Dinner with The Devil

I walked into the room the maid had put me in, trying not to break an ankle with the heels they're making me wear. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and try not to throw up from how slutty the dress makes me. It put my nerves on edge to see my body in this skin-tight piece of cloth that barely covered anything. It was on the border of showing my panties to the point if I bent over there was no salvation to my ass being shown.

I open the door to see the two guards standing in the hallway as the woman said. They move their arms in the direction I should head and I do as I am instructed. One walks in front of me guiding me to the dining hall while the other follows from behind. If they're here just to make sure I don't run off then that's absurd since Zack and probably every somewhat living thing in this mansion is a vampire.

The guard led me down the stairs into the foyer that then expanded into the dining hall where he pulled back my seat so that I could sit down without any hassle. Once I was seated, he pushed in my chair and left to stand by the opening by the foyer. The other guard did the same just on the opposite side. I look across the table to see Zack holding a wine glass of what looked like wine but I couldn't be quite sure of it.

"Glad you wore what I had given you otherwise tonight would have turned out completely different." He began as he swished his drink in the glass round and round till he paused to take a sip. His eyes dilated when he looked back at me from his sip which confirmed my suspicions that it was in fact blood.

"Now, I decided to be more lenient with you since you'll be staying here for a long time. And I plan to make you have at least an enjoyable stay. So this is my offer. You didn't take my first one to be completely loyal to me so how about being a slave. You can still have your hopes and dreams that Jason will come back for you but you'll be cleaning and taking care of my daily needs. I won't be sexual with you but I'm sure after a month of this dirty work that you'll be begging me to take you in." He taunted as he flashed toothy grins in my direction whilst drinking his glass of blood.

It churned my stomach when the words slave left his lips. I didn't want to be treated like a slave nor forced to be loyal to him. I didn't have much of a choice in my situation but I have to hold onto the last sliver of hope that Jason is alive and will come to save me one day.

"I'll be your slave then." I agreed, already regretting my decision but it was the only decent one that wouldn't have me on his bed with my body completely exposed to him. "But no ounce of my love will be targeted at you, ever. You'll never get me to be loyal to you, Zack." I replied with a stoic expression already wanting the conversation to end so I could go back to my room.

"Slave it is then. Come here." He ordered and I furrowed my eyebrows before standing up and walked over to him.

Once I was standing next to him he looped his finger under my choker and latched a chain to the locket loop. He tugs on the chain so that I'm eye-level with him and smirks. "Get on your knees." He demanded and I reluctantly fall to my knees with embarrassment filling every emotion in my body. "You'll address me as master from now on." He chuckled at his words and looked down at me with complete lust and obsession for power.

Dammit, I don't want to be his dog at his beckoning call. I close my eyes as tears swell and fall down my cheeks. He looks at me and makes a clicking sound with his tongue. "Tsk tsk, is someone upset that they're a slave now? Awww did they wish they declared loyalty instead of being a slave?" He teased while pulling on the chain that lurched me forward and my chin was lifted up.

"I'd like to give loyalty to you instead," I mumbled with my eyes closed wanting this nightmare to end. He leaned over and put his ear closer to my face. "Hm? What was that? I didn't hear you," He jokingly teased in order for me to say it louder.

"I'll give you my loyalty, I change my mind," I repeated not wanting to be pulled around like a dog anymore by this sick man. "Ah, just the words I'd like to hear." He said before unclipping the chain and slid back his chair to pat his lap.

"Your seat is right here sweetheart, you're gonna have to get used to it." He kept his legs separated so that I would rest on one leg but god I don't know if this was better or worse. I get up off the floor and sit on his left leg and placed my hands in my lap. "That a girl, this is where you belong." He proclaimed before looking down at his plate and picked up a few grapes that were resting on the china. He held one up to my lips and nodded for me to eat it. I slipped it between my lips and ate it, avoiding eye contact at all times.

He huffed and motioned one of the maids to come closer. "Get her some proper food and bring it to my room. We'll continue there." He said before I went wide-eyed from his words and looked at him.

"Now the beauty looks at me, got your attention, didn't I? This night is far from over sweetheart. Best get ready for what comes next." He cooed into my ear as my muscles tensed up from the fear that coursed through my body from his words. This choice was far worse.