
My eyes open slowly for what felt like the millionth time from the multiple pass-outs because of Zack. I expected to be on the bed that Zack had put me in not too long ago but this time the room looked different. I tried to lift my head but the strength in my body was completely gone and was only able to turn it with the pillow beneath it. There was someone else in the bed with me with my realization and I hoped to god it wasn't who I thought it was.

I assumed they noticed that I was awake and turned over to look at me and I couldn't believe my eyes. Jason's beautiful eyes were staring right back at me with a comforting smile on his face. All the fear and sadness in my heart melted away when I saw him. I tried moving to hug him but it was no use. He noticed my struggle and pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arms around my frail body.

"You have no idea how glad I am to see you safe Oli. It broke my heart when I heard you calling out through the window of the car. I took the entire shock of the car so you wouldn't get hurt but I assume Zack knew that I would do that so it would be easy to grab you. Charlie was faking being passed out and pulled me away from the car in time before it blew up. I'm sorry it took me this long to get you. You got hurt and it's all my fault. I should have been more cautious." He rambled as he ran his fingers through my hair. I slipped my arms through his slowly and held onto him as much as I could and felt the tears of joy fall down my cheeks.

"I'm just so happy you came to get me. I thought I was going to be his personal blood bag forever. He drained me so much to the point where I was on the brink of death. It scared me that he had that much control over me. I couldn't fight back..." I replied before he held onto me a little tighter when I mentioned that he drank from me. He lifted my chin to see the bandages that Zack had put on me and lifted one to see two bite marks. "He bit you 4 times? Cause there's no way he only made it three if he almost drained you dry." He asked to hope that it wasn't true but when I nodded he let out a defeated sigh.

"God Oli I'm so sorry. I should have protected you from all of this but I wasn't capable of being distracted from a damn car crash." I could tell he was mentally beating himself up but I slowly moved my head up and kissed him softly on the lips to show that it didn't matter to me.

"Jason, all that happened to me doesn't matter anymore. I'm glad to be back here with you and safe again. But I don't want to leave the mansion for a while. I can barely move and I won't be able to fight back in this state." I replied while looking up at him softly. He lowered his head and kissed me back and held me tighter once more but not enough to hurt me.

"You'll be by my side 24/7 except when you need to shower and go to the bathroom. I'm not leaving you alone and will never put you in danger again. If we ever leave the mansion again we will have more guards and more cars to protect ours. I will not let this happen again." He reassured and kissed my forehead while holding me close. I could feel that he's beating himself up from this but it wasn't his fault. It was Zack's fault that he couldn't counteract what Zack had done to him. I don't know what I can do to reassure him that it's ok now.

"It's not your fault Jason, Zack just outsmarted us and caught us when we weren't paying attention. I'm ok now." I tried to explain but he shook his head. "That's not good enough. You should have been safe with me. But I didn't give you that safety and you were taken from me." He admitted before looking down at me and lifted my head so I was looking right at him. "I'm not losing you again." He said before giving me a passionate kiss and pulled my body so that my chest was right up against his.

The coldness of his skin gave me the chills but my body heated up from the passion coming from the kiss. It was a unique combination of sensations but it pushed my love for him even further. Once we parted lips, I looked up into his eyes to see them flash a dark red before returning to their normal golden brown. I assume the kiss kicked in some natural instincts but I could tell he was cursing himself in his head. He glared at me from my realization and pulled my head into his chest.

"I'm not used to letting down my barriers so my instincts kick in when I'm too passionate." He explained while I lifted my head and smiled up at him. "I don't mind Jason, I find it sexy only when you do it. Not when Zack does it. Plus...I only wanted you to drink from me. I didn't think Zack would beat you to the punch." After those words left my mouth a certain spark hit Jason and he flipped me onto my back so that his hands were on either side of my head.

"You should never want a vampire to drink from you, ever. Not even me. It's too dangerous." I looked up at him with disbelief and slightly disappointed by his words. I understood why he said it but I couldn't help but want to help him with those kinds of cravings.

"We'll see if you change your mind." I teased and smirked while looking up at him as he shook his head.

"You shouldn't play with the devil, kitten."