
Flashbacks to the accident went on repeat in my dream, each with different scenarios to really scare me to the bone. I woke up in a cold sweat and looked around me as everything came to my senses. It wreaked with the smell of mold and rust the moment I took a deep breath in. I regretted that decision greatly and coughed from the intensity of it. I heard chains rattle next to me when I coughed and looked to see not only my wrists but also my ankles chained to the wall. I'm small and petite why would anyone be this paranoid if I didn't have the strength to break one chain let alone four.

I keep looking around to get an idea where I was but it was too dark to really see anything. All that I could make out was a set of cell bars on either side of me beside the wall behind me and a faint hanging light in the distance. It had to be at least 20 feet away from me but with my fuzzy vision, I have no depth perception to help me.

I try to stand up but the length of the chains wouldn't let me and I stumbled back down to the floor. I noticed I still had the overall shorts and sneakers from earlier but they were covered in dirt and grime from the crash. I lifted my hand closer to my neck and felt the lace of the choker still attached and I felt a wave of relief that I had at least one thing important with me. This gift from Jason is all I have to remember him and it pains me every time the memory resurfaces. The limped body of Jason's laying out of the car as it burst into flames was enough to open the water gates again as tears dripped onto my scraped-up legs.

Every fiber in my being wanted to believe he would be able to survive that crash. To falsely believe it to be true was enough to keep me from falling apart on the spot. There had to be some way for him to get out of there safe in order for him to rescue me. Or have someone rescue me for that matter. I don't know who took me or why they took me, all I know is that it must have to do with either me being Jason's girlfriend or that he's becoming king. Had to be either-or. Unless there's some other possible idea that I can't come up with.

I sit against the wall with my legs tucked up to my chest for what felt like hours before I heard a noise coming from the direction of the light. Two figures stepped past the light as their shadows cascaded in front of them. They approached the cell door and looked inside at me before chuckling.

"To think we were able to get the twerp after Jason threatened you. You'll be able to use her as leverage to become king." The one on the right said before getting hit on the back of the head by the one on the left.

"I know that but she doesn't need to know that?! She may be locked in here but we don't know if they made the connection yet." The left figure said and the voice that was connected to it sounded familiar.

"Do you remember me sweet cheeks?" He said and I could tell from the tone of his voice that he was smirking in the shadows.

"Zack..." I say under my breath and look up at the two of them. Why did it have to be Zack? When I first met him it almost sounded like he wanted to rape me from the tone of his voice. If that's why he wants me then he'll regret it big time. He also said earlier that he wanted to be king when I first met him. He almost took off with me that time but Jason was gladly there to have him let go.

"Good you remember, now as for what we're gonna do with you," He began as he opened the cell door and stepped into the cell. He held up a lighter to my face to reveal he was close enough for me to smell his breath. He gave me a sly smirk and brought his finger to my cheek and I pull my face away. His smirk turns to a scowl as he grabs my chin with his hand and holds my head still. The heat from the lighter was blazing against my cheeks as he peered into my eyes before he spoke again.

"If you're a good girl you can live happily in the mansion if you promise one thing..." "No..." I said abruptly, interrupting him. He gripped my chin tighter before pulling it closer to his face and the lighter. The flames of the lighter licked my cheeks before he pulled it away ever so slightly. "Don't interrupt me or you'll regret it."

"As I was saying, you can live in the mansion with the rest of us if you promise me that you'll pledge your loyalty to me. Jason's gone, you have no protection. The whole vampire kingdom knows of you and your scent. Why do you think Jason chose you? Why do you think he had you cover yourself with wolfsbane? Only vampires would know that any human dosed in wolfsbane is a special prey they want to keep close so others don't take them away. But your blood is soo sweet....the wolfsbane barely did a number on the stench. All those looks, all those peering eyes. They weren't looking at you because you were pretty angel, they were staring you down because they wanted what Jason had. Everyone knew you were important to him that night. And one simple slip up came to his demise. He wasn't careful enough with his prey. Easily taken just with one swift move. He should have marked you when he had the chance.'re mine." Zack explained with a seductive tone that lured me to sleep almost. It was hypnotizing, dangerous. He knew how to get a woman to submit to him.

But I only submit to one person.

I look up at him and ram my head against his and try to bite his shoulder. He backed away before I could land my attack. He chuckles and stands back up again. "Fiesty. I love a little challenge. Pity for you. If that's your choice then I'll come back in a few days to see if you've changed your mind." He says before leaving the cell and locks the door.

We'll see Zack, we'll see.