Next Steps

Once I reached the main doors of the stable, Hannah was there waiting for me with a cute bunny and kitten in both of her arms. "Ready to pick out a bunny or a kitten? We just had them shipped in. We're gonna start a breeding farm for them so we can sell them to those who'd like them." Hannah explained as she showed me the pen they were in.

Two small square pens with clear plastic walls to see through with a bed of hay for the bunnies while there were blankets and pillows for the kittens. I cooed at all of them as they played around with each other. "They're only about a couple of weeks old. Choose you're favorite and we'll get a pen ready for it in your room." I looked between the bunnies and the kittens unsure which one I wanted the most and decided to go for a kitten. There were all black ones, grey ones, orange tabbies, calicos, and striped ones. Once I laid my eyes on a kitten with bright blue eyes and brown tabby fur with a white underbelly, I instantly scooped it up into my arms and cuddled it softly.

"This one, this is the one." I proclaimed as I held it up into the air as if he were Simba. "I'm going to name you...River. You're eyes are a perfect blue and the stripes resemble the flow of a river." I explained to the kitten that didn't understand a word I said just the noise coming out of my mouth and mewed. I fawn over the cuteness and snuggle my nose against his. "River? That's a cute name. If you're ready go ahead and head back to your room and I'll get the supplies so you can find a good place to take care of him. Plus it's almost going to be 12 and you have lunch with his majesty at 2." I nod and scurry back to the house with my new furry friend.

Once I reach my room, I place River gently on the bed and look around for a good place for his bed. I look at the bench at the foot of my bed and decided that's where his bed should be. Then I walked into the bathroom and found a small corner for the litterbox to help train him in. "Perfect, you're gonna be well cared for River don't you worry," I tell the small kitten who waddles to the foot of the bed and mews once more. I pick him up and snuggle with him in my arms while I sit back on the bed.

I think back to what Jason had spoken about earlier and wondered how he would make time for us. If he's gonna be crowned king then I'll be his....his what? Girlfriend to the king? If that's a thing. We haven't even gotten enough time to share our important life stories yet. Let alone get married. If that was even on his mind. I know I shouldn't be worrying about this but I just can't help it. I always loved foundation and order and precision, this is all going with the flow and I'm out of my comfort zone. It's foreign to me but I want to stick through it for Jason. He means too much to me for me to let him go.

I look down at the kitten and smile. He doesn't want me to give up cause he cares about me as well. I have to be strong for him cause he's being strong for me. He's worked too hard to be let down now, I want to be the best person for him. No matter if I'm human or a vampire. I will be strong for him.

I put the kitten on the ground so he could explore and look through my closet for an outfit. Something simple, not too girly, but not I suppose. I'm all sweatpants and a t-shirt, he's royalty I can't be seen not wearing something nice. I don't want to be known as the prince's deadbeat girlfriend. Overall shorts and a Beatles tee it is. Cute, stylish, and me. Perfect. Or should have I gone with a summer dress? GAHH, I don't know! Why am I worried about this?! I should just be me! Sticking with the overalls, I don't care anymore. If Jason's popularity with his subjects goes down because of me then I'll have a stern talk about the way I dress and that they'll just have to deal with it. Unless Jason really wants me to change then....I'll change, clothes.

I place my outfit onto the bed and look around for River and he's nowhere to be seen. WHERE DID HE GO!? "River? River!? Where are you?" I look around and then under the bed to see him messing with a hair tie and let out a sigh of relief. "There you are," I reach under and grab River, along with the hair tie and place him on the bed as he rolls around with it in his paws. "Such a rascal." I hear a knock on the door and open it up to see Hannah with a basket of cat food, toys, and other cat-related things.

"Here is the cat litter box so you can set it up somewhere, cat food, treats, catnip, toys, and blankets. Oh and a bed for the little tiger." She said as she placed it on the bed and took a glance at the outfit I had picked out. "Is that what you're gonna wear to lunch with Jason?" She asked then looked over at me and I nodded slightly. "I like it, it's adorable." She commented and I smiled sheepishly at her compliment. "Thank you," I replied feeling better about my wardrobe choice. Once she dropped everything off and left, I placed the bed on the bench then the litterbox in the corner of the bathroom near the toilet. River looked like he was about to pass out from exhaustion after playing with the hair tie since his little eyes were slowly closing. I picked him up gently and brought him over to the bed and placed him in it as well as some of the toys that Hannah had brought. "Sleep well little River."