
I never thought I would like the pet name kitten but once Jason said it my cheeks immediately started to burn up. I could tell I was blushing like an idiot so I tried to hide my face but he took his index finger to my chin so I wouldn't look away. "You liked that, didn't you? So there are some things underneath that I should discover huh? Don't you worry, I'll find out what you like and don't like in a matter of time," He commented before sitting up so that he wasn't hovering over me anymore.

I manage to slowly sit up to look at him and hold onto the covers shyly. All this nervousness crept over me like a tsunami and I wasn't used to it. What did he do to affect me this way?

"If you think you're ready to understand the purpose of that choker I gave you I can explain it since it seems that you like the concept already. Only if you're ready of course."

I think for a moment wondering what I wouldn't be ready for and touched the choker to try and figure out what he was saying. My curiosity was getting the best of me, I had to know. "I want to know what the reason behind the choker is. I thought of it as a gift but you said it has a deeper meaning. I want to know." I admitted looking up at him with complete wonder and fascination. It was itching at my heart to want to know the truth about the choker and what it meant to him.

"Have you heard of BDSM?" He asked and I reluctantly nodded. "Well, there is a category underneath BDSM which is called DDLG. Have you heard of that?" I shake my head but keep looking at him curiously, wanting to know more. "Well DDLG stands for Daddy Dom Little Girl. Before you start asking questions let me explain. No, it isn't for sexual tendencies, this part of BDSM is the emotional part. Think of it as a cousin once removed to BDSM. Not blood-related but still related. I, being the Daddy, would care for the Little, which would be you. I would take all the adult responsibilities off your shoulders and take care of you like a daughter but much more than that. I'll feed you, carry you, bathe you, sleep with you, etc. My goal as a Daddy is to help their little age regress and fall into little space." He explained and my head went off the rails from how much information he was telling me.

What is all of this? Daddy? Little? Dom? Wouldn't the other be Sub? I get the resemblance to BDSM but why would he purposely want to take care of me like a child? I can't lie that it doesn't sound bad at all but I don't know if I'm cut out to do this whole fantasy with him.

"Ki-ah...sweetheart. Your mind is probably rambling and going all over the place but I want you to know that it is completely optional. I'm just trying to explain a foundation before I get to the purpose of the choker. You don't have to do this with me if you don't want to. That doesn't mean I won't love you, I just won't do what I had originally planned which is totally fine. Now in this type of relationship, the dom and sub have a contract to not cross any boundaries, set guidelines to follow, and prepare a safe word. Another part is the collaring process. I wanted to give you the choker to symbolize to the guests at the party that you were mine and that no one should lay a hand on you. If you accepted this lifestyle then it would symbolize your collar and in return would be collared to me. To most, it's a simple choker but to someone in ddlg, it's much more. It's a symbol of connection, belonging, marking, and ownership. Now don't think of it as a dog collar or a leash that you're tethered to me, think of it as my mark on you that lets other doms know that this little is taken and cannot be touched. It gives a dom a sense of pride in collaring their little, that this person is their love and cherished other. A daddy is nothing without his little."

I soaked in all of the information and had no idea what to think. But deep down, I loved the connection he had presented. At first, it was absurd but now that he explained the reasoning behind it, the clarification and the passion are bringing me closer and closer to him.

"You don't have to decide right now, I can wait..." He begins to reason before I interrupt him by putting my finger on his lips and smile. He was trying so hard to get me to like the kink he was into and it brought butterflies to my stomach when I thought about it. It was something I was willing to try and so far from his explanation it would be something I wouldn't despise as long as it was with him.

"I'll try it. I want to get to know you more Jason and if this is what you're into and you're wanting to bring me into your world then I want to try and be in it with you. It will take some getting used to but I promise I'll give it a shot." I reassure and I could tell his eyes lit up from my affirmation.

He pulls me into a hug and kisses the top of my head. "God I love you Oli. Thank you for trying." I smile against his chest and close my eyes enjoying the moment with him.

"I love you, Jason. You mean the world to me. I wanna try and be your little if you'll be my daddy." His eyes flashed a slight hint of red when my words left my lips and gave me a passionate kiss.

"Say it again." He asked with a husky voice as he lifted his nose along my cheek.

"Say what again?" I asked seemingly confused.

"What am I?" He asked once more this time looking me deep in the eyes.

"My daddy..." I said, wondering if that was what he wanted to hear, feeling myself get even more flustered from just saying it out loud.

"That's right little one, I'm your Daddy."