
The mansion was bustling with people running errands and making arrangements. The one in charge of all the hustle was his mother and I thought it was supposed to be our wedding, not hers. I held onto one of the stuffies that Jason had gotten me as I walked around the mansion looking for him after I had taken a nap. I've been trying to turn nocturnal but Jason hasn't let me, but I get my naps in here and there so I can stay up longer. It takes my precious time away from him when I have to sleep cause he usually relaxes or lays in bed all day. It was roughly 2 in the afternoon when I woke up again but to my surprise, it was a lot busier than how it should be.

I checked the bedroom where he usually is at this time but no such luck. His office was empty and all the cooks were in the kitchen but when I peeked my head in he wasn't in there. It did smell heavenly and I couldn't help but ask for a biscuit before I left.

As I was scouring the mansion with my biscuit, I hadn't noticed that river was following me the entire time just laying on the blanket that was on my shoulders and dragging behind me. I wondered why it was heavier than usual, I thought I was just losing my strength. I let her sleep on the blanket and leave it in the living room before going outside to check for him. I squinted when the sun hit my sleepy eyes and rubbed them before continuing my trek.

I saw golf carts go by with lots of wedding planners and florists in one cart and Mrs. Richards in the other with some of the maids. I swear that lady is doing too much to make this seem like her wedding and not her sons. I just hope she's agreed to what Jason and I talked about earlier. I kept walking and munching on my snack before getting to the stable and had two guards come up to me and stop me before I walked through the gate. "Prince Richards has ordered us to keep you from entering the stable for surprise purposes. Please refrain from entering. One of us can lead you back to the mansion." One of them announced in a stoic tone.

I looked at both of them in disbelief then with irritation cause I finally found where Jason was and I couldn't go in and see him. What in the world is he planning in there? But if he doesn't want me to know then I'll go find something else to do. Make my own surprise then! I smirk and agree with myself to make a surprise for him and lock myself in my room so he can't come in either.

"I just wanted one of you to tell him that he doesn't have access to my room till the wedding either. I will also be working on a surprise." I replied with a huff before turning on my heels and heading back to the house.

I'll show him then, I'll make my present better than his. Surprise him like nothing before, that's what I'll do.

I hurry back to the house and start thinking of what to make him as a wedding present. I search for crafting supplies in every closet and tools in the garage. I can't leave the mansion for obvious reasons but that doesn't mean I can't order things. I hurry back to my room with my findings and get on my phone to pull up Micheals's website. Maybe some paint? I'll need brushes as well so I'll add those to the list. Oh, maybe a wood slab to wood burn? That's too dangerous and the smoke would stink up the room and give it away. Maybe I can sculpt something! Yeah, I'll add air dry clay to the list so I don't have to bake it and risk anyone seeing my masterpiece.

Once my shopping cart was filled with things that I would possibly use for my gift to Jason, I put in my information and the address of the mansion to put in the order. "And...sent! Yay!" I close my phone and flop on the bed looking up at the ceiling. I had to choose one of the tons of ideas that flowed through my head. Writing them down would be a better idea than letting them float around in my indecisive brain. Opening my phone again once more I click on the notes app and jot down everything that comes to mind. Right when I was about to hit save I hear a knock at the door behind me. I quickly hit the button before turning off my phone and sit upright to avoid looking suspicious but with the crafting tools beside me, it was quite obvious what I was planning.

"Kitten, can I come in?"

It was Jason! I had to hide the tools before my cover was blown. I grab them all in my shirt and sink to the floor to push them under my bed before the doorknob turned and Jason walked in. "What are you doing on the floor princess?" He asked seemingly puzzled that half my head was under the bed making it seem as if I were looking for something.

"I was looking for river, I don't know where he went so I thought he crawled under the bed," I replied trying to get all thoughts of the present out of my head so Jason couldn't know a hint of what I had planned. He shook his head and opened the door a bit more to let river run into the room and onto my lap. "I saw him waiting patiently by the door and thought you put him in time out."

I snuggle with river and put my nose to his while I gave him air kisses and nuzzles. "I'm sowwy river I thought you were in here with me." I apologized to little river as his whiskers tickled my face and I giggled in return.

"So what are you really up to? I heard clattering on the other side of the door and you don't normally close the door. You hiding something under the bed?" He asked making it seem like he didn't know but he knew everything that ran through my little brain. It was a rollercoaster that he would gladly hang onto.

I gulped and looked down at the ground while I cuddled river close to my chest. "It's supposed to be a surprise for...daddy," I explained, not wanting him to pry any further into my brain as to keep it a secret before the wedding.

He chuckled and nodded. "I respect your privacy kitten but try not to keep things from daddy unless it's a surprise for me alright? That's all you have to say." He reasoned before scooping me up in his arms and held me and river close to him.

"Thank you for understanding daddy"

"Anything for you princess"