely worried expression as he held my hands in his whilst scanning for any injuries.

I shake my head and hug him to show that I was ok. I just wanted a shower and some sleep. Forgetting what that guy Zack said was going to be difficult but I know Jason would do his best to keep me safe. I trust him, I just hope I won't be left alone again. "I'm fine, just a little shaken up," I replied while I held onto him with my arms over his shoulders and my face tucked into the crook of his neck. He lifted me up and brought my legs around his waist so he could carry me up the stairs and into the room I had been assigned earlier. He laid me down on the bed and gave me a peck on the forehead.

"I'm so relieved that you're ok and not hurt. I don't know what I would have done to him if he had hurt you or imprinted on you when you aren't ready yet." He said as he paced the room, probably thinking of the things he would have done to Zack if he had the chance.

Imprinted? I thought that was for wolves and their mates, at least that's what I know from the werewolf stories I read on my phone. I furrowed my brows at Jason from what he said. "What kind of imprinting do vampires do?" I asked seemingly confused.

"Well, it's kinda complicated and very sensual. It's only done on certain occasions and very essential in our culture which to humans can be very unusual. You don't see it as imprinting but more simply as feeding. But it happens between two mates that wish to be married or in your case it's our way of engagement." Jason explained while I sat on the bed patiently, still mildly confused as to why Zack would want to do it with me.

"But why with me? I can't be his 'mate' or whatever you call it. I'm barely in college, I haven't graduated yet. I can't get engaged! I'm also a human! Why would he marry a human if I'm just gonna grow old and die while he still remains young and healthy?" I pointed out but the more I said the more Jason's expression dwindled.

"So you don't believe a human and vampire can get married because you think that you'll just grow old and die? That it wouldn't be worth it? Olivia, you have no idea how special you are." He paused before shaking his head and looked down at the floor, "I shouldn't have told you this much, at least not yet. Not until you've lived and learned more." He responded but it just left me with even more questions for him to answer.