
Once Hannah left us alone for a few minutes, Jason took my hand and lead me to his office so we could talk. We entered the room and he closed the door behind us and I turned to look at him. "What is it? Did something happen? Did I do something wrong?" I asked, seemingly worried about his expression and tone earlier. He shakes his head and goes to sit in his chair and looks over at me, motioning for me to sit down as well.

"It's not something you've done sweetheart, but I'm upset to have spoiled your day with a serious talk but I had to bring this up. Now that my coronation has started with finding you and announcing to my subjects that you would be their queen if you accept my proposal, it will be difficult for me to do things with you alone. I want to give you the best experience and relationship before anything serious happens, but from my lack of time management, everything has been going way too fast, and I fear that it might push you away. With the banquet, to you knowing my family's origin and the sudden announcement of you becoming my princess. It pains me to have pushed this on you so suddenly but you have to believe me when I tell you that you are the one I fully believe is the right match for me and I hope I am for you." He admitted and I got up from my seat and looked at him with both hands on the desk to show my seriousness.

"Yes everything has been too fast, yes there's a lot going on. But if you think I'm the perfect match for you I want to be able to carry out normal relationship activities without royalty getting in the way. I want to build my connection with you but with all this work and meetings you have pilled up, I fear I'll be making my relationship with Hannah and not you. I also want to know when I'll be able to return to my studies because I do wish to put the money my family has paid to finish my degree and get my bachelor's." I stated and he looked up at me with a surprised look that I was holding my ground.

"I promise you can return to campus in due time but I would like to have a few things happen so I ensure you're safe while not on these grounds. The entire vampire world knows how important you are to me and I've made many enemies from my royal status that I don't wish to put you in danger because of them. I'll set aside the paperwork to focus on that so you can return to campus as soon as possible. I'm sure Faren will protect you but I'll also have Charlie keep an eye on you just in case." He said while thinking about the next moves he would be taking. I tilted my head to the side from what he said about Faren and furrowed my brows trying to piece it together.

"What do you mean you're sure Faren will protect me? I know we've been friends our entire lives but I've been the one to be the most protective out of the two of us." I replied with a confused look and he returned it with an 'I shouldn't have said that' expression.

"Oh right, uh, I'll have Faren explain that to you when you get back on to campus. She'd kill me if I told you without her consent." He said before getting up and walking around the desk to pull me into a hug. I melted into his embrace and wrapped my arms around his waist. I always felt secure in his arms, like I never wanted to be apart from him. He ran his fingers through my hair and caressed my cheek when he wanted to look at me to grab my attention.

"I promise nothing bad will happen to you as long as I am alive. I just hope the intense part of this will pass quickly so we can get back to being boyfriend and girlfriend like normal people, for your sake, and mine." He said jokingly and I giggled along with his low chuckle. We can make it work, even though it's stressful and downright crazy. I just hope nothing bad happens so we can go back to how things were previously. I understand that all that has happened wasn't under his control and was under a time crunch to start it sooner than expected but I'll gladly support him, princess or not.

He let go and lead me to the door and kissed me on the forehead. "I have a few papers to sign in order to get started on your training. I'm sure Hannah has already shown you the stable so if you'd like to pick out one of the rabbits or one of the kittens we should be having shipped in today and bring it to your room, I'll let you keep it as long as you take care of it. Having a small pet while in this massive mansion with my constant workload will hopefully relieve some stress. I'll be around for lunch so meet me down in the dining room at 2." He said before backing up into his office and closing the door so he can continue his work. I thought about the kittens and rabbits and ran as fast as I could back to the stable to pick the perfect one.