Unexpected Treatment

Once Zack leads me to his room, he pushed me onto the bed and grinned devilishly. I laid on his bed on my back as I looked up at him with worry and fear. He slowly stalks up to me with a certain hunger in his eyes as he looks me up and down. My panties were already starting to show once I fell back onto the bed and I quickly try to pull my dress down to cover them up. He clicks his tongue and moves my hands back and above my head to hold them still as his other hand runs up the side of my body.

"So sweet, so plump, so...innocent," He comments as he takes large breaths in through his nose and out in an unnerving pant. He bites his lip, showcasing a fang inside his mouth as his shadow casts over me. He slowly lowered his hand down my side past my waist and onto my thigh, feeling my body up with his freezing hands. The moment his skin made contact with mine, my body shivered from the drop in temperature and I try to move my leg away from his touch. He snatches my thigh and holds it still so I couldn't move away from him and lets out a deep growl.

"Don't move." He demanded as he continued his journey around my body. He leaned forward, still holding my hands, and placed his lips closed to the tip of my ear and nibbled on the edge of it. I let out a small whimper from the pain as he broke my skin and sucked on the tip of my ear as it bled. A deep groan resonated in his throat when he tasted the small amount of blood that my ear had given him. He looked back at me for a moment before moving closer to my neck. He licked the right side and I flinched from the sensation which rose a chuckle from inside of him.

"Afraid sweetheart? It's not going to hurt too much. Trust me, you'll get more pleasure out of this than pain," He admitted as he grazed his fangs along my delicate skin and teased me with the sensation of impending pain. Fear was the only emotion my entire body was feeling as my limbs trembled from his touch. I wasn't expecting it to be like this right away, but then again why would he care if he pushed past my boundaries. I'm at his disposal.

He gripped my thigh tightly just enough to force a whimper past my lips as my eyes clenched shut from the pain as he punctured my skin with his fangs. They went in deeper than I had thought they would go which stung like 10,000 bees at once but then the sucking sensation brought my body to a blissful sensation that overcame the pain. A moan slipped past my lips as he drank from my neck. All that ran through my head was the word "death" over and over again.

"I'm not going to kill you, sweetheart," He said after he had pulled away, "I'm only taking enough to keep you alive." He smirked against my neck as he bit into a different spot, restarting the pain and pleasure cycle once more. He let go and transitioned to the other side and bit again but this time much harder so the pain and pleasure matched equally in parts.

4 marks were left by him once he was finished with me as he left me on the bed to rest. The maids walked in and placed food on the nightstand for me to eat once I had enough strength from getting drained by the monster beside me. I could barely move from how much blood I had lost. My head was spinning and it was hard for me to breathe properly. Zack lifted my head up so that it would rest on the pillow as he hand-fed my food to get my energy to stay alive. I was on the brink of death from what it felt like and I'm sure he did it on purpose.

Bit by bit the food was giving me sustenance to keep the rest of the blood in my body pumping. He placed a hand towel on either side of my neck to stop the marks from bleeding. He peeled a large patch bandage for the 2 marks on one side then another bandage for the other two. Once he was done patching me up from his drink fest he left me to sleep as my eyes closed slowly, drifting away into a deep slumber.

Sun and flowers everywhere, a blanket and basket placed in the middle of a luscious green field for a picnic. Jason laying under an umbrella waiting for me to join him. But the closer I got the darker it became. The skin on Jason's face started melting away and the flowers slowly started to wilt into dust. The blanket was disintegrating along with the basket as if it were there for centuries.

"What took you so long my dear? Where were you?" The words echoed in my head over and over until nothing was left but darkness.

I woke up to being picked up and lifted from the bed in a strong embrace. "No, Zack, let go of me...I don't want you to touch me...if you drink anymore I'll die..." I mumbled under my breath as my eyelids betrayed my consciousness.

Talking and yelling were all around me but my brain couldn't pick up or decipher any of the words. All I knew was that I was being taken somewhere. I was placed down on what felt like leather but everything was so fuzzy that I could barely make out who was carrying me.

"Where are you taking me? W-why is everyone taking me? What makes me so special?" I ask but most of what I said was jumbled up with random noises from being exhausted.

"You're ok baby, you're going to be fine."