Change of Heart

Sitting in the silence was unbearable, I got used to the noise and chatter from the mansion and my dorm that the silence is unnerving. Usually, it wouldn't bug me but now that I took the peace and quiet without asking for it, I want the comfortable noise back. Hearing college students run along the hall or have parties next door or even the maids checking up on me and the noise of the busy mansion.

I could guess that I was in the cellar from the musky smell of the mold. Strangely enough, I wasn't hungry but I suppose the smell made me sick to my stomach enough that my appetite was gone. That or my loss of hope just made my appetite unacknowledgeable like it wasn't the problem I should be worrying myself with.

I thought about the terms that Zack had given me but there was no way in hell that I would pledge my loyalty to him. I'm not his pet or slave why should I. I am his prisoner as of the moment but that's not the point. Point is that I'm Jason's girlfriend and I want it to stay that way at least if we ever get farther, massive if. That is if Jason even survived the fire. My heart swells with agony just thinking about it. But from Zack's words, it seemed as if he were still alive but then again it could be just a ruse.

A ring of keys jangling sounded down the hall and I quickly turn my head to look to see who it was. I wanted to be set free but at what cost?

A figure approached my cell and opened the door, holding something in his hands when he walked up to me. "Don't move or this will hurt more than it has to." The man said before kneeling beside me and held up a syringe to my arm. I feel my heart jump out of my chest as he brought it closer to my skin and I try and shuffle away. He grabs my arm and holds it still as he injected the liquid into my arm.

"What was that?! What did you do to me?" I asked frantically wanting to know if I had been poisoned or tranquilized.

He stands back up with the syringe in his hand and looked down at me. And without a word walked back out of the cell, locking the door behind him. I blinked at him astonished that he didn't give me the pleasure of knowing my demise before I looked down at my arm to see if it would change color.

After a few minutes, it didn't look any different which perplexed me but then the headache hit, and my head started spinning. The dizziness made me sick to my stomach as I tried to keep my eyes open. The sickening feeling kept rising till my body couldn't take it anymore and caused me to fall over to the floor.

I was woken up to a damp towel patting my forehead and I look up to see a young woman leaning over me. I go wide-eyed and try to sit up but she forces me down.

"Don't move. Your body is trying to adjust to the injection." She explained as she continued to dab my head. I rested my head and felt a pillow underneath it as my sense started to realize that I wasn't in the cellar anymore. I was in a warm comfy bed with large comforters covering my body. What happened? I looked under the covers to see that my wrist was handcuffed to the bed frame and I was changed into new clothes.

"Master Zachery ordered for you to be prepped for the evening. Master ordered Carlile to inject you with a tranquilizer and had you brought here to rest. Once you get your strength back you will be allowed to shower and dress in the outfit picked for you. Two guards will be waiting for you to be finished right outside your door. Just announce that you're ready and they will lead you to the dining room." She explained, unlocking the handcuff and left the towel on my forehead before getting up from the side of the bed and left the room.

Why is he having me have dinner with him? Did he change his mind about the promise? Is he actually going to be nice to me? I guess we'll see I suppose.

Once she leaves, I sit up and looking around the room. It was a normal room as if it were a guest room. Nothing like the room that Jason put me in but he wasn't keeping me prisoner so it made sense. I step into the bathroom and see the outfit sitting on the toilet as well as my previous clothes were sitting in the hamper next to the shower. I shake my head and undress so I could wash the dirt and grime from my body.

Once I cleaned myself off and wrapped a towel around my body I could see where the needle went into my arm. It amazed me that it didn't hurt when it went in but it sure as hell hurt afterward. I looked at the outfit and noticed it wasn't something I would normally wear. It was a short red dress covered in lace flowers and a pair of black high heels. Stereotypical whore outfit and I hate that he "wanted" me to wear it. This freak is going to be a handful. I sure as hell hope I leave this mansion with my virginity still intact.